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A teaching sequence from the Extinction unit of upd8 wikid

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1 A teaching sequence from the Extinction unit of upd8 wikid
Mammoths Activity 2 – Evidence A teaching sequence from the Extinction unit of upd8 wikid year 7 upgrade 1

2 Expected Learning: Explore evidence for why mammoths became extinct. 3
Activity 2: Evidence

3 There’s something about the conference on the news.
Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate SS11 I’m back at the hotel. There’s something about the conference on the news. 7 Activity 2: Evidence

4 Go and see her when you get back to London.
Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate Listen! Someone ed the website. She knows how climate change made the mammoths extinct something to do with pollen. Go and see her when you get back to London. 8 Activity 2: Evidence

5 Look how fast Europe changed. The dark green is forest.
Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate 15 000 years ago 13 000 years ago 10 000 years ago Look how fast Europe changed. The dark green is forest. Forest/grassland images reproduced with permission © Marshall Editions 1994 You can see what a difference climate change makes. 9 Activity 2: Evidence

6 Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate Plants migrate too. Their seeds are spread by wind, water and animals. When climate change makes new areas suitable for them to survive, they slowly colonise them. 10 Activity 2: Evidence

7 Can you see what the pollen shows and how that might affect mammoths?
Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate SS12/13 Pollen grains last thousands of years. The deeper you dig the older the pollen. Look at the evidence. Can you see what the pollen shows and how that might affect mammoths? 11 Activity 2: Evidence

8 Even higher layer 10 000-year-old pollen.
Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate Bottom layer year-old pollen. Higher layer year-old pollen. Even higher layer year-old pollen. Pollen images courtesy of Dr Barbara Silva, Department of Geography, Royal Holloway University of London Idea based (with permission) on the SAPs Bog Core Analysis and Climate Change activity 12 Activity 2: Evidence

9 mammoths had less to eat…
Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate SS14 Extinction years ago years ago what else changed and why? temperatures rose… trees replaced grass… mammoths had less to eat… human hunters may have killed more… because the ice age ended as it got warmer and wetter as they only ate grass for food 13 Activity 2: Evidence

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