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8th Grade MCA Review.

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1 8th Grade MCA Review

2 Scientific Method Put the steps of the Scientific Method in proper sequence Collect Data, Conclusion, Research, Analyze Data, Problem, Hypothesis

3 Scientific Method Problem Research Hypothesis Collect Data
Analyze Data Conclusions

4 Models Here is a model of the Earth, Sun, and Moon. What are 2 benefits of using a model?

5 Model Here is a model of the Earth, Sun, and Moon. What are 2 benefits of using a model? To see how the model works Model things you can’t see Model things that are too large or small

6 Variables Match the variables on the left to the definition on the right. A. ____ Variable 1. The factor that is purposely changed B. ____ Controlled Variable 2. The factor that is observed C. ____ Manipulated Variable 3. The factor that scientists keep the same D. ____ Measured Variables Factors that can change (mass, volume, time, temperature)

7 Variables Match the variables on the left to the definition on the right. A. _(4)__ Variable 1. The factor that is purposely changed B. _(3)_ Controlled Variable 2. The factor that is observed C. _(1)_ Manipulated Variable 3. The factor that scientists keep the same D. _(2)_ Measured Variables Factors that can change (mass, volume, time, temperature)

8 Variables Why is it important to change only one variable at a time?
A. To know which variable causes the change. B. Only one variable can be changed. C. Only one variable can be measured at a time. D. Variables can’t be controlled.

9 Variables Why is it important to change only one variable at a time?
A. To know which variable causes the change. B. Only one variable can be changed. C. Only one variable can be measured at a time. D. Variables can’t be controlled.

10 Plate Tectonics If the Earth’s mantle were to cool completely, which of the following would still continue? Earthquakes Volcanoes Plate Movements Convection currents inside the earth Landslides Subduction

11 Plate Tectonics If the Earth’s mantle were to cool completely, which of the following would still continue? Earthquakes Volcanoes Plate Movements Convection currents inside the earth Landslides Subduction

12 Plate Tectonics The oldest rocks on earth are found on the continents, not on the ocean floors. True False

13 Plate Tectonics The oldest rocks on earth are found on the continents, not on the ocean floors. True False

14 Plate Tectonics Most earthquakes and volcanoes are found
in the center of the continents. near large cities. in mountain ranges. along plate boundaries.

15 Plate Tectonics Most earthquakes and volcanoes are found
in the center of the continents. near large cities. in mountain ranges. along plate boundaries.

16 Plate Tectonics Draw and label the type of plate boundaries Transform, Convergent, Divergent

17 Plate Tectonics Draw and label the type of plate boundaries Convergent, Divergent, Transform

18 Minerals A mineral is defined as: A naturally occurring, ___, crystalline solid with a definite chemical composition. element organic rock molecule inorganic

19 Minerals A mineral is defined as: A naturally occurring, ___, crystalline solid with a definite chemical composition. element organic rock molecule inorganic

20 Minerals This mineral shows: Cleavage Crystal Form

21 Minerals This mineral shows: Cleavage Crystal Form

22 Minerals The ability of a mineral to resist being scratched is known as: Cleavage Luster Hardness Streak Crystal form

23 Minerals The ability of a mineral to resist being scratched is known as: Cleavage Luster Hardness Streak Crystal form

24 Minerals Match the mineral property with the correct definition.
A. ____ Color 1. The color of a mineral in powdered form B. ____ Hardness 2. The resistance of a mineral to scratching C. ____ Cleavage/Fracture Least informative physical appearance D. ____ Streak Mass per unit volume E. ____ Luster The pattern of a broken mineral F. ____ Density Appearance of the mineral in reflected light

25 Minerals Match the mineral property with the correct definition.
A. _(3)_ Color 1. The color of a mineral in powdered form B. _(2)_ Hardness 2. The resistance of a mineral to scratching C. _(5)_ Cleavage/Fracture Least informative physical appearance D. _(1)_ Streak Mass per unit volume E. _(6)_ Luster The pattern of a broken mineral F. _(4)_ Density Appearance of the mineral in reflected light

26 Most sedimentary rocks form from…
heat and pressure melting deposition weathering

27 Most sedimentary rocks form from…
heat and pressure melting deposition weathering

28 This coarse-grained igneous
Rocks This coarse-grained igneous rock is? Intrusive Extrusive

29 This coarse-grained igneous
Rocks This coarse-grained igneous rock is? Intrusive Extrusive

30 What process is occurring at X ?
Rocks What process is occurring at X ? Heat & Pressure Melting Weathering & Erosion

31 What process is occurring at X ?
Rocks What process is occurring at X ? Heat & Pressure Melting Weathering & Erosion

32 What process is occurring at Y ?
Rocks What process is occurring at Y ? Heat & Pressure Melting Weathering & Erosion

33 What process is occurring at Y ?
Rocks What process is occurring at Y ? Heat & Pressure Melting Weathering & Erosion

34 Weathering Earth’s rocks don’t stay the same forever. They are continually changing because of different processes. Look at the influences below and determine whether it is chemical (C) or physical (P) weathering. A. Acid Rain (C / P)? B. Gravity (C / P)? C. Wind (C / P)? D. Oxygen (C / P)? E. Ice Wedging (C / P)?

35 Weathering Earth’s rocks don’t stay the same forever. They are continually changing because of different processes. Look at the influences below and determine whether it is chemical (C) or physical (P) weathering. A. Acid Rain (C / P)? B. Gravity (C / P)? C. Wind (C / P)? D. Oxygen (C / P)? E. Ice Wedging (C / P)?

36 Earth’s natural processes
The natural process by which earth materials are moved from their source and deposited elsewhere. Weathering Crystallization Compression Erosion

37 Earth’s Natural Processes
The natural process by which earth materials are moved from their source and deposited elsewhere. Weathering Crystallization Compression Erosion

38 Earth’s Natural Processes
Lakes, river valleys, cliffs, moraines, and flood plains are all examples of:

39 Earth’s Natural Processes
Lakes, river valleys, cliffs, moraines, and flood plains are all examples of: Glacial activity

40 Geologic Time James Hutton stated that in areas of undisturbed rocks, the oldest layer is found at the bottom and the youngest layer is found at the top. This is known as: Law of Superposition Uniformitarianism Absolute time Unconformity

41 Geologic Time James Hutton stated that in areas of undisturbed rocks, the oldest layer is found at the bottom and the youngest layer is found at the top. This is known as: Law of Superposition Uniformitarianism Absolute time Unconformity

42 Geologic Time Which is older, 3 or 1? 1 is older 3 is older
Not enough information to determine an answer.

43 Geologic Time Which is older, 3 or 1? 1 is older 3 is older
Not enough information to determine an answer.

44 Geologic Time Which is older, 3 or B? 3 is older B is older

45 Geologic Time Which is older, 3 or B? 3 is older B is older

46 Radiometric dating is used to determine:
Geologic Time Radiometric dating is used to determine: Absolute Time Relative Time Clean-up Time

47 Radiometric dating is used to determine:
Geologic Time Radiometric dating is used to determine: Absolute Time Relative Time Clean-up Time

48 Fossils used to define and identify geologic periods are know as:
Geologic Time Fossils used to define and identify geologic periods are know as: Brachiopods Index Fossils Sedimentary Fossils Crinoids Coprolites

49 Fossils used to define and identify geologic periods are know as:
Geologic Time Fossils used to define and identify geologic periods are know as: Brachiopods Index Fossils Sedimentary Fossils Crinoids Coprolites

50 Almost all fossils are found in this type of rock.
Geologic Time Almost all fossils are found in this type of rock. Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary

51 Almost all fossils are found in this type of rock.
Geologic Time Almost all fossils are found in this type of rock. Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary

52 Alfred Wegener used fossil evidence to help support his theory of:
Geologic Time Alfred Wegener used fossil evidence to help support his theory of: Sea-Floor Spreading Continental Drift Superposition Cross cutting Relativity

53 Alfred Wegener used fossil evidence to help support his theory of:
Geologic Time Alfred Wegener used fossil evidence to help support his theory of: Sea-Floor Spreading Continental Drift Superposition Cross cutting Relativity

54 Weather Weather occurs Ozone layer Jet stream Determine which layer;
Thermosphere (TH), Mesosphere (M), Stratosphere (S), Troposphere (TR), each characteristic occurs in: Weather occurs Ozone layer Jet stream

55 Weather Weather occurs (TR) Ozone layer (S) Jet stream (TR)
Determine which layer; Thermosphere (TH), Mesosphere (M), Stratosphere (S), Troposphere (TR), each characteristic occurs in: Weather occurs (TR) Ozone layer (S) Jet stream (TR)

56 Layers of the atmosphere are divided by changes in:
Weather Layers of the atmosphere are divided by changes in: Pressure Temperature Humidity Altitude

57 Layers of the atmosphere are divided by changes in:
Weather Layers of the atmosphere are divided by changes in: Pressure Temperature Humidity Altitude

58 As you move higher in the atmosphere the air pressure:
Weather As you move higher in the atmosphere the air pressure: Increases Decreases Stays the same Depends on the layer

59 As you move higher in the atmosphere the air pressure:
Weather As you move higher in the atmosphere the air pressure: Increases Decreases Stays the same Depends on the layer

60 The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is:
Weather The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is: CO2 Oxygen Water vapor Nitrogen Helium Ozone

61 The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is:
Weather The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is: CO2 Oxygen Water vapor Nitrogen Helium Ozone

62 Weather Determine which type of heat transfer; conduction (CD), radiation (R), or convection (CV), in each scenario below… Burning your hand on a stove Upstairs of house is warmer than the basement Sun’s energy reaches the Earth

63 Weather Determine which type of heat transfer; conduction (CD), radiation (R), or convection (CV), in each scenario below… Burning your hand on a stove (CD) Upstairs of house is warmer than the basement (CV) Sun’s energy reaches the Earth (R)

64 Weather High pressure causes: Air to sink Air to rise
Air to move from west to east Air to move clockwise Air to move counterclockwise

65 Weather High pressure causes: Air to sink Air to rise
Air to move from west to east Air to move clockwise Air to move counterclockwise

66 T/F: Air always moves from low to high pressure
Weather T/F: Air always moves from low to high pressure

67 T/F: Air always moves from low to high pressure False
Weather T/F: Air always moves from low to high pressure False

68 Which phase is water at its highest energy level?
Weather Which phase is water at its highest energy level? 1. 3. 2.

69 Which phase is water at its highest energy level?
Weather Which phase is water at its highest energy level? 1. 3. 2.

70 Which of these best represents molecules in a solid phases?
Weather Which of these best represents molecules in a solid phases? 1. 3. 2.

71 Which of these best represents molecules in a solid phases?
Weather Which of these best represents molecules in a solid phases? 1. 3. 2.

72 The process of a tree loosing water to the atmosphere is known as:
Weather The process of a tree loosing water to the atmosphere is known as: Evaporation Condensation Sublimation Deforestation Transpiration

73 The process of a tree loosing water to the atmosphere is known as:
Weather The process of a tree loosing water to the atmosphere is known as: Evaporation Condensation Sublimation Deforestation Transpiration

74 Coastal areas have a ___ climate than nearby inland areas.
Weather Coastal areas have a ___ climate than nearby inland areas. More extreme More moderate cooler warmer

75 Coastal areas have a ___ climate than nearby inland areas.
Weather Coastal areas have a ___ climate than nearby inland areas. More extreme More moderate cooler warmer

76 Weather Storms Wind Currents Waves
The oceans contain a large amount of heat which is redistributed around the Earth by: Storms Wind Currents Waves

77 Weather Storms Wind Currents Waves
The oceans contain a large amount of heat which is redistributed around the Earth by: Storms Wind Currents Waves

78 Surface ocean currents are mainly caused by __
Weather Surface ocean currents are mainly caused by __ Tides Wind Storms Mrs. Ol & Mr. Larsen

79 Surface ocean currents are mainly caused by __
Weather Surface ocean currents are mainly caused by __ Tides Wind Storms Mrs. Ol & Mr. Larsen

80 Weather Winds are caused by: Air moving from low to high pressure
The uneven heating of the earth The jet stream The ozone layer

81 Weather Winds are caused by: Air moving from low to high pressure
The uneven heating of the earth The jet stream The ozone layer

82 Minnesota is located in the:
Weather Minnesota is located in the: Polar Easterlies Tropical Easterlies Westerlies Doldrums

83 Minnesota is located in the:
Weather Minnesota is located in the: Polar Easterlies Tropical Easterlies Westerlies Doldrums

84 As water vapor is added to the air, the weight of the air
Weather As water vapor is added to the air, the weight of the air Increases Decreases Stays the same

85 As water vapor is added to the air, the weight of the air
Weather As water vapor is added to the air, the weight of the air Increases Decreases Stays the same

86 These clouds often form hundreds of miles ahead of warm fronts.
Weather These clouds often form hundreds of miles ahead of warm fronts. Cumulus Stratus Cirrus Cumulonimbus

87 These clouds often form hundreds of miles ahead of warm fronts.
Weather These clouds often form hundreds of miles ahead of warm fronts. Cumulus Stratus Cirrus Cumulonimbus

88 These clouds often form on cold fronts.
Weather These clouds often form on cold fronts. 1. 3. 2.

89 These clouds often form on cold fronts.
Weather These clouds often form on cold fronts. 1. 3. 2.

90 Weather Cold fronts form when High pressure air advances
Low pressure air advances Humid air advances Warm air advances

91 Weather Cold fronts form when High pressure air advances
Low pressure air advances Humid air advances Warm air advances

92 Weather in the United States usually moves from
West to East East to West North to South South to North

93 Weather in the United States usually moves from
West to East East to West North to South South to North

94 Weather Once the temperature of the air reaches the dew point, water will __ and heat will be __. Evaporate, released Evaporate, absorbed Condense, released Condense, absorbed Sublime, released Boil, absorbed

95 Weather Once the temperature of the air reaches the dew point, water will __ and heat will be __. Evaporate, released Evaporate, absorbed Condense, released Condense, absorbed Sublime, released Boil, absorbed

96 What is the closest star to the Earth?
Space Science What is the closest star to the Earth?

97 What is the closest star to the Earth?
Space Science What is the closest star to the Earth? Sun

98 T/F: Our sun is described as a medium-sized star…
Space Science T/F: Our sun is described as a medium-sized star…

99 T/F: Our sun is described as a medium-sized star… TRUE
Space Science T/F: Our sun is described as a medium-sized star… TRUE

100 Space Science Read the statement that follows and determine if it is true or false. IF FALSE, rewrite the sentence correctly. “Due to vast distances space travel is limited and space is measured in astronomical meters.”

101 Space Science “Due to vast distances space travel is limited and space is measured in astronomical meters.” “Due to vast distances space travel is limited and space is measured in light years.”

102 Space Science For each statement below label it hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, or trillions. 1. About how many galaxies are there? 2. About how many stars in each galaxy?

103 Space Science For each statement below label it hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, or trillions. 1. About how many galaxies are there? Billions 2. About how many stars in each galaxy? Billions

104 Space Science Match the term on the left to the correct information on the right. A. ____ Sun 1. Name of the hemisphere that we live in B. ____ Milky Way 2. How energy from the sun is transferred to the Earth C. ____ Radiation 3. Name of our Galaxy D. ____ Northern 4. The central and largest body in our solar system E.____ Big Bang Theory 5. Evidence of expanding universe

105 Space Science A. _(4)_ Sun 1. Name of the hemisphere that we live in
Match the term on the left to the correct information on the right. A. _(4)_ Sun 1. Name of the hemisphere that we live in B. _(3)_ Milky Way 2. How energy from the sun is transferred to the Earth C. _(2)_ Radiation 3. Name of our Galaxy D. _(1)_ Northern 4. The central and largest body in our solar system E._(5)_ Big Bang Theory 5. Suggests an expanding universe

106 Explain the process that causes day and night…
Space Science Explain the process that causes day and night…

107 Space Science Explain the process that causes day and night… Earth rotates on its axis once per day.

108 What 3 factors allow life to flourish on Earth?
Space Science What 3 factors allow life to flourish on Earth?

109 What 3 factors allow life to flourish on Earth?
Space Science What 3 factors allow life to flourish on Earth? Distance from sun 2. Composition of atmosphere 3. Liquid water

110 Label the phases of the moon:
Space Science Label the phases of the moon: ___1. Waxing Gibbous ___2. Waning Gibbous ___3. Waxing Crescent ___4. Waning Crescent ___5. First Quarter ___6. Last Quarter ___7. New Moon ___8. Full Moon

111 Label the phases of the moon:
Space Science Label the phases of the moon: _D_1. Waxing Gibbous _F_2. Waning Gibbous _B_3. Waxing Crescent _H_4. Waning Crescent _C_5. First Quarter _G_6. Last Quarter _A_7. New Moon _E_8. Full Moon

112 Label the activity with the correct letter or letters:
Space Science Label the activity with the correct letter or letters: ___1. Spring/High Tides ___2. Neap/Low Tides ___3. Solar Eclipse ___4. Lunar Eclipse

113 Label the activity with the correct letter or letters:
Space Science Label the activity with the correct letter or letters: A & E 1.Spring/High Tides C & G 2. Neap/Low Tides A 3. Solar Eclipse E 4. Lunar Eclipse

114 Space Science Label the Seasons in the Northern Hemisphere
___1. Winter ___2. Spring ___3. Summer ___4. Fall ___5. Equator D B C E

115 Space Science Label the Seasons in the Northern Hemisphere A
B 1. Winter A 2. Spring D 3. Summer C 4. Fall E 5. Equator D B C E

116 MCA TEST REVIEW The MCA Review has: been really gneiss.
made me a little sedimental. no faults. been earth shattering. helped me not take things for granite. made me loose my apatite. has shaken me to my core.

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