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Presentation on theme: "VIRGINIA / UNITED STATES MIDTERM REVIEW 1"— Presentation transcript:


2 How did the Kansas- Nebraska Act resolve the issue of slavery in the territories?

3 Popular sovereignty would be permitted in the territories.

4 The publication of what book inflamed anti-slavery feelings in the North?

5 Uncle Tom’s Cabin

6 What event formally ended slavery in the United States?

7 the passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution

8 Andrew Jackson’s presidency was known as

9 the Age of Democracy

10 What was the most important result of the Mexican War?

11 The US gained control of a vast amount of territory in the Southwest

12 Why did seven states seceded from the Union in 1860 and 1861?

13 to protest the election of Abraham Lincoln as President

14 What was the event that actually started the Civil War?

15 the bombing of Ft. Sumter

16 What were the greatest advantages for the North during the Civil War?

17 the large population and diversified industrial base

18 Who directly influenced Abraham Lincoln to allow freed slaves to fight in the Civil War?

19 Frederick Douglass

20 He was a Northern Army general in the Civil War:

21 Ulysses S. Grant

22 The Compromise of 1877 accomplished which of the following?

23 Agreement reached to allow Rep. Rutherford B. Hayes to become president

24 Fifty-five delegates from twelve states convened in Philadelphia in 1787 for the Constitutional Convention, choosing ___ to preside over the convention:

25 George Washington

26 Membership in the ___ is based on population, while membership in the ___ has equal representation.

27 House of Representatives; Senate

28 The First Amendment to the Bill of Rights was influenced by this document written by Thomas Jefferson of Virginia.

29 Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

30 The forced journey of slaves from Africa to the New World was called

31 the Middle Passage

32 The purchase of the Louisiana Territory

33 doubled the sized of the United States

34 Maryland, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania were Colonies formed to escape religious persecution Characteristics: Virginia – Cavaliers; Maryland – Religious Tolerant; Massachusetts - Puritans

35 What was affirmed in the Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison?

36 The right of the Supreme Court to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional

37 After the surrender at Appomattox Court House, what did Robert E
After the surrender at Appomattox Court House, what did Robert E. Lee encourage Southerners to do?

38 Admit defeat and rejoin the Union

39 The Monroe Doctrine established an imaginary boundary line around the Americas. The purpose of the line was to

40 ban further European colonization inside the line

41 Which Supreme Court decision rejected efforts to limit the spread of slavery?

42 Dred Scott v. Sanford

43 Which state was the site of Robert E. Lee’s surrender?

44 Virginia

45 Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address remarks were meant to serve as a guide for what event?

46 Reconstruction

47 State’s Rights, slavery, and slavery were Reasons for tension between the North and South in the 1800s

48 The Missouri Compromise is described by:

49 Maine admitted as a free state, Missouri as a slave state, line of 36 30’ drawn through the Louisiana Territory

50 What would most likely have been said by a believer in Manifest Destiny?

51 “It is our God-given right to spread our democracy and culture across the continent.”

52 The growth of the “cotton kingdom” resulted from

53 Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin

54 As a result of Nat Turner’s rebellion whites used their fear of rebellion to justify stricter enforcement of the Slave Codes

55 The founder of the influential anti-slavery newspaper, The Liberator, was

56 William Lloyd Garrison

57 Supporters of popular sovereignty believed that residents of a territory should decide the issue of ________

58 slavery

59 The Compromise of 1850 is accurately described by:

60 enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act, California as a free state, southwest decided by popular sovereignty

61 In the controversial Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court declared that because slaves were not _____of the United States, they had no rights

62 citizens

63 The Great Awakening is best described as

64 a series of religious revivals

65 One of the results of the French and Indian War was Britain began to tighten its control on its North American colonies

66 The Revolutionary War began with the Battles of

67 Lexington and Concord

68 One of the reasons for the American victory in the American Revolutionary War was Benjamin Franklin negotiated an alliance with

69 France

70 The Articles of Confederation proved to be ineffective because they created a _______ national government

71 weak

72 President Lincoln’s view of secession is best expressed by

73 states did not have the constitutional right to leave the Union

74 The Emancipation Proclamation, issued after the battle at _______freed the slaves of all states in rebellion

75 Antietam

76 The Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed

77 all citizens equality before the law

78 The Fifteenth Amendment to the U. S
The Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave male citizens the right to vote regardless of race, color, or former status as a slave. Later methods of depriving citizens of their 15th Amendment rights included

79 poll taxes and literacy tests

80 The Preamble illustrates the constitutional principle that people

81 are the true source of political power

82 The first political parties in the United States were

83 Federalists and Democratic-Republicans

84 The territories of Oregon and Florida were acquired by America

85 after the War of 1812

86 Who is associated with the abolitionist movement as an escaped slave?

87 Frederick Douglass

88 Which statement best described the relationship between Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin and slavery?

89 Increased cotton production necessitated an increase in the number of slaves

90 The Bill of Rights include basic rights as freedom of speech, right to have a jury trial, and the right to have an attorney

91 The First Continental Congress was the first example of the colonies coming together for a common cause

92 Those who supported ratifying the Constitution promised to add a Bill of Rights in order to persuade the

93 Anti-Federalists to sign the Constitution

94 A major intention of the framers of the Articles of Confederation was to limit the national government’s power over the people

95 What document written by George Mason established the premise of basic human rights which cannot be violated by governments?

96 Virginia Declaration of Rights

97 The main purpose of the Jim Crow laws was

98 to discriminate against blacks in the South

99 Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson disagreed over the issue of a strong vs. weak national government and the type of

100 economy

101 The chief guide for Lewis and Clark’s exploration of the Louisiana Territory was

102 Sacajawea

103 Which region’s states seceded from the union as a result of the Election of 1860?

104 South

105 _________believed that the institution of slavery should immediately cease

106 Abolitionists

107 After the Civil War, federal policy was marked by what?

108 The passage of amendments designed to assist newly freed slaves

109 The term “suffrage” refers to the right to

110 vote

111 The women’s suffrage movement began with the

112 Seneca Falls Declaration

113 The Emancipation Proclamation changed the goal of the Civil War for the North to

114 ending the institution of slavery

115 What result did the Civil War have on the South?

116 The economy was ruined, and a large class of poor tenant farmers developed.

117 Abraham Lincoln’s assassination impacted the South in what way?

118 It led the way to Radical Reconstruction, which was harsher than Lincoln’s moderate plans for Reconstruction.

119 What balance were the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850 designed to maintain?

120 representation of slave and free states in Congress


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