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CubeSat: The Wee Space Box.

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1 CubeSat: The Wee Space Box.
Craig Clark

2 What are cubesats?

3 What are CubeSats? 1000kg 150kg 1kg
Steady evolution of utility value of smaller spacecraft. Still a place for the large spacecraft, and for micro/mini satellites, but there is a growing number of miniature spacecraft that are showing interesting capability.

4 Traditionally Bespoke
Some standardisation within organisations, but not across industry.

5 Standardisation is Key
More launch opportunities Collaborative, continuous, industry led standardisation of interfaces More Missions Larger selection of off-the-shelf subsystems

6 Growing Number of CubeSats
Info from

7 CubeSats are smaller than small

8 Launch Systems

9 Current Applications of CubeSats

10 Life Sciences

11 Theatre of Operations Comms

12 NSF Earth Science Missions
The ‘Firefly’ CubeSat satellite will investigate Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes (TGFs) when it launches in 2010. Scientists theorize that TGFs are linked to lightning and result when high-energy electrons are accelerated upward over thunder storms

13 Do not limit your imagination

14 CubeSat Cameras

15 CubeSat Constellations

16 Fire Monitoring

17 Clyde Space and CubeSats

18 Company timeline OTS product range expanded beyond power subsystem Bespoke modular power systems First OTS product (CubeSat EPS) First website to purchase space OTS ESA / ISO Quality Processes Company Founded 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 First bespoke solar panel sales First hi-rel variant product Expanded to current facilities First flight heritage (ITUpSAT1)

19 Clyde Space today 1.5MGBP (2009/10 forecast turnover) 20 employees
14 engineers 3 production technicians Growing at 100% PA. >100 OTS CubeSat EPS sold to in 3 years Ongoing ESA / NASA / major industry projects Quality assurance processes fully implemented ESA ECSS qualified operators and inspectors ISO9001:2008 accreditation

20 CubeSat Power Systems

21 CubeSat Solar Panels

22 Lithium Polymer Batteries

23 Attitude control Control moment gyro drive electronics
Magnetorquers embedded in solar arrays Telemetry & switching In development Micro-interial wheels Attitude & rate Sensors Sun sensors

24 Orbit control - mPPT Soon we can; Perform Orbit Trim Manoeuvres
Gain PRECISE ADCS Change Orbital Plane and Altitude (…a little) ESA funded with MARS Space and University of Southampton Targets: 12µNs per Joule 60µNs Impulse Bit 24

25 Modular platform concept
From nanopower… One-stop shop [PUMPKIN] [ISIS] [IMI] Telemetry & switching Modular platform concept Electric power system Batteries Solar arrays Structures …to nanoplatforms

26 CubeSat Platform Class II Payload Payload Interface and Management
Communications Attitude determination and control Electric power system Batteries Electric Propulsion

27 Concurrent Modular Design
Mission system analysis to support nanospacecraft products New user entry into space, removing barriers to participation ENABLING NEW USERS AND MISSIONS

28 Conclusion

29 Conclusion CubeSats offer an exciting opportunity to put new technologies into space. The size and cost of CubeSats enable applications too costly to be implemented previously. CubeSat constellations are likely to be the killer APP for CubeSats.

30 craig. clark@clyde-space. com www. clyde-space. com facebook

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