By: Skylar Trinkwalder Nijmeh Asimahmoud

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Presentation on theme: "By: Skylar Trinkwalder Nijmeh Asimahmoud"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Skylar Trinkwalder Nijmeh Asimahmoud
Electrical energy By: Skylar Trinkwalder Nijmeh Asimahmoud

2 Definition definition
Click on the video below: Definition definition Current electricity is the flow of negatively charged particles called electrons. Static electricity: Static electricity is when two objects rub against each other and the electrons attract from one object to another.

3 electrons Electrons are tiny particles that flow through wires which creates electricity.

4 circuits Parts of a circuit: Battery [power source] Lightbulb[load]
Conductor [wire] Insulator [rubber on the wire] Switch [optional]

5 direct current [d.c] Direct current is a flow of electrons going in a straight path in one direction.

6 Alternating current [a.c.] alternating current [a.c.]
Alternating current is the flow of electrons changing directions.

7 Where does electrical energy come from?
Electrical energy is created in a place called a power plant. These are some examples of fossil fuels. Oil Wood Gasoline Coal Natrual gas

8 Alternative fuels Alternative fuels are things that help create electricity. Here are some alternative fuels: Wind energy Hydro power Biomass Geothermal energy Wave power Tidal power [“Tidal power energy is produced when a dam catches water at high tide and then releases it through an electricity-generating turbine at low tide.”]

9 General living We use electrical energy every day. Here are some examples we use in a every day living: See by light Communicate Use internet Light bulb Battery Computer Outlet Laptop D.T.E ESSENTIAL Click on the video below:

10 conclusion In conclusion, electricity is everywhere, and comes in many different ways.

11 sources www.
bing images

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