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Meduflex Staff Meeting

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1 Meduflex Staff Meeting
January 2018

2 Wins Christmas Party Christmas parade & gifts for Angel Tree
Weekly update s New Meduflex Care team members Helping several other Units in their critical times of need

3 Guest Speakers: Falls: Kristine Harper Compliance: Nancy Pope

4 2018 HIPAA Privacy Update Kelly Shaw, MHA, RHIA, CCS Compliance & Privacy Officer

5 HIPAA is about the Patient
Patient-empowering law. To ensure privacy/access to patient records. Patient owns protected health information (PHI). MUSC owns the storage medium (paper/electronic record).

6 Minimum Necessary Access ONLY information you need to perform your job duties. Do not access records if the patient is not your patient or research subject; or not related to your job responsibility for treatment, payment, or operations.

7 Information Security Access Control
Passwords cannot be shared Systems with PHI have timeouts Systems need to be secured Laptop encryption available from OCIO Passwords mandated for smart phones containing PHI Mobile Device Management (software) Two Factor Authentication

8 Appropriate Access Treatment Payment Operations Your Personal Record
Your Minor Child With Prior Written Authorization (MUSC’s Annual Permission By Patient To Access Protected Health Information form expires one year from the date of the patient’s signature.)


10 Inappropriate Access Viewing records of spouse or adult child without prior written authorization. Viewing records of co-worker or other patient out of concern or curiosity. Viewing records of subordinate for “employment” reasons. Viewing records for research w/o IRB approval. Viewing records of high profile patients.

11 Scenarios Viewing records out of boredom
Viewing records out of curiosity Viewing multiple adult family members’ records without prior written authorization Viewing care team member or manager’s records without prior written authorization Viewing former spouse's records without prior written authorization Willful noncompliance with HIPAA policies typically results in termination

12 Inappropriate Release of Information
Discussing patients in public areas such as buses, bathrooms, cafeteria and elevators.

13 Social Media Facebook Twitter Instagram Snapchat Personal Website(s)
YouTube Others

14 Faxing, E-Mailing & Mailing PHI
Confidential disclaimer Fax transmittal cover sheet Machine in secure location Mailing: Review all documents for appropriateness and correctness ing: Outside SEND SECURE Communication of results of sensitive tests prohibited Minimum Necessary

15 Policy C003- HIPAA Patient Confidentiality Handbook

16 Fines and Sanctions under HITECH for Improper Release of Information
Criminal penalties - up to $1.5 million. Employee sanctions - (disciplinary action) up to possible termination.

17 How to get help and information HIPAA Contacts
Kelly Shaw MUHA Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer Nancy Pope-Faulk MUHA Compliance Analyst Anonymous Confidential Hotline for asking questions or reporting violations: MUHA Policy C003

18 Employee Engagement Survey
What: This is how you rate your leaders and the organization Why: To help us all grow as a team and help the organization meet our goals When: Surveys will be sent via February 5th *Ambassadors: Jackie Wezwick, Pam Bowens, Caroline McAdory, Carol White (RMC) Who: It takes ALL of you! 100% of our staff is our goal! Last year we hit 72% participation, if we hit 90% this year we will provide a pizza party!

19 Employee Engagement Survey
Consider how Meduflex is different, and tips regarding certain questions: “Work Unit” is not the same for us… If unsure, do not answer with a neutral response, answer N/A

20 Shared Governance Updates: New Chair – Michael Miller
New Co-Chair – Brandi Taylor Updates on projects/initiatives moving forward

21 Changes and Why: Cross-training to IOP for all staff
Changes to emergency teams PSC’s A/B/etc… No change to our tiers at this time (requirements for shifts remain the same)

22 Float Pool Requirements:
You must float everywhere; no refusal Meet your requirements: Weekend/high demand shifts Schedules must be completed on a weekly basis No need for request off, or for schedule changes to be submitted in SmartSquare; just don’t schedule yourself and Jennifer or Brittany for schedule changes Tier movement q6months only(and only if available) Do not call the staffing office/RMC for your schedule changes, requests, or complaints. These need to go through Paula

23 Education Reminders MUSC Annual Mandatory Training 2018 has already been assigned by the organization via MyQuest. Clinical Competencies 2018 will likely be assigned by March 1st, 2018 Julia working with the other NPD’s from all the areas that Meduflex covers in order to streamline competencies and validation methods. The NPD department is trying to keep competency requirements at a minimum in order to not create undue burden on the staff The NPD department deadline for finalizing competency selections is at the end of this week. During the first week of February, Julia to the Meduflex staff to let them know what the competency topics will be per zone/role. After that, Julia will follow up with more information about how to proceed with the competency checkoffs, coordinating with the other NPD’s as they will be providing the skills validators for competencies that require a “live” checkoff

24 Payroll Reminders: No bi-weekly corrections!
All time must be reviewed and submitted appropriately by the deadlines

25 Stoplight Report Not going to IOP
Creation of 24hr staffing office (RMC) Planning stages for SuccessFactors 2018 SmartSquare Shared Governance Meduflex t-shirts Progressive Zones Holiday coverage Disaster Teams Employee recognition Cross training Rounding on you all on the units Hiring/interviewing for all open positions Not going to IOP

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