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Mini Timeline.

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Presentation on theme: "Mini Timeline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mini Timeline

2 Gilded Age 1877-1900 Characteristic Important Terms and People
Industrialization Immigration Railroads Organized Labor Important Terms and People Political Bosses Sherman Anti-trust Act Carnegie/Rockefeller Monopolies

3 Progressive Era Characteristics-Fixes problems caused by the Gilded Age Reforms Urban Problems Government Corruption Theodore Trust busting. Important Terms or People Square Deal Temperance Women’s Suffrage Muckrakers 3rd Parties (populist)

4 Spanish American War 1898 Causes Results
Yellow Journalism De Lomé Letter Humanitarian Concerns U.S.S. Maine Explosion Results Territorial Acquisitions Platt Amendment U.S. becomes a world power. Important People, Presidents and their foreign policy Dollar Diplomacy-Taft Big Stick Policy-Roosevelt Watchful Waiting-Wilson Alfred Thayer Mahan Panama Canal Open Door Policy

5 World War I 1914-1918 America Enters 1917
Reason America enters Sussex Pledge Lusitania sinking Unrestricted submarine warfare Ties with Britain Zimmerman Note Treaty of Versailles ends the war World Wide causes. Militarism Alliance systems Imperialism Nationalism

6 Roaring 20’s 1920-1929 Characteristics Important Terms or People
Economic Prosperity Prohibition New Cultural Values Red Scare Important Terms or People Teapot Dome Scandal Harlem Renaissance Scope Monkey Trial Immigration Restrictions

7 Great Depression 1929-1941 Causes- Day Stock Market Crashed New Deal
Overproduction Buying on Margin Speculation Shaky Banking Practices Restricted international trade Day Stock Market Crashed October 29, Black Tuesday New Deal FDR’s plan to end the Great Depression Creator Franklin D. Roosevelt Plan To create jobs and provide direct relief to the poor Result Permanently increases the size of the federal Government.

8 World War ii 1939-1945 U.S enters on December 6, 1945 after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor
Important Event Holocaust Atomic Bomb D-Day War Effort on the Home Front War Bonds Victory Gardens OWI Rationing Japanese Internment Axis Governments Leaders Japan Heidki Tojo Italy Benito Mussolini Germany Adolf Hitler

9 Cold War 1945-1989 -1957 Russians Launch Sputnik Communism VS Democracy
Important Events, terms, people Berlin Wall/Airlift Joseph Stalin/Soviet Union Cuban missile Crisis Vietnam/Korean War Domino Theory Iron Curtain Cold War ends 1991 with the fall of the Berlin Wall

10 Civil Rights Era 1954-1968 1968- Martin Luther King assassinated
Important People/Groups Martin Luther King Black Panthers Civil Rights Acts Voting Rights act 1965 Civil Rights act 1964 Court Case Brown V. Board of Education Protest Strategies 1. Sit Ins 2. Freedom Rides 3. Boycotts 4. Marches

11 1970’s-1980’s Nixon 1969-1974 Ford 1974-1977 Carter 1977-1987
Opening of Red China Détente Watergate Ford OPEC Oil Embargo Helsinki Accords Carter Iran Hostage Crisis Camp David Accords Reagan Reagonomics -Tax Cuts for the Rich Iran-Contra Affair

12 1980-2000 Reagan 1981-1989 H.W. Bush 1989-1993 Clinton 1993-2001
Reagonomics -Tax Cuts for the Rich Iran-Contra Affair H.W. Bush Cold War Ends Somalia Persian Gulf War Clinton NAFTA War in Kosovo Impeachment Scandal.

13 2000-Present George W. Bush Election of closest in history, Bush wins electoral college, Gore won popular vote. Events Responses 9/11 Dept. of Homeland Security TSA/NSA Patriot Act War In Afghanistan and Iraq Hurricane Katrina Slow Response, not enough help.

14 Obama Elected -2008 Significance Accomplishments Global Age
First African American President elected. Accomplishments American Recovery and reinvestment act. Global Age Technology- 1. Computer 2. Internet 3. Social Media Effects of Technology 1. Spread information faster 2. Cultural Diffusion.

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