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Jake Reinvented Character List

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Presentation on theme: "Jake Reinvented Character List"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jake Reinvented Character List
Setting: F. Scott Fitzgerald High School, Present Day

2 Rick Main character (protagonist/narrator) Best friends with Jennifer
Great friends with Jake Kicker and back- up Quarterback

3 Jake Throws raging parties Nobody knows where he's from
Loves and used to tutor Didi Intelligent

4 Todd Very popular Self-centered Quarterback
Uses people and spreads rumors Dates Didi but cheats on her with Melissa

5 Nelson Very strong football player
An alcoholic who drinks until he passes out Looks for fights Dating Melissa

6 Didi Dating Todd, but has a history with Jake Very pretty
“Image” is extremely important Attends all-girls school

7 Jennifer Rick's best friend Loves to party Best friends with Didi
Goes to an all-girls school

8 Melissa Nelson's girl Cheerleader Cheats on Nelson with Todd
Ends up with Todd at Jake's parties

9 Dipsy He's goofy People make fun of him
He often quotes the National Geographic and the Discovery channel

10 Kevin Fontaine Pizza delivery guy
Shows up at Jake's parties after work

11 Jake's Dad Always away on business trips
Doesn't think his son would throw parties

12 Mrs. Appleford Old, grouchy person Calls the cops often
Loves to gossip

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