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Hydroponics in a Jug: “Lettuce” Excel by RUDY WHITE & MARY LYNN HESS

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Presentation on theme: "Hydroponics in a Jug: “Lettuce” Excel by RUDY WHITE & MARY LYNN HESS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hydroponics in a Jug: “Lettuce” Excel by RUDY WHITE & MARY LYNN HESS

2 Opening Remarks and Conclusion by RUDY WHITE Seminole County Master Gardener

3 Opening Remarks & Overview
About Florida Master Gardeners “Lettuce in a Jug” Development History Potential Teaching Points Introduce MARY LYNN HESS Goldsboro Elementary STEM Concluding Remarks Take it Home Into the schools…Train the Trainers Reference List

4 Florida Master Gardeners
University of Florida IFAS Extension Extension Office each of Florida’s 67 counties 100 hours training by UF IFAS Extension Certified annually (35 hours service, 10 CEU) Community service volunteers Seminole County Extension Services Help Desk (407)

5 Lettuce in a Jug Development History
Kratky deep water culture method for lettuce University of Hawaii Seminole County Extension Agent “Set It and Forget It” Hydroponics Workshops Master Gardener experiments 1 gallon milk jug; Seeds instead of transplants Light-blocking techniques (inhibit algae) Simplify for group construction; 3rd grade Instructions; volunteer and teacher training

6 Potential Teaching Points
Math Science Botany Biology Nutrition Innovate Follow instructions Team work

7 Mary Lynn Hess Goldsboro Elementary STEM Teacher
Collaboration with Master Gardeners Developed additional weeks of lecture leading up to constructing the lettuce planter Refined the materials list and procedures Practical applications for teachers Please welcome…

8 Hydroponics

9 Materials Pencil Rock Wool Gallon Jug 2 seeds Cherokee Summer Crisp
Nutrients Net Pot String Plant Label Shredded Paper PH Lower Solution 3 Gallon Pot

10 Tie your label onto the pot using a string.
Procedures Use pencil to write your first name on your plant label. On the other side, write the date. Tie your label onto the pot using a string.

11 Procedures Empty nutrients from the small cup into the gallon jug.
Fill jug with water, two inches from the top. Place jug into your black pot.

12 Procedures Place the rock wool into the net pot.
Gently, use the eraser end of a pencil to widen the seed hole in the rock wool. Place the net pot into the PH Solution for 10 seconds. Pull the pot out, let it drip briefly, and place in the gallon jug hole. Put 2 seeds into the seed hole from the Dixie cup.

13 Procedures Stuff paper around the gallon jug to hide the plastic jug so the jug does not move. Clean your area.

14 Procedures Take pot outside in the full sun.
Remove net pot and top with water. Observe while it grows in 6-8 weeks.

15 Concluding Remarks Take it Home Into the schools…Train the Trainers
Reference List Contact Information

16 Take it Home Share experience with family and friends
Inspiration to grow some of your own food Make additional planters at home Outdoor activity Experiment “Take Home Kit” under development

17 Train the Trainers Summer 2018 master gardener plans
Workshops at Seminole County Extension Train master gardeners to lead school workshops Invite teachers to participate

18 Reference List THREE NON-CIRCULATING HYDROPONIC METHODS FOR GROWING LETTUCE B. A. Kratky, University of Hawaii “SET IT AND FORGET IT” hydroponic workshop Hannah Wooten, University of Florida IFAS Seminole County Extension –

19 Contact Information Rudy White Mary Lynn Hess

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