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Romeo & Juliet Act I: Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Romeo & Juliet Act I: Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romeo & Juliet Act I: Vocabulary

2 Valiant (adj.) Brave

3 Fray (N) A fight

4 Pernicious (Adj.) Destructive; deadly

5 Forfeit (N) Something a person must give up as punishment for breaking the law or the rules of a game

6 Adversary (N) An opponent or enemy

7 Portentous (Adj.) Threatening

8 Mutiny (N/Adj.) Rebellious

9 Transgression (N) The breaking of a law; the act of going beyond certain limits

10 Assail (V) To attack violently

11 Quarrel (N/V) To have an angry argument or disagreement.

12 Languish (V) To become weak; To long or pine for something.

13 Counsel (N/V) Advice; legal representation in court; ideas, opinions; private, unexpressed thoughts

14 Tyrannous (N/adj.) unjust severity; abuse of power

15 Disposition (N) A settlement; a person’s temperament

16 Esteem (N) High rank; renown

17 Deformity (N) the quality or state of being deformed, disfigured, or missha pen.

18 Boisterous (adj.) Stormy; violent

19 Alderman (N) A member of the city government

20 Athwart (Prep.) Across

21 Nuptial (N) A wedding

22 Trespass (V) To enter another’s property or land without permission; to intrude

23 Endure (V) To last; to tolerate

24 Intrusion (N) An uninvited or illegal entry

25 Convert (V) To change into another form or thing

26 Wanton (Adj.) Unrestrained

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