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The Brain.

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Presentation on theme: "The Brain."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Brain

2 Localization of function

3 Language: 3 Areas of Importance
Motor cortex- movement of mouth and tongue Broca’s area- speech and grammar Wernicke’s area- language comprehension

4 Motor cortex

5 Somatosensory cortex

6 Brain has 2 Hemispheres Left & Right sides are separate
Corpus Callosum : major nerve pathway between hemispheres

7 Localization of Function
Left hemisphere: Right hemisphere:


9 Primary Visual Pathway
Information from each visual field crosses over at the optic chiasm and projects to the opposite side of the primary visual cortex Dualism-mind is separate from the body Descartes believed that the pineal body directed fluid from the ventricles into the holow fibers we call nerves-this induced muscle action. The pineal gland is where the soul controls the physical body Monism: the belief that the mind is the working of the body (no need for a separate soul. Determinism-the notion that mental states are produced by physical mechanisms. Reductionists-we break complex phenomena into less complicated sytems.

10 Sensory and motor signals controlled by opposite hemisphere
Left side of brain controls right side feeling and movement Right side of brain controls left side feeling and movement Damage affects body accordingly

11 Corpus Callosum What happens when the corpus callosum is cut?
key words: left hemisphere; right hemisphere; corpus callosum; epilepsy One method used to treat severely epileptic patients involves cutting the corpus callosum to prevent the spread of seizures acorss the entire brain. The video clip on this slide shows a man who has had such a surgery. Double click on video to start video clip. This clip discusses the types of information processing deficits associated with cutting the corpus callosum and shows a task often used to assess corpus callosum damage. This task is also represented in drawing form on the following slide as well.

12 The ‘Split Brain’ studies
Picture to right brain can’t name the object left hand can identify by touch I saw an apple. “What did you see?” Nonverbal right hemisphere Verbal left Nonverbal right hemisphere Verbal left ?? “What did you see?” “Using your left hand, Pick up what you saw.” Picture to left brain can name the object left hand cannot identify by touch

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