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Unit 13 – Acid, Bases, & Salts

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1 Unit 13 – Acid, Bases, & Salts
Section 3 - Titrations Print 1, 3-5, 7-8

Neutralization Reactions (REVIEW) Neutralization – chemical reaction between an acid and a base. HCl + NaOH  NaCl + HOH H2O = ACID + BASE  SALT + WATER

3 Titration Titration Process used to determine the concentration of a solution by adding a known concentration (the standard) to a measured amount of the solution of unknown concentration

4 Titration Equivalence Point moles of H+ = moles of OH–

5 Titration A steep rise in the pH of the acid solution indicates that all the H+ ions from the acid have been neutralized by the OH- ions of the base.

6 Titration End Point indicator permanently changes color

7 Titration Phenolphthalein

8 Acid/Base Indicators

9 Example #1: A 159 mL sample of KOH is titrated to equivalence with 100. mL of 1.50 M H2SO4 . Calculate the molarity of the of the KOH solution. H2SO4(aq) + 2 KOH(aq)  2 H2O(l) + K2SO4(aq) V = L V = L M = 1.50 mol/L M = ? mol/L 1.50 mol H2SO4 2 mol KOH mol KOH x = 0.100 L H2SO4 x 1 L H2SO4 1 mol H2SO4 L of HA molarity HA molarity BOH 0.300 mol KOH = _____ M KOH 1.89 M KOH 0.159 L KOH

10 Example #2: HBr(aq) + NaOH(aq)  H2O(l) + NaBr(aq)
Hydrobromic acid is titrated to equivalence with sodium hydroxide. What volume of 1.50 M HBr is needed to react with 120. L of 1.25 M of NaOH ? HBr(aq) NaOH(aq)  H2O(l) + NaBr(aq) V = ? L V = 120. L M = 1.50 mol/L M = 1.25 mol/L molarity HA 1.25 mol NaOH 1 mol HBr 1 L HBr x x 120 L NaOH x 1 L NaOH 1 mol NaOH 1.50 mol HBr L of BOH molarity BOH = ____L HBr 100 L HBr

11 Quick Quiz! 1) When the moles of acid equals the moles of base you have reached the… A) titration point B) end point C) equivalence point D) neutralization point 11

12 Quick Quiz. 2) If 20. mL of 0.50 M HCl is titrated to equivalence by 40. mL of NaOH, then the NaOH concentration must be ___. A) 2.0 M B) 1.0 M C) 0.50 M D) 0.25 M moles of H+ = moles of OH– 0.020 L 0.50 M 0.040 L ??? M 12

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