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WIOA Partner Program Briefing: Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

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1 WIOA Partner Program Briefing: Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs
December 7, 2017 WIOA Partner Program Briefing: Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Office of Workforce Investment

2 Supervisory Workforce Analyst
Andrew Ridgeway Supervisory Workforce Analyst DOLETA/OWI/DWASWS Patrick Dennis Workforce Analyst DOLETA/OWI/DWASWS Kellen Grode Workforce Analyst DOLETA/OWI/DWASWS

3 WIOA – Individuals with Barriers to Employment
Displaced Homemakers Low-Income Individuals Native Americans, Alaska and Hawaiian Natives Individuals with Disabilities Older Individuals Ex-Offenders Homeless Individuals Youth who have aged out of foster care system English Language Learners Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers TANF Recipients w/in 2 Years of Exhausting Single Parents Long-Term Unemployed Other Groups Designated by the Governor

4 WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Program
Title I Adult & DW formula programs are 2 of the 6 “Core” Programs under WIOA Funded via formula to State Workforce Agencies State Workforce Agencies provide to Local Workforce Areas via formula Services delivered through American Job Centers Other: National Dislocated Worker Grant Program (DWG), is a required partner program

5 1 WIOA Adult Program Program Purpose: Target Populations:
To increase the employment, job retention, earnings, and career advancement of U.S. workers by providing quality employment and training services to assist eligible individuals in finding and qualifying for meaningful employment, and to help employers find the skilled workers they need to compete and succeed in business. Target Populations: Low Income Individuals; Basic Skills Deficient Individuals; Public Assistance Recipients; Veterans.

6 WIOA Dislocated Worker (DW) Program
2 Program Purpose: To provide quality employment and training services to assist workers who have been laid off or have been notified that they will be terminated or laid off in finding and qualifying for meaningful employment, and to help employers find the skilled workers they need to compete and succeed in business. Target Populations: Individuals who have been terminated or laid off through no fault of their own; Separating service members; Individuals who are displaced homemakers; Individuals who are military spouses of active duty service members and who meet certain criteria.

7 WIOA DW Statewide Activities
2 Governor’s Reserve (15% of DW allotment) States may reserve up to 15% of their DW allotment for Statewide activities including: Statewide Initiatives, maintaining performance systems, monitoring activities, evaluations, incentives, etc. Rapid Response States may reserve up to 25% of their DW allotment for responding to layoffs and plant closings by quickly coordinating services and providing immediate aid to companies and their affected workers.

8 National Dislocated Worker Grants (DWG)
3 Program Purpose: To provide reemployment assistance in the context of major events that cause significant job losses. Employment Recovery DWGs provide Career and Training services through discretionary grants to assist dislocated workers impacted by mass layoffs Disaster Recovery DWGs provide funding to create temporary employment opportunities through projects that assist with clean-up, recovery, and humanitarian efforts in response to major disaster events Target Populations: Individuals who have been terminated or laid off through no fault of their own; Separating service members; Individuals who are displaced homemakers; Individuals who are military spouses of active duty service members and who meet certain criteria; Individuals dislocated from employment due to federally declared emergencies or disasters; and Long-term unemployed individuals (eligible for disaster events only).

9 Adult/DW/DWG Program Services
4 Career Services Basic (e.g. career counseling, workforce and labor market information, referrals to partners) Individualized (e.g. assessments, work experience, transitional jobs) Training Services Work-based (On-the-job, Registered Apprenticeship, Incumbent Worker, Customized) Occupational Skills Training (training from Eligible Training Providers (ETP))

10 Adult/DW/DWG PY15 Overview
Participants: Adult: 6,124,054 // DW: 531,254 // DWG: 30,161 Training Recipients: Adult: 152,980 // DW: 84,947 // DWG: 15,959 Performance Indicators: Previously, under WIA: Entered Employment Rate, Employment Retention Rate, Average Earnings Now, under WIOA: Employment 2nd Q after exit, Employment 4th Q after exit, Median Earnings, Credential Attainment, Measurable Skill Gains, Effectiveness in Serving Employers.

11 Work Based Learning Desk Reference
Desk reference on the different types of Work- Based Learning opportunities available under WIOA title I. 9/08/Work-Based-Learning-Desk-Reference Priority of Service for WIOA Adult Desk reference on WIOA Adult priority populations - recipients of public assistance, low-income individuals, individuals who are basic skills deficient, and veterans. 4/01/WIOA-Desk-Reference Supportive Service Desk Reference Desk reference on the available Supportive Services for adults, dislocated workers, and youth participants of programs under WIOA 9/22/Supportive_Services_Desk_Reference DWG Desk Reference Desk reference on National Dislocated Worker Grants (DWGs) under WIOA. OA/resources/2017/03/19/18/48/National_Dislocated _Worker_Grants_-_WIOA_Desk_Reference Veterans Desk Reference This desk reference provides information on the requirements and resources available for serving veterans and their spouses under WIOA. OA/resources/2017/03/19/19/34/Veterans_and_Spou ses_-_WIOA_Desk_Reference American Job Center Customer Flow Scenarios This booklet features five illustrated stories that represent scenarios of customer experiences, and the guidance an AJC staff member might provide.  0/02/AJC_Customer_Flow_Scenarios


13 Andrew Ridgeway Patrick Dennis Kellen Grode
Supervisory Workforce Analyst DOLETA/OWI/DWASWS Patrick Dennis Workforce Analyst Kellen Grode


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