Do-It-Yourself Eye Tracker: Impact of the Viewing Angle on the

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1 Do-It-Yourself Eye Tracker: Impact of the Viewing Angle on the
West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin Faculty of Computer Science Do-It-Yourself Eye Tracker: Impact of the Viewing Angle on the Eye Tracking Accuracy Michał Kowalik Master's thesis supervised by: Adam Nowosielski Article supervised by: Radosław Mantiuk

2 Purposes Building low cost Do-It-Yourself (DIY) eye tracking system
Determining accuracy of constructed eye tracking system Finding relation between the accuracy of eye tracker and an observer view angle Michał Kowalik

3 How do eye trackers work?
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Eye tracking devices determine the position of the eye and compute position of a gaze point Michał Kowalik

4 Main idea of eye tracking systems
The main idea of eye tracking systems is estimating the point of gaze using position of the eye in grabbed image. Image source: Riad I. Hammoud, Passive Eye Monitoring Algorithms, Applications and Experiments. Springer 2008. Michał Kowalik

5 Dark and bright pupil effect
Different positions of IR lamps determine two appearance types of human pupil. + Human eye in infrared light - dark pupil on the left and bright pupil on the right. Michał Kowalik

6 Eye tracker accuracy The accuracy is determined by distance between target and estimated gaze point in degrees. It is measured in degrees of visual angle. Point of regard Target point + Visual angle Michał Kowalik

7 Error factors affecting accuracy of eye tracker
A main error affecting the accuracy of the gaze point estimation is the head movement. Others problems: extreme position of eyeball and changing illuminaton. A) Good position of eye B) extreme position of eye Michał Kowalik

8 Do-it-yourself Eye Tracker Schema
Michał Kowalik

9 Off-the-shelf components
Total cost about 30 € Elements of eye gaze tracking glasses: 1) heat shrinkable tubin, 2) negative film, 3) carbon resistor, 4) mounting strips, 5) aluminum wire, 6) IR LEDs, 7) Webcam LifeCam VX-1000, 8) safety glasses Michał Kowalik

10 Eye tracking glasses (1)
Webcam lens with visible light filter Preparing IR filter Creating IR LEDs circuit Capture module Michał Kowalik

11 Eye tracking glasses (2)
Michał Kowalik

12 ITU Gaze Tracker Application
An open-source gaze tracking application developed by the Gaze Group at the  IT University of Copenhagen ( ) Michał Kowalik

13 Perception study Participants: 10 users with an age from 21 to 56
Purpose of the test was to calculate accuracy of our eye tracking system. Participants: 10 users with an age from 21 to 56 Tracking the target points that were displayed on the screen one by one Test for 70 cm, 50 cm and 30 cm distances Calculation of accuracy Tests station Michał Kowalik

14 Target points – coordinates in pixels
20 646 1273 1900 20 366 713 1060 Michał Kowalik

15 Horizontal (err deg / std)
Results – distance 70cm Horizontal (err deg / std) 0.34 / 0.49 Vertical (err deg / std) 0.45 / 0.58 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Y screen axis X screen axis Michał Kowalik

16 Horizontal (err deg / std)
Results – distance 50cm Horizontal (err deg / std) 0.59 / 0.75 Vertical (err deg / std) 0.55 / 0.59 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Y screen axis X screen axis Michał Kowalik

17 Horizontal (err deg / std)
1.77 / 1.71 Vertical (err deg / std) 1.2 / 1.03 Results – distance 30cm A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Y screen axis X screen axis Michał Kowalik

18 Horizontal (err deg / std)
0.34 / 0.49 Vertical (err deg / std) 0.45 / 0.58 Results – distance 70cm 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 distance in degrees between target and gaze points A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P target points Michał Kowalik

19 Horizontal (err deg / std)
Results – distance 50cm Horizontal (err deg / std) 0.59 / 0.75 Vertical (err deg / std) 0.55 / 0.59 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 distance in degrees between target and gaze points A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P target points Michał Kowalik

20 Horizontal (err deg / std)
Results – distance 30cm Horizontal (err deg / std) 1.77 / 1.71 Vertical (err deg / std) 1.2 / 1.03 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 distance in degrees between target and gaze points A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P target points Michał Kowalik

21 Conclusions and future work
Precision drops with wider angles of view. Accuracy of the DIY eye tracker is close to 0.6 degree for standard viewing angles Implementing validation of DIY Building low cost head tracking device and integration with the DIY eye tracker. Michał Kowalik

22 SMI IVIEW X™ HED Vs DIY Eye Tracker
Accuracy: 0,1° Technique: Monocular, pupil-CR, dark-pupil tracking -large cost about ~30 000€ + included head movements tracking + ready to use hardware Accuracy: 0,6° for 50cm distance Technique: monocular, dark-pupil tracking +low cost about 30€ - without head tracking - need to create hardware

23 Thank You for Your attention!
West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin Faculty of Computer Science Do-It-Yourself Eye Tracker: Impact of the Viewing Angle on the Eye Tracking Accuracy Thank You for Your attention!

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