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Just the Facts Oregon HPV Summit May 31, Joan Watson- Patko, MSW Sr

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1 Just the Facts Oregon HPV Summit May 31, Joan Watson- Patko, MSW Sr. Director, Primary Care Systems West Region American Cancer Society, Inc.

2 American Cancer Society’s Recommendations
Girls and boys should begin HPV Vaccine series at age 11 or 12, vaccine can be given starting as early as age 9 For the full recommendation visit Women who have been vaccinated should continue to follow cervical cancer screening recommendations Why is it recommended for children at such a young age? We want to give the vaccine before exposure to HPV occurs for it to be most effective. The vaccine is best, and therefore more likely to prevent cancers, when given to people at a younger age.

3 Parents don’t want their child vaccinated
Death SEX too early BUST MYTHS WITH FACTS Not my child… Parents don’t want their child vaccinated Autism Awkward Conversation

4 1 HPV vaccination is safe.
Over 270 million doses of HPV vaccine have been distributed worldwide, with over 100 million doses in the US. The safety is continually monitored worldwide. Studies continue to show that HPV vaccination is very safe. 1 * The vaccine should not be given to anyone with a severe allergy to any of the vaccine ingredients, including latex.

5 Garland et al, Prev Med 2011; Ali et al, BMJ 2013; Markowitz JID 2013; Nsouli-Maktabi MSMR 2013

6 2 The HPV vaccine causes NO fertility issues.
There is no evidence that HPV vaccination will have a negative effect on future fertility. In fact, getting vaccinated and protecting against cervical cancer can help protect a women’s ability to get pregnant and have healthy babies. 2

7 3 The HPV vaccine does NOT contain harmful ingredients.
HPV vaccines contain ingredients that have been proven to be safe. HPV vaccines contain aluminum, which boosts the body’s immune response. Aluminum is also found in breast milk, infant formula, antacids and even fruits and vegetables. 3

8 4 The HPV vaccine is necessary, regardless of sexual activity.
Vaccines only work when given before exposure to a virus. There is no correlation between receiving the HPV vaccine and increased rates of (or earlier engagement in) sexual activity. 4

9 5 The HPV vaccine is for boys and girls.
HPV vaccination is strongly recommended for boys and girls because it protects against more than just cervical cancer. Vaccination helps protect boys from getting infected with the most common types of HPV that can cause cancers of the throat, penis, and anus. 5 Oropharyngeal cancer is now the MOT COMMON HPV cancer and affects men more than women.

10 HPV Vaccine is Best at Ages 11 or 12 Years
While there is very little risk of exposure to HPV before age 13, the risk of exposure increases thereafter

11 6 The HPV vaccine is effective and helps prevent cancer.
The vaccine has been proven through numerous studies to prevent the cell changes and infections that correspond with multiple HPV cancers. 6

12 Estimated Number of New Cancers Caused by HPV
Rectum n=500 3% Rectum n=200 2% Penis n=700 6% Anus n=1,600 13% Oropharynx n=9,600 79% Men (n = 12,100) Anus n=3,200 16% Vagina n=600 3% Oropharynx n=2,000 10% About 31,500 men and women in this country are diagnosed with an HPV cancer every year. Vaccination could prevent more than 29,000 of these cancers every year. In women the most common HPV cancer is cervical, but this is only a little more than half of all HPV cancers in women. In men over ¾ of HPV cancers are in the oropharynx, which is the throat and base of the tongue. In addition to these cancers, HPV causes millions of abnormal Pap and cervical cancer screening test results—including hundreds of thousands of advanced precancers that need to be removed or treated. These women often need to come back repeatedly for follow up visits and procedures, getting caught in a revolving door to their gynecologists office. In addition to preventing cancers, HPV vaccination will prevent most precancers. Women (n = 19,400)

13 Cancers Caused by HPV per Year, U.S., 2009-2013
 Cancer site Percentage probably caused by any HPV type Number probably caused by any HPV type Female Male Both Sexes Cervix 91% 10,600 Vagina 75% 600 Vulva 69% 2,500 Penis 63% 700 Anus 3,200 1,600 4,800 Rectum 500 200 Oropharynx 70% 2,000 9,600 11,600 TOTAL 19,400 12,100 31,500 This slide shows the number of cancers attributable to HPV per year in the United States from 2009 to An HPV-attributable cancer is a cancer probably caused by HPV. The column with “percentage probably caused by any HPV type” comes from the CDC genotyping study. HPV causes nearly all cervical cancers and many cancers of the vagina, vulva, penis, anus, and oropharynx. CDC estimated that during 2009 to 2013, HPV caused about 31,500 cancers in the United States each year, with 19,400 cancers in women and 12,100 cancers in men. Most HPV-associated cancers in women were cervical cancers while, in men, most were oropharyngeal cancers. Based on Viens et al. MMWR

14 against meningitis, HPV cancers, and pertussis.
An effective recommendation from a clinician matters. Try this effective recommendation: Your child needs three vaccines today to protect against meningitis, HPV cancers, and pertussis. 7

15 8 The effectiveness of the HPV vaccine does not decrease over time.
Studies continue to monitor how long the vaccine protects against HPV infections and cancer. Protection has been shown to last at least 10 years with no signs of protection weakening. 8

16 Resources Just the Facts for Providers
Just the Facts for Parents


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