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Presentation on theme: "Perú."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perú

2 Perú está en Sudamérica (América del Sur)

3 La capital de Perú es Lima

4 Machu Picchu - Incas Video
Historians believe Machu Picchu was built at the height of the Inca Empire, which dominated western South America in the 15th and 16th centuries. It was abandoned an estimated 100 years after its construction, probably around the time the Spanish began their conquest of the mighty pre-Columbian civilization in the 1530s. There is no evidence that the conquistadors ever attacked or even reached the mountaintop citadel, however; for this reason, some have suggested that the residents’ desertion occurred because of a smallpox epidemic. Modern day archaeologists believe that it was a royal estate for Incan emperors and nobles or perhaps it was a religious site. It is made up of more than 150 buildings ranging from baths and houses to temples and sanctuaries. Machu Picchu gained its fame from an American archaeologist Hiram Bingham who “discovered” Machu Picchu in 1911 and told the world about it in his book “The Lost City of the Incas.”

5 Frog Juice Video Unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence confirming any medicinal benefits from frog juice. And the frogs that Peruvians use are from the Telmatobius culeus species, a water frog from remote Lake Titicaca that is listed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Entire frogs are the main ingredient in a juice blend some people in Peru and Bolivia believe can cure asthma, bronchitis, sluggishness and a low sex drive. To make the mix at her food stand in Peru's capital, vendor Maria Elena Cruz grabs a frog from a small aquarium, and whacks its head on the countertop until it's dead. Then she peels off its skin and drops the frog into a blender with carrots, the Peruvian maca root and honey. The juice comes out light green in color. Cruz serves it in glasses to her customers. "Frog juice is good for anemia, bronchitis, bones, the brain, fatigue, stress and it is mostly children, adults, persons with anemia, respiratory issues and sometimes tuberculosis" who come to her stand, Cruz claims. Customer Cecilia Cahuana, 35, believes this. "I always come here to drink frog juice because it's good for the children, for anemia, bronchitis and also for older persons, it's extremely good," she said. Dr. Tomy Villanueva, dean of the Medical College of Lima, says there is "no scientific evidence" that frog juice is a cure for anything, even though it has a place in Andean culture.

6 Nazca Lines The Nazca lines are giant sketches drawn in the Nazca desert by the ancient people of Peru. One can only “see” the entirety of the sketches from the air. Video The Nazca Lines were created in the time of the Nazca Indians, who flourished in the area from 200 BC to about 600 AD. NO one really knows why they were created. The desert is not sandy, but made of dark red surface stones and soil with lighter-colored subsoil beneath. The lines were created by clearing away the darker upper layer (like inches) to reveal the lighter subsoil. The surface is made of stone, not sand, and because there’s so little rain, wind and erosion, the exposed designs have stayed largely intact for 500 to 2000 years.

7 Recuerda . . . La capital de Perú es Lima
Machu Picchu - Incan ruins made of stone buildings and terraces Frog juice - made of frogs, carrots, honey, and Peruvian maca root. Nazca Lines - set of ancient sketches in the Nazca desert soil that can only be seen in their entirety by flying over the lines in a plane.

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