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Development of AI and Weapon Automation

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1 Development of AI and Weapon Automation
By Michel Balamou & Alan Tran

2 The Development of AI: Timeline
Turing Test (1951) John McCarthy (1956) Arthur Samuel and Checkers (1952) General Problem Solver (1959) LISP (1960) ELIZA (1968) Prolog (1972) Stanford Cart (1961) Deep Blue (1985)

3 Weapon Automations Terminator Conundrum (by Kalashnikov Concern)
“Autonomous Weapons Systems (AWS) are defined by the U.S. Department of Defense as ‘a weapon system(s) that, once activated, can select and engage targets without further intervention by a human operator.’ ” (“The Ethics of Autonomous Weapons Systems,” n.d, para. 1). Terminator Conundrum (by Kalashnikov Concern)

4 History 1600 with land mines
World War II and Cold War with German Goliath tracked mines and the Soviet teletanks Autonomous Rotorcraft Sniper System (2005) BAE Systems Taranis (2010) This problem affects ALL of humanity! German Goliath BAE Systems Taranis

5 Why is the problem important?
Affects humanities’ safety “The main issue with this system is it is hard to distinguish between combatants and non-combatants.” - Stuart Russell Legal issues following International Humanitarian Law Principle of distinction The problem lies on AI researchers, developers and the government

6 Who is the problem important to? Who has complained about it?
An open letter signed by 116 founders of robotics and artificial intelligence companies from 26 countries urges the United Nations to urgently address the challenge of lethal autonomous weapons and ban their use internationally at the IJCAI 2015 conference on July 28. Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking and Steve Wozniak have also signed the open letter.

7 How many customers is the problem important to?
Countries are customers of AWS Use for war and defense Less humans on the field Everyday people (Future) Configure and hacking? Regulation

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