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Neonatal ovarian herniation

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1 Neonatal ovarian herniation
Intern 郭洧榳

2 Patient profile Name : 李X妮 Chart number : 181024XX
Age of presentation : 23 day Gender : female Underlying disease : Nil

3 2017.03.10 Left inguinal mass found in March 10th morning
Found by the nurse while taking shower at postpartum care center Fed by breast milk and formula milk Patient’s parents denied any other associated symptoms Prenatal ultrasound showed no placenta previa or congenital anomaly No amniocentesis No inguinal herniation history Vaccination was as schedule

4 Birth history G1P1, C/S (mother’s fibromyoma), Apgar score 6→ 9
BBW 2870g(50-75%), BL 50cm(50-75%), HC 35.4cm(>90%) The mother's prenatal screen: HbsAg (-) HbeAg (-) VDRL (-) Rubella IgG (-) HIV (-) Mother's past history : Hepatitis (-) Syphilis (-) DM (-) HTN (-) TB (-) Renal disease (-) GBS screen (-) Prenatal medication: None 4 fibromyomas for 6 years

5 PE 【Neck】: JVE(-), stiffness(-), LAP (-)
【Chest】: Inspection: symmetric expansion, no subcostal retraction Percussion: resonance Auscultation: normal BS 【Heart】: Palpation: no heave, no thrill Percussion: no increase of dullness Auscultation: RHB, no murmur 【Abdomen】: Inspection: globular, no abdominal distension Palpation: soft, no organomegaly, pain (-), tenderness (-), rebound (-) Auscultation: BS: normoactive left inguinal mass (+) (soft)

6 After admitted Echo showed bilateral inguinal mass (septal.hypoechoic. Lt: 20*6.7mm. Rt: 23.5*6.8mm) CT showed left inguinal lesion favoring left ovary inguinal hernia related with engorged venous drainage






12 WBC 7.9 RBC 3.18 Hb 10.5 Hct 30.1 Plt 376 APTT 33.90 MNAPTT 30.6 PT 9.80 PT(MNPT) 11.0 PT(INR) 0.90 BUN 9 CREA 0.25 ALT 10 AST 47 Blast Pro Myelo Meta Band Seg 27 Eos 4 Baso 1 Mono 10 Lymph 56 Aty-lym 2 NRBC

13 Operation on 3/14 Operative Findings: left sac: x 5 cm edematous, mildly ischemic, sliding of left fallopian tube and ovary (slightly cyanotic and relieved after reduction.)

14 Neonatal ovarian herniation
Discussion Neonatal ovarian herniation



17 Introduction 15–20% of the female patients with inguinal hernias, the herniation sac may contain the ovaries and/or the fallopian tubes Ovarian ischemiamay arise in case the pedincule of the herniated ovary rotates around itself

18 Case information A female newborn of 62 days of age
GA 39 week, birth weight: 3000 g The baby was anxious and in a steady state of intense crying

19 US and CDUS

20 Discussion Increased hyaluronic acid induce widening of the processus vaginalis Processus vaginalis usually gets obliterated by the 8th gestational month It has been reported in a series of 211 inguinal herniation cases, all of whom were female newborns, that 27% of the cases were premature The most important complication of inguinal hernias in the pediatric age group is incarceration, which was found in a study to have a frequency of 31%

21 Reference

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