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January 3rd, 2017 HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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Presentation on theme: "January 3rd, 2017 HAPPY NEW YEAR!"— Presentation transcript:

1 January 3rd, 2017 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
WELCOME BACK! Brief share time! Review activity- “We Didn’t Start the Fire” The Reagan Years-beginning Map Act.

2 Review- “We Didn’t Start the Fire”
For the verse you and your team have, look up the topics and find BRIEF explanation of them!! We will present tomorrow!

3 Chapter 33 Mrs. King - CCHS

4 Reagan vs Carter

5 Why was America ready for a change by 1980?
Turbulent 1960s Vietnam War Watergate Inflation & Energy Crisis 1970s Soviet invasion of Afghanistan Iranian Hostage Crisis Boycott of Olympic Games

6 Election of 1980 Using the data from the above link, fill out the US map with the 1980 election data. Once you have, use the website to look back at the 1968, 72, and 76 elections. What do you notice about the voting trend? What is significant about the electoral ‘margin’ if anything? What was America wanting?

7 The New Right Emerges Opposed abortion Favored school prayer
Blocked ERA Criticized Affirmative Action Favored military, small government, lower taxes Against gun control and homosexuals

8 Reaganomics Based on supply-side economics
- tax breaks to businesses will increase supply of goods & services 2 Main Goals - reduce taxes - cut federal budget (welfare, food stamps, job training

9 Video: Reagan Doctrine & Star Wars Star Wars

10 Reagan & The Cold War He rejected “containment” Refused detente
Wanted to destroy communism Massive increase in military spending SDI – Strategic Defense Initiative “Star Wars” Increase in nuclear weapons

11 Reagan’s View of the Cold War


13 Reagan’s Second Term Easily won re-election
Defeated Walter Mondale & Geraldine Ferraro Appointed first female justice on S.C. – Sandra Day O’Conner (appointed earlier)

14 Iran-Contra Scandal Nicaragua’s government ousted by group called Sandinistas – group backed by USSR CIA trains rebel group called Contras to go against them Congress puts a stop to all of it! Terrorists (Iran) kidnap American’s in Lebanon Reagan urges allies to not sell arms to Iran in their war with Iraq Reagan secretly approves sale of arms to Iran in exchange for hostages He uses the profits from sale to fund Contras in Nicaragua

15 Iran-Contra Scandal 1988: Congress hold hearings
Lt. Col. Oliver North was the “scapegoat” Members of Reagan’s administration found guilty but later pardoned by Pres. Bush

16 1988 Election George H.W. Bush defeats Michael Dukakis & Jesse Jackson
Low voter turnout (50%)

17 Video: The End of the Cold War

18 The End of the Cold War 1985: Mikhail Gorbachev leads Soviet Union
USSR going broke trying to keep up with U.S. in arms Gorbachev initiates drastic reforms “Glasnost” or Openness – allowing the people to criticize the government - price of food - empty store shelves Perestroika – restructuring the Politburo - Free elections in 1989 - withdrew from Afghanistan

19 The End of the Cold War Nov. 9, 1989: Fall of Berlin Wall
Many Eastern Bloc countries declare independence from USSR 1991: Gorbachev forced to resign Feb. 1992: New leader, Boris Yeltsin, announced the end of the Cold War

20 Communist China 1989: Chinese students call for democracy
Hold demonstration at Tiananmen Square Hundreds killed when tanks sent in and open fire Pres. Bush (1st) announces an arms embargo on China

21 Bush’s War on Drugs Panama Col. Manuel Noriega is a brutal dictator
Noriega smuggles drugs into U.S. Declares a state of war with U.S. and kills a Marine Bush orders invasion of Panama Arrests Noriega and brings him back to Florida

22 The Persian Gulf War 1990: Iraq’s Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait
U.S. depended on oil from the region Operation Desert Storm was successful but Bush (Senior) did not get Saddam Iraq sets oil field on fire exiting Kuwait

23 A New Freedom in South Africa
Apartheid existed for a long time Nelson Mandela released after 27 years in prison 1993: Wins the Nobel Peace Prize 1994: Mandela elected first black president of S.A. Served as president until 1999

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