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School / Organization / Group affiliation listed here

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1 School / Organization / Group affiliation listed here
Title Here Author Names Here  School / Organization / Group affiliation listed here School Logo Here Abstract Alternate Rendering A discussion of molecular visualization skills initiated at the 2013 ASBMB Education Symposium has led to an expanded rubric for biomacromolecular 3D literacy. The rubric is divided into twelve areas, including alternate renderings, molecular dynamics and structure-function relationships. We are developing broad learning goals, learning objectives (what students will know or do), sample assessments (questions to be asked or problems to be resolved), and expected competencies for each area. The competencies also take levels of expertise into account. Novices are first year life science students; amateurs are upper division undergraduates; experts are advanced practitioners who may be graduate students, post-doctoral fellows or faculty members. We present our suggestions with the goal of building a learning community for face-to-face discussions at future meetings and joint participation in online resource development. Figure 1: Mental Images Don’t Always Transfer: Experts assume that novices “see” the same thing they see – either in a visualization or a mental image (1). Conclulsion Terminology A discussion of molecular visualization skills initiated at the 2013 ASBMB Education Symposium has led to an expanded rubric for biomacromolecular 3D literacy. The rubric is divided into twelve areas, including alternate renderings, molecular dynamics and structure-function relationships. We are developing broad learning goals, learning objectives (what students will know or do), sample assessments (questions to be asked or problems to be resolved), and expected competencies for each area. The competencies also take levels of expertise into account. Novices are first year life science students; amateurs are upper division undergraduates; experts are advanced practitioners who may be graduate students, post-doctoral fellows or faculty members. We present our suggestions with the goal of building a learning community for face-to-face discussions at future meetings and joint participation in online resource development. This project was funded in part by NSF-DUE grants # and # for the CREST Project awarded to MSOE.

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