Evidence Based Short Response

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1 Evidence Based Short Response
EBSR Evidence Based Short Response

2 Purpose 4E’s

3 I plan my answer using the E’s
Template… Question I plan my answer using the E’s Write my response

4 4 E’s Topic Sentence Evidence Explanation Example
After reading, “Elephants Get Cell Phones” write a paragraph in which you explain the main idea of the passage. Include the text structure within your answer and support your response with evidence from the text. 4 E’s Topic Sentence Evidence Explanation Example

5 Complete Do/What “T” Chart
1. Read “Elephants Get Cell Phones” 2. Write paragraph 3. Explain the main idea Topic 4. Include text structure 5. Support with evidence from the text


7 Your Turn… Do/What “T” Chart

8 Plan your hand… Label your starter words.
“Elephants Get Cell Phone” Achieve 3000 Elephants are causing a problem for farmers…there is a solution. After reading, “title” written by (Author) State the answer_____________ Label your starter words. According to the text, “__________.” “Park workers are fitting elephants with special collars. The collars have cell phone chips in them that help track the elephants.” P #3 Sentence 2-3 In other words,___________________ Alert park officials… For example, ___________________ give example of how it works.. Restate the answer/ conclusion sentence ________________ Consequently,- explain the impact

9 Your Turn! Plan your hand…

10 “Elephants Get Cell Phones”
Achieve 3000

11 The response… After reading “Elephants Get Cell Phones” written by Achieve 3000, one can understand the problem these elephants are causing local farmers. Elephants are wandering into villages and eating crops. Thankfully, park workers have found a solution to this problem. According to the article, “Park workers are fitting elephants with special collars. The collars have cell phone chips in them that help track the elephants.” In other words, the collar alerts park officials when an elephant is nearby. For example, when a worker receives a message that an elephant is close to a village they rush to scare it away. Consequently, with the introduction of these collars, park officials have seen a decline in the number of crops elephants have consumed.

12 Write your response…

13 Check to see if we accomplished our task!
1. Read “Elephants Get Cell Phones” 2. Write paragraph 3. Explain the main idea 4. Include text structure 5. Support with evidence from the text

14 4th Grade After reading “The Discovery,” write a paragraph in which you explain the main idea of the passage. Support your response with evidence from the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.4.2 Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.

15 5th Grade After reading “Farming In Space,” Write a paragraph in which you explain the main idea of the passage. Support your response with evidence from the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.2 Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.

16 6th Grade After reading “Music Reduces Pet Stress in Shelters,” write a paragraph in which you determine the central idea of the passage. Support your response with evidence from the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.2 Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

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