How to play D&D Workshop #2.

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1 How to play D&D Workshop #2

2 The DM ALWAYS has final say
The Dungeon Master always has the final say!!!! Do not argue with you’re DM, it ruins everyone's experience It is ok to elaborate with the DM if you generally believe he is mistaken (1:40)

3 The DM is not your enemy The DM is (most likely) not plotting against you or buffing enemies to kill you faster The DM is merely there to tell you what happens and what monsters do, not to kill you If you believe you’re DM is purposely being unfair or killing you off, let us know

4 One die to rule them all…
The d20 # on the dice + modifiers Modifiers come from ability scores, bonuses, and proficiencys Advantage & Disadvantage

5 Engaging in the story Pay attention to what is happening
Instagram is not important while playing Actively listen and contribute to the story and game If there is a legitimate reason why you cannot be fully engaged, let your DM know yxVN5z_fcLBPhkGzY9vsA5XHTatd

6 Be your character Do not act as you would in real life, act as your character would Ex: If you are playing a Lawful Good character and are confronted with a dying person in front of you, you generally wouldn’t kill them and steal their loot, you would help them. The way you think in the real world differs from how your character thinks (maybe) L5i7-yxVN5z_fcLBPhkGzY9vsA5XHTatd

7 Use your resources (but not too much)
Use the reference books to your advantage Key word “Reference” It’s not fun to be a rules stickler Allow your fellow players and DM some creative leniency

8 Don’t Metagame
What is Metagaming? Do not act as if your character knew everything that you do Ex: if your paying a level 1 fighter who left his town to help people, he will probably not know what every monsters weaknesses are, where traps are exactly, etc. PLAY AS YOUR CHARACTER!!!

9 Make friends and have fun!
We are all here to have fun and that’s what you should focus on! Play how you would like to play and have fun with it! Make Friends here

10 Sample D&D session

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