Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation Annual Report 2017

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2 Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation Annual Report 2017
The Stop Hunger Foundation raised over £450,000 in 2017 to support the most disadvantaged individuals and communities in the UK and Ireland The purpose of the Stop Hunger Foundation is to alleviate hunger and to provide education and support beyond food aid to promote health, nutrition and wellbeing We have fantastic relationships with Fareshare, Trussell Trust, SSAFA, Coram and Ashoka to achieve our aim We donated £100,000 to the Trussell Trust, a 400- strong network of foodbanks, allowing us to impact almost 5000 people by providing 43,124 meals through the three day emergency food parcels

3 Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation Annual Report 2017
Ashoka the largest global network of social entrepreneurs partnered with Sodexo to explore innovative ways to tackle hunger and malnutrition. Resulting in a new partnership with Incredible Edible whose projects use food to help communities connect The Annual Foundation Dinner and Supplier Golf Day continue to be important fundraising events As part of our focus on engagement we introduced our ‘Volunteering pledge’ #mystophungerpledge initiative Our new staff weekly lottery called ‘Your Lucky Number’ recently launched giving staff a chance to win a cash prize, but also raising money for the Foundation’s work

4 Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation Strategy- Fundraising
Over £450,000 was raised in 2017 which went towards those most in need in the UK and Ireland This was a slight decrease from last year due to an increase in costs of running the Foundation dinner and Golf event Charity Champions and Segment fundraising brought in just under £300,000 With Defence raising the most money overall, totalling over £90,000 The Foundation dinner raised just under £80,000 , with the live and silent auctions making up over a quarter of this Our suppliers continue to support our fundraising efforts with their involvement in our Golf Day, which saw Tim Mynott, from the Trussell Trust present on how the money raised supports Trussell Trusts. The day raised just under £40,000

5 Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation Strategy Engagement (Volunteering)
Our volunteering policy allows Sodexo employees to spend up to three days volunteering with charities that aim to tackle hunger and malnutrition. The Stop Hunger Foundation scoped opportunities with our partners Fareshare and Trussell Trust to sort and deliver food to those most in need. This was used to launch #mystophungerpledge and increase employee engagement through volunteering This was a great success; Almost 350 employees volunteered=1,986 hours spent volunteering 61 Trussell Trust volunteers made up 336 food parcels, reaching around 1000 adults and children 188 Fareshare volunteers delivered 39.5 tonnes of food and sorted 14.2 tonnes of food equating to 128,116 meals

6 Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation Strategy- Giving
The Stop Hunger Foundation gave just under £400,000 to our charity partners in 2017 Trussell Trust received £100,000 to increase the quantity and range of food supplies to their national foodbank network for the Midlands Regional Distribution Centre (RDC) which enhanced food management for 70 foodbanks within 50 miles The Stop Hunger Foundation provided Ashoka with a grant of £45,687 to scope social entrepreneurs to work alongside the Foundation to tackle hunger and malnutrition using an innovative approach Our three Irish charity partners Focus Ireland (a homeless charity), Food Cloud Hubs (social enterprise that tackle food waste) and Barnardo’s have received over £15,000 to support their causes. Sodexo and the Stop Hunger Foundation made contributions to the British Red Cross ‘We Love Manchester Emergency Fund’ amounting to £23,704 following the Manchester terrorist attack The Annual Foundation Dinner and the Supplier Golf Day continue to be important fundraising events for the Foundation, together with the countless events embarked on by our enthusiastic staff and charity champions – not least, the Dunwich Dynamo cycle ride. We introduced a focus on engagement this year, most evident through the significant level of employee volunteering as part of the “Volunteering Pledge” initiative. I’d like to thank all those who participated, the feedback has been extremely positive and we aim to build on the programme each year. The Foundation is always looking for fun and inventive ways of encouraging employee support. We have just launched a new weekly staff lottery called “Your Lucky Number” – this gives our staff the chance of a cash prize, but the certainty that they are raising funds in support of the Foundation’s work. Finally, I would like to thank all those who have supported the Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation over the past year, whether through fundraising or volunteering. Your efforts enable us to support a wide range of charity partners - a selection of case studies in our recently published Report highlights the difference you are making (click here). You can find out more about the Stop Hunger Foundation by visiting our website - We are pleased to say 2017 was another fantastic year for the Stop Hunger Foundation. Together we raised over £450,000 to support the most disadvantaged individuals and communities in the UK and Ireland. The total has allowed us to contribute to the work of many of our key partners such as the Trussell Trust. By working alongside them we have been able to positively impact  almost 5,000 people by providing more than 43,000 meals through three-day emergency parcels.

7 Our Impact over time

8 Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation Strategy- Communications
The ambition is to make Stop Hunger a loved brand by promoting all the great work done through our internal and external channels The Stop Hunger website and Sodexo_Net pages underwent a refresh which led to an increase in engagement with employees. The refresh included information on volunteering, fundraising and our charity partners The Stop Hunger website and Stop Hunger page on Sodexo_Net were used to launch #mystophungerpledge on Stop Hunger Day 9 May; 1488 employees visited the Stop Hunger Day page on Sodexo_Net on 9 May We reached 4,724 people on Twitter on the launch of Stop Hunger Day #Mystophungerpledge total twitter impressions reached 1.1 million people through May to August

9 Partner Charities – Our Impact
The Stop Hunger Foundation has made a donation of almost £150,000 to Coram over the last five years. Our recent grant in 2017 supported Coram Life Education (CLE) and Family assembly programme, the UK’s largest personal, social, health and economic programme delivered to children and their parents. Our donation achieved it’s aim to part finance 28 schools in the North-West to run the above programmes. This included two elite CLE educators providing interactive services for the children on healthy lifestyle choices and the resources for the Family assembly project encouraging parents to partake in specially designed CLE sessions, to understand what their children are being taught. Creating a ripple effect to help more families understand healthy eating and lifestyle options. Irlam school in Manchester were one of the schools part funded. Due to the success of the programme they have booked the full CLE and Family assembly programme which means the children and parents can reap the benefits from.

10 Partner Charities – Our Impact
The Stop Hunger Foundation made a donation of £120,000 to Fareshare which has helped with the core elements of their operation. Our grant was used to help remove barriers to surplus food distribution supporting Fareshare with logistic solutions on behalf of food retailers and hauliers. It helped develop and strengthen Fareshare's partnerships with companies who have limited options for their surplus food .This has allowed Fareshare to secure 13,552 tonnes of food and distribute it amongst 6,723 charities. The total number of beneficiaries reached have been 484,786 adults and children saving the UK charity sector £22.4 m in One of the charities who have benefited from the distribution of Fareshare’s food is St. Albans Community Centre; ‘ We have been using Fareshare for just under a year. It has vastly improved the quality of what we can offer our service users. We save around £70 per week on our food bill-money we can put towards the theatre, seaside and entertainment.’ Debbie Billington, Deputy Centre Manager

11 Key Milestone & Highlights of the Year
Our Employee Lottery is our new initiative to engage with staff across the company, raise awareness of the Foundation’s work and fundraising £1 for £1 launched in FY17,universities, hospitals and corporate services raised a combined amount of £4,500 which was matched by Sodexo Stop Hunger global team, which was then distributed to charities in the UK and Ireland and World Food program Sodexo volunteering was re-launched on 9 May 2017, Stop Hunger Day. This resulted in employees pledging to volunteer over the summer.

12 Contact Details and Useful Links
Websites Stop Hunger UK and Ireland Sodexo Net Stop Hunger Page Stop Hunger Contacts Ufuoma Uwegba CR Co-ordinator Twitter Facebook

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