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The NQT Year The official line What to expect. The meeting with this years NQTs How useful was it? Scary or reassuring?

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Presentation on theme: "The NQT Year The official line What to expect. The meeting with this years NQTs How useful was it? Scary or reassuring?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The NQT Year The official line What to expect

2 The meeting with this years NQTs How useful was it? Scary or reassuring?

3 The Timeline See details in your pack. NB Pack is based on selected pages from the 2011-12 handbook. The new actual booklet has not been distributed yet. Early weeks – lots of supportive pop-ins M = organised by subject Mentor T = organised by professional Tutor If things are not happening when they should, discuss with mentor. If they are still not happening, let me know. See lesson observation form.

4 Use of 10% time Timetabler has confirmed that you have got this. Not extra time for planning and marking. Training averages out at approx one hour per week (normally one hour 15 mins, but some weeks there is no training as there is a parents evening in the same week etc etc.) Up to one hour meeting with mentor per fortnight. See pack for tracker sheets. Meeting slot with me – on timetable for when you need it. Book in! The rest of the time is for observation of departmental and other colleagues; peer NQT observations; pupil shadowing etc.

5 External training 3 sessions per year. See dates. Subject based Residential in the Autumn term Day courses in Spring and Summer

6 The core standards tracker Use as a standing item at mentor meetings. Discussed termly with Induction Tutor Informs assessments So, it is in your best interests to keep it up to date It is your responsibility. There does not have to be an evidence file.

7 The checklist Use it Let me know if there are any problems If still dissatisfied see the Headteacher or contact county. See numbers.

8 The Assessments See pack Done on-line The gradings The prose is linked to core standards and cites evidence Targets are related to core standards Discussions. Assessments should not be done to you! Your chance to comment. Use it. Final assessments are pass or fail.

9 Cause for Concern Note this is as much to do with what goes on outside the classroom as in it. If somebody fails an NQT year and the schools recommendation is upheld, they are not allowed to pass. But we will act early and will keep you informed. Most importantly, we work with you and your unions to ensure that there is a mutually satisfactory outcome.

10 On that happy note….. Questions/comments

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