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The Core Values of FWC #3 – Our Mission ~ Share Jesus with Everyone

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1 The Core Values of FWC #3 – Our Mission ~ Share Jesus with Everyone
Pastor Mark Schwarzbauer, Ph.D.

2 This is my Bible. It is the incomparable, inerrant, authoritative Word of God. I am what it says I am. I can do what it says I can do. I have what it says I have. I choose to live as it calls me to live. I am open and ready to receive from God’s living Word.

3 Matthew 28:18-20

4 You can read a statement of faith and know what a church believes
You can read a statement of faith and know what a church believes. But underneath those beliefs are “core values” what they emphasize, encourage and operate by. To really know a person or a church you need to know what they value.

5 Part One: Core Values

6 “Core values are the attitudes, character and expectations that shape an individual or the culture of an organization. These are what we really believe are important. They come up again and again because they are foundational. They call us, control us and confirm us. They define who we really are and how we will really live.”

7 Consider how some core values of people or organizations affect their lifestyle or culture.
Core values can be as simple as one word like “Integrity” or a complete sentence like Etsy’s “We believe fun should be a part of everything we do.”

8 Disney- to make people happy Creativity, Dream, Imagination
Consider how some core values of people or organizations affect their lifestyle or culture. Disney- to make people happy Creativity, Dream, Imagination Preservation and control of the Disney magic Absolute, meticulous attention to detail.

9 The Core Values at FWC Everyone needs a personal relationship with God (John 3:3). Our Emphasis Biblical authority accurately interpreted and lovingly applied (II Timothy 3:16, II Tim. 2:15). Our Authority Global evangelism (Matthew 28:19-20). Our Mission Relevant worship experience that allows people to connect with God (John 4:23-24) Our Connection The person and the work of the Holy Spirit with His Baptism. (Acts 1:5-8). Our Power and Distinctive

10 Part Two: Our Mission ~ Share Jesus with Everyone

11 Our Mission ~ Share Jesus with Everyone
Everyone needs a personal relationship with God - John 3. Personal Mission – Everyone is to be a witness where they are. Extended Mission – Sending others to serve where they are not.

12 Matthew 28:18-20 The Great Commission
We have emphasized in Core Value Two that God’s inerrant Word must be rightly divided and lovingly applied – Great Commandment. God’s incredible love is the primary motivation. We love them and want them saved.

13 So what’s up with this “missions” stuff?
Missions is simply financially supporting those who reach others for Jesus who are outside of your local reach.

14 So what’s up with this “missions” stuff?
Romans 10:13-15 Romans’ Road – 13 whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Jew or amazingly even Gentiles!). If you can’t reach them, send someone who can.

15 So how do you participate?
Personal evangelism. Take a card… any card. Share the Romans’ Road with someone. Financially support missions to reach those outside your personal reach.

16 3 types of giving in the Bible
Tithe- the first 10% of all your increase to keep the local churches ministry functioning effectively. Offerings – These are above the tithe and can go beyond the local church. c. Alms – gifts for the poor (secret).

17 Your Missions Offering…
On the first Sunday of month we encourage everyone to give to missions (such as $5, $20, $100 or whatever per month).

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