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17.1 Common Ion Effect Buffer Solutions The resistance of pH change

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1 17.1 Common Ion Effect Buffer Solutions The resistance of pH change
Dr. Fred Omega Garces Chemistry 201 Miramar College

2 Common Ion Effect Ionization of an electrolyte, i.e., salt, acid or base is decreased when a common ion is added to that solution. i) What is the % ionization for M acetic acid ? (Pure) HC2H3O H2O  C2H2O H3O+ Ka =1.8•10-5 M Solving the iCe problem: ka = =1.8•10-5 M = [C2H3O2-] [H3O+] /0.10 M  [H3O+]=1.34•10-3 M %  = (1.34•10-3 / 0.10 ) * 100 = 1.34 % pH = 2.87 ii) What is %  if M HC2H3O2 is mix w/ 0.100M NaC2H3O2 ? (Buffer) i Lots •10-7 C -x -x +x +x [c] x Lots x 1•10-7+x ka = 1.8•10-5 M = [ x ] [x] /( x) [0.100] [x] /( ) x = [H3O+]= 1.8•10 -5 M pH = 4.74 %  = (1.8•10-5 / 0.10 ) * 100 = % Ionization % decrease in presence of common ion !!

3 Common Ion Effect Equation
Consider the previous problem in which a common ion is in the same solution. HC2H3O H2O  C2H3O H3O+ Ka =1.8•10-5 M i Lots •10-7 C -x -x +x +x [c] x Lots x 1•10-7+x or [c] [HC2H3O2 ] Lots [C2H3O2- ] [H3O+ ] ka = [C2H3O2- ] [H3O+] rearrange the equation [H3O+] = ka • [HC2H3O2 ] [HC2H3O2] [C2H3O- ] Taking the - log of both side - - log [H3O+] = - log (ka • [HC2H3O2 ] / [C2H3O2-] ) or pH = -log ka - log( [HC2H3O2] / [C2H3O2 - ] ) let Ca = [HC2H3O2] and Cb = [C2H3O2 - ] ) therefore pH = pKa - log Ca / Cb or pH = pKa + log Cb / Ca This is the Henderson Hasselbach Equation: pH = pKa + log Cb / Ca or pOH = pKb + log Ca / Cb

4 Henderson-Hasselbach Equation
pH of a solution can be calculated using a useful equation: pH = pKa + log [A-] / [HA] Where HA & A- are the weak acid and its conjugate and Ka is for HA Similarly, pOH = pKb + log [HA] / [A-] are the weak base and its conjugate and Kb is for A-

5 Henderson-Hasselbach Equation: Example
Consider the common ion effect problem and lets see how the Henderson-Hasselbach equation can be used to simplify this problem. What is pH if M HC2H3O2 is mix w/ 0.100M NaC2H3O2 ? HC2H3O H2O  C2H2O H3O+ Ka =1.8•10-5 M i Lots •10-7 C -x -x +x +x [c] x Lots x 1•10-7+x Using the Henderson-Hasselbach equation: pH = - log (4.3•10-7 ) + log (0.100 / 0.100) pH = log pH = pH = 4.74 Note: When a common ion is present in the same solution, the strategy to solve the problem requires a Buffer Type of calculation.

6 Henderson-Hasselbach Equation and Buffer Problems (sRF)
A buffer M acetate and M acetic acid is prepared (Ka = 1.8 •10-5). i) What is the pH of the buffer? ii) Calculate the initial pH, final pH, and change in pH that result when 1.00 mL of M HCl is added to mL of the buffer. iii) Calculate the initial pH, final pH, and change in pH that result when 1.00 mL of M HCl is added to mL of water. Note: HCl = M • 1.00mL = 0.1 mmol. C2H3O2- =0.100 M •100mL = 10 mmol and HC2H3O2 =0.200 M •100mL = 20 mmol i) pH = pKa + log Cb/Ca = -log(1.8•10-5) + log ( 0.10 / 0.20)  pH = 4.44 ii) C2H3O H3O+  HC2H2O H2O s 10mmol 0.1 mmol 20 mmol Lots R f Lots [c] 9.9/ /101 VT = 101 mL pH = -log (1.8•10-5)+log [(9.9/101) / [20.1/101)] =  pH = 4.43 pH (initial) = 4.44, pH (final) 4.43, pH (change) = -0.01

7 ...Continue: Henderson-Hasselbach Equation and Buffer Problems
A buffer M acetate and M acetic acid is prepared (Ka = 1.8 •10-5). Reger 14.19 iii) Calculate the initial pH, final pH, and change in pH that result when 1.00 mL of M HCl is added to mL of water. Note: HCl = M • 1.00mL = mmol. iii) HCl + H2O  H3O Cl- s mmol 1•10-7M - R mmol mmol - f mmol [c] mmol / 101 mL [H3O+] = 9.9•10-4 M  pH = 3.00 pH (initial) = 7.00 , pH(final) 3.00, pH(change) = -4.00

8 Essential Feature of Buffer Systems
A buffer solution exhibits very small change in pH changes when H3O+ and OH- is added. A buffer solution consists of relatively high concentration of the components of a conjugate weak acid-base pair. The buffer-components concentration ratio determines the pH, and the ratio and pH are related by the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. A buffer has an effective range of pKa + 1 pH unit.

9 Blood Buffer System Buffer - A solution whose pH is resistant to change Your body uses buffers to maintain the pH of your blood Blood pH Buffer system in body - 1. Proteins 2. Phosphates HPO42- / H2PO4- : 1.6 / 1 3. Carbonates H2CO3 / HCO3 - : 10 / 1 Reaction: H3O+ + HCO3-  H2CO3 + H2O H2CO3  H2O + CO2 (exhale)

10 Acidosis Blood pH  7.35 (ACIDOSIS)
Depression of the acute nervous symptom. Or respiratory center in the medulla of the brain is affected by an accident or by depressive drugs. Symptoms: •Depression of the acute nervous system •Fainting spells •Coma •RIP Causes: 1. Respiratory Acidosis Difficulty Breathing (Hypo-ventilation) Pneumonia, Asthma anything which diminish CO2 from leaving lungs. 2. Metabolic Acidosis Starvation or fasting Heavy exercise Mechanism: 1. Respiratory Acidosis CO2 doesn’t leave lungs which result in the build up of H2CO3 in the blood 2. Metabolic Acidosis If body doesn’t have enough food then Fatty acids (Fat) are used. Fatty Acids  Acidic. Furthermore, exercise leads muscle to produce lactic acid. Blood pH below 7.35: Acidosis: Depression of the acute nervous system. Or respiratory center in the medulla of the brain is affected by an accident or by depressive drugs. Respiratory Acidosis: Symptoms: Failure to ventilate, suppression of breathing, disorientation weakness, fainting spells, coma death. Causes: Difficulty breathing (Hyperventilation), lung disease blocking gas diffusion (e.g., emphysema, pneumonia, bronchitis and asthma) depression of respiratory center by drugs, cardiopulmonary arrest, stroke, poliomyelitis, or nervous system disorder Mechanism CO2 doesn't leave lungs which result in the build up of H2CO3 in the blood. Treatment Correction of disorder, breathing assistance, infusion of bicarbonate, diuretics / digitalis, antibiotics Metabolic Acidosis :

11 Alkalosis Blood pH  7.45 (ALKALOSIS)
Hyperventilation during extreme fevers or hysteria. Excessive ingestion of basic antacids and severe vomiting Symptoms: •Over simulation of the nervous system •Muscle cramps •Convulsion •Death Causes: 1. Respiratory Alkalosis Heavy rapid breathing (hyperventilation). Results from - fear, hysteria, fever, infection or reaction with drugs. 2. Metabolic Alkalosis Metabolic irregularities or by excess vomiting Mechanism: 1. Respiratory Alkalosis Excessive loss of CO2 lowers H2CO3 and raise HCO3- level (Can be remedied by breathing in a bag) 2. Metabolic Alkalosis Vomiting removes excess acidic material from stomach. (pH of stomach equals one).

12 Buffer System at Work H3O+ Buffer H2O Remember pH = Conc. of H3O+
Buffer - System that resists change in pH when H3O+ or OH- is added. Buffer solution may be prepared by a weak acid and its conjugate base. How it Works: A-  HA H3O+ Buffer H2O Remember pH = Conc. of H3O+ Your blood Rxn: HCO3-  H2CO3 Acidosis Excess H3O+ + HCO3-  H2CO3 + H2O H3O CO2 + H2O Alkalosis Excess OH- + H2CO3  HCO H2O OH-

13 Summary The following summary lists the important tools needed to solve problems dealing with acid-base equilibria.

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