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2 How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself
Personality Plus How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself Presented by LIBA Feb, 2017

3 Learning Outcome • Will discover what makes them so special
• Will understand the four major temperaments and how to bring harmony into all relationship. • Will examine our own strengths and weaknesses and learn how to accentuate our positives and eliminate our negatives. • Understand other people and realize that just because others are different does not make them wrong.

4 Why do we want to know about our self?
“When we know who we are and why we act the way we do, We can begin to understand our inner selves, improve our personalities, and learn to get along with others”

5 A Quick Method of Self-Examination
Part 1 Personality Profile : A Quick Method of Self-Examination

6 There’s Only One You No two ALIKE It’s what underneath that COUNTS
Each one of us is UNIQUE

7 Where Do we Start? Honeymoon of Fred & Florence
Grape Rules – Fred – analyze – unsystematic – Not doing it wrong, not doing it right – Does it make them taste better? – - Tiny bare stems, sticking out all over the place – ruin the shape of the whole bunch – “Who cares?” – “I care, and that should be enough.”

8 someone could be different
Fred did really care about every detail in life. We didn’t realize someone could be different and still not be wrong.

9 Let’s Have fun with the Popular Sanguines
Get serious with Perfect Melancholies Get charged with Powerful Cholerics Relax with Peaceful Phlegmatics

10 we have something to learn from each types of temperament.
No matter who we are, we have something to learn from each types of temperament.

11 Emotions At Work Strengths As A Parent As A Friend

12 Let’s have fun with Popular Sanguine
The Extrovert . The Talker. The Optimist

13 Oh! How this world needs Popular Sanguine
The lift of joy in times of trouble. The touch of innocence in a jaded era. The word of wit when we’re weighted down. The lift of humor when we’re heavyhearted. The ray of hope to blow away our black clouds. The enthusiasm and energy to start over and over again. The creativity and charm to color a drab day. The simplicity of a child in complex situations.

14 Oh! How this world needs Popular Sanguine

15 Popular Sanguine’s Emotions
Cheerful and bubbly Curious Good on stage Wide-eyed and innocent Lives in the present Changeable disposition Sincere at heart Always a child Appealing personality Talkative, storyteller Life of the party Good sense of humour Memory for color Physically holds on to listener • Emotional & demonstrative • Enthusiastic and expressive

16 Popular Sanguine’s At Work
Volunteer for jobs Thinks up new activities Looks great on the surface Creative and colorful Has energy and enthusiasm Starts in a flashy way Inspires others to join Charms others to work

17 Popular Sanguine’s As A Parent
Makes home fun Is liked by children’s friends Turns disaster into humor Is the circus master

18 Popular Sanguine’s As A Friend
Makes friends easily Loves people Thrives on compliments Seems exciting Envied by others Doesn’t hold grudges Apologizes quickly Prevents dull moments Likes spontaneous activities 17

19 with Perfect Melancholy
Let’s Get Organized with Perfect Melancholy The Introvert . The Thinker. The Pessimist

20 Oh! How this world needs Perfect Melancholy
The depth to see into the heart and soul of life. The artistic nature to appreciate the beauty of the world. The talent to create a masterpiece where nothing existed before. The ability to analyze and arrive at the proper solution. The eye for detail while others do shoddy work. The aim to finish what they start. The pledge, “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.” The desire to “do all things decently and in order.”

21 Perfect Melancholy’s Emotions
Deep and thoughtful Analytical Serious and purposeful Genius prone Talented and creative Artistic or musical Philosophical & poetic Appreciative of beauty Sensitive to others Self-sacrificing Conscientious Idealistic

22 Perfect Melancholy At Work
Schedule oriented Perfectionist, high standards Detail conscious Persistent and thorough Orderly and organized Neat and tidy Economical Sees the problems Finds creative solutions Needs to finish what is started Likes charts, graphs, figures, lists

23 Perfect Melancholy As A Parent
Sets high standards Wants everything done right Keeps home in good order Picks up after children Sacrifices own will for others Encourages scholarship and talent

24 Perfect Melancholy As A Friend
Makes friends cautiously Content to stay in background Avoids causing attention Faithful and devoted Will listen to complaints Can solve others’ problems Deep concern for other people Moved to tears with compassion Seeks ideal mate

25 with Powerful Choleric
Let’s Get Moving with Powerful Choleric The Extrovert . The Doer. The Optimist

26 Oh! How this world needs Powerful Choleric
The firm control when others are losing theirs The cut of decision for foggy minds. The grip of leadership to head us to the good. The willingness to take chance in a doubtful situation. The confidence to hold true in the face of ridicule. The independence to stand alone and be counted. The road map to life when we’re gone astray. The urge to “take arms against a sea of troubles and, By opposing, end them.”


28 Powerful Choleric’s Emotions
Born leader Dynamic and active Compulsive need for change Must correct wrongs Strong willed and decisive • Unemotional • Not easily discouraged • Independent and self- sufficient • Exudes confidence • Can run anything

29 Powerful Choleric At Work
Goal oriented Sees the whole picture Organize well Seeks practical solutions Moves quickly to action Delegates work Insists on production Makes the goal Stimulates activity Thrives on opposition

30 Powerful Choleric As A Parent
Exert sound leadership Establishes goals Motivates family to action Knows the right answer Organizes household

31 Powerful Choleric As A Friend
Has little need for friends Will work for group activity Will lead and organize Is usually right Excels in emergencies

32 with Peaceful Phlegmatic
Let’s relax with Peaceful Phlegmatic The Introvert . The Watcher. The Pessimist

33 Oh! How this world needs Peaceful Phlegmatic
The stability to stay straight on course. The patience to put up with provokers. The ability to listen, while others have their say. The gift to mediation, uniting opposite forces. The purpose of peace at almost any price. The compassion to comfort those hurting. The determination to keep you ahead, when all around are losing theirs. The will to live in such a way that even your enemies can’t find anything bad to say about you.

34 Peaceful Phlegmatic‘s Emotions
Low-key personality Easygoing and relaxed Calm and cool Patient, Well-balanced Consistent life Quiet but witty Sympathetic and kind Keeps emotions hidden Happily reconciled to life • All-purpose person

35 Peaceful Phlegmatic‘s At Work
Competent and steady Peaceful and agreeable Has administrative ability Mediates problems Avoids conflicts Good under pressure Finds the easy way

36 Peaceful Phlegmatic’s As A Parent
Makes a good parent Takes time for the children Is not in a hurry Can take the good with the bad Doesn’t get upset easily

37 Peaceful Phlegmatic‘s As A Friend
Easy to get along with Pleasant and enjoyable Inoffensive Good listener Dry sense of humor Enjoys watching people Has many friends Has compassion and concern

38 Our Personal Weaknesses
Personality Plan A Way to Overcome Our Personal Weaknesses

39 In each of us, we have traits that are and
traits that produce negative responses in others. Quite often the same characteristics can both a plus and a minus, according to degree and many positives carried to extremes become negatives.

40 Becomes brooding and depressed.
Perfect Melancholies Deep analytical thinking is a genius trait, much respected; but Carried to extremes …. Becomes brooding and depressed.

41 Becomes bossy, controlling and
Powerful Cholerics Gift’s for quick, incisive leadership is desperately needed in every phase of life today ; but Carried to extremes …. Becomes bossy, controlling and manipulative.

42 Doesn’t care about doing anything and is indifferent and indecisive.
Peaceful Phlegmatics Easygoing nature is an admirable combination that makes him the favorite of any group; but Carried to extremes …. Doesn’t care about doing anything and is indifferent and indecisive.

43 What is our response?

44 We should pay special attention to those extremes of behavior
that are offensive to others, and finally pledge ourselves that we will dedicate ourselves to overcoming these problem areas.

45 examine ourselves realistically find our flaws before it is too late.
Let’s each one of us examine ourselves realistically and find our flaws before it is too late.

46 Let’s Organize Popular Sanguine

47 Talk too Much Self-centered Uncultivated memories Disorganized &
• Talk half as much as before • Watch for signs of boredom • Condense your comments • Stop Exaggerating Talk too Much • Be sensitive to other people’s interest • Learn to listen • Put others’ need first Self-centered Uncultivated memories • Pay attention to names • Write things down Disorganized & Immature • Grow up

48 Let’s Cheer Up Perfect Melancholy

49 Easily depressed Procrastinate Put unrealistic Demands on others
• Realize no one likes gloomy people • Don’t get hurt so easily • Look for the positives • Blow away the black clouds Easily depressed Procrastinate • Don’t spend so much time planning Put unrealistic Demands on others • Relax your standards

50 Let’s Tone Down Powerful Choleric

51 Compulsive Worker Must be in control Don’t know how to handle People
• Learn to relax • When I relax, I feel guilty • Take the pressure off others • Plan leisure activitys Compulsive Worker • Respond to other leadership • Don’t look down on “the Dummies”. • Stop manipulating Must be in control • Practice patience • Keep advice until asked • Tone down your approach • Stop arguing and causing trouble Don’t know how to handle People Right but Unpopular • Let someone else be right • Learn to apologize • Admit you have some faults.

52 Let’s Motivate Peaceful Phlegmatic

53 Are Not Exciting Resist change Seem lazy Appear wishy- washy
• Try to get enthused • Learn to communicate your feelings Are Not Exciting Resist change • Try something new • Learn to accept responsibility for your life • Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today • Motivate yourself Seem lazy Appear wishy- washy • Practice making decision

54 Each person is a unique blend
Natural Blends Popular Sanguine + Powerful Choleric Perfect Melancholy + Peaceful Phlegmatic Complementary Blends Powerful Choleric + Perfect Melancholy Popular Sanguine + Peaceful Phlegmatic Opposites Popular Sanguine + Perfect Melancholy Powerful Choleric + Peaceful Phlegmatic

55 In whatever way you come out on the Personality Profile,
remember it is not the label but the understanding of your own personality strengths and weaknesses that is important.

56 Putting us into little boxes?

57 As we understand ourselves and become true to our own natures,
We automatically develop a new acceptance for those people who don’t see things our way and who wish to live in a style contrary to our perceptions.

58 Let’s make a personal plan
Assess your strength Evaluate your weaknesses Seek other Opinions Plan your step for personal improvement Ask your family for help Encourage honest opinion

59 Change HURTS but without it we don’t improve.

60 Once we have an understanding of ourselves
through the study of the four personalities, we can open up a whole new world of positive human relationships. We can take the principles we’ve learned and apply them in a practical direction.

61 Popular Sanguines are best
In dealing with people enthusiastically In expressing thoughts with excitement In up-front positions of attention

62 Perfect Melancholies are best
In attending to details and in deep thinking In keeping records, charts and graphs In analyzing problems too difficult for others

63 Powerful Cholerics are best
In jobs that require quick decisions In spots that need instant action and accomplishment In areas that demand strong control and authority

64 Peaceful Phlegmatic are best
In position of mediation and unity In storms that need a calming hand In routines that might seem dull to others

65 We should never use this knowledge to judge or label anyone,
but to help us in our relationship with others and in anticipating reactions.

66 How to GET ALONG with OTHERS

67 The Popular Sanguine Personality
Recognize their difficulty in accomplishing tasks. Realize they talk without thinking first. Realize they like variety and flexibility. Help them to keep from accepting more than they can do. Praise them for everything they accomplish. Remember they are circumstantial people. Realize that they mean well.

68 The Perfect Melancholy Personality
Know that they are very sensitive and get hurt easily. Realize they are programmed with pessimistic attitude. Learn to deal with Depression. Compliment them sincerely and lovingly. Accept that they like it quiet sometimes. Try to keep a reasonable schedule. Realize that neatness is a necessity. Help them not to become slaves to the family.

69 The Powerful Choleric Personality
Recognize they are born leaders. Insist on two-way communication. Know they don’t mean to hurt. Try to divide areas of responsibility. Realize they are not compassionate.

70 The Peaceful Phlegmatic Personality
Realize they need direct motivation. Help them set goals and make rewards. Don’t expect enthusiasm. Realize that putting things off is their form of quiet control. Force them to make decisions. Don’t heap all the blame on them. Encourage them to accept responsibilities.

71 Reference Florence Littauer Personality Plus : How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself. Petaling Jaya : Advantage Quest Publication.

72 Individual Assignment (10%)
• Personality Test • My Personality Plan • Please submit it today.

73 Group Work Exercise No. 4 • Do some research on the topic of shyness. Your scholarly research should answer to the below questions. • What is shyness? • What causes it? • Proposed one of the ways in overcoming shyness. • Remember to put in your sources of reference.



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