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Presentation on theme: "NAME HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL WORKING GROUP"— Presentation transcript:

Coordinated Modeling Activities

2 Hydroclimatic Linkages in NAME
( Shuttleworth, Gochis and Nijssen ) Precipitation Analyses Streamflow Analyses Regionalization Temporal disaggregation Merged radar products Statistically consistent downscaled climate forecasts ( and distributed precipitation products) Regionalization Assess hydrologic response to precipitation characteristics Physically-based hydrological model development Enable downscaled seasonal hydrological forecasts

3 Hydroclimatic Linkages in NAME
( Shuttleworth, Gochis and Nijssen )

4 Exploratory Work on Teleconnections between SST and Soil Moisture
( Lettenmaier, Cavazos and Zhu ) Sea surface temperature: Extended Reconstruction of Global Sea Surface Temperature data set based on COADS data. ( ) developed by T.M. Smith and R.W. Reynolds, NCDC. The original data resolution is 2º longitude, 2 º latitude. It was interpolated into 0.5 º resolution (The ocean domain is chosen according to the Bin Yu and J.M. Wallace’s paper, 2000, J. Climate, 13, ) Soil Moisture: VIC retrospective land surface dataset ( ). The original data with 1/8 degree resolution is aggregated into 0.5 º resolution.

5 Soil Moisture Predictability by Persistence and SST PCs
The highest variance explained is more than 90%. For June, over 40% of the variance is explained over most of the study domain, including Mexico. ( Lettenmaier, Cavazos and Zhu )

6 Soil Moisture Predictions: SST & Persistence vs. Persistence Only
Introducing SST PCs benefits long-time lead predictability (of June soil moisture), but no significant benefits for less than 6-month lead time predictability. SST and Persistence Persistence ( Lettenmaier, Cavazos and Zhu )

7 Hydrological Operations in NAME
( CNA, NWS ) Implementation of River Forecast Systems

8 Hydrological Operations in NAME
( CNA, NWS ) Flood Inundation Mapping

9 Satellite-Based Precipitation Estimation
( CNA, NWS ) Satellite Precipitation Estimates Available From Two Sources and in Two Formats Auto-Estimator (U.S.) EpprepMex (Mexico) Animated Hourly Precipitation Est. (Meteor.) Gridded Precipitation Data (Hydrologists) Technique Developed for Bias Correction for Mexico

10 Hydroclimatic Observing Network

11 Ongoing and EOP 2004 Activities
( various participants ) Ingest and archive available streamflow data into the NAME data archive Continue development of land-surface and hydrographic datasets Perform additional service and download of the NAME event network during the field campaign Project Office: Coordinate “non-standard”, gage-based precipitation analyses in core region

12 THE END …. Thank You!


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