Ancient Israel.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Israel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Israel


3 Tigris River Jordan River Euphrates River Nile River


5 Jerusalem Babylon Ur

6 Q: What’s important about the geography?
A: Strategic location – crossroads – also, part of fertile crescent so it’s livable

7 What’s real? What’s legend?
Everything up until King David is legend – may be real but no evidence so far From David, there starts to be evidence from sources other than the Torah – references in Egyptian and Mesopotamian texts It’s possible that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, slavery in Egypt, Moses and the Exodus, Joshua and the battles in Canaan could all be fable/legend Remember – the Bible was not intended as history! It was a sacred text describing the relationship with God, a set of laws for the Jewish people.

8 Abraham – First Patriarch
Sargon of Akkad’s first empire: c BC Abraham: c BC Hammurabi: c BC

9 First Covenant with God
God=>Abraham Will make you a great people Will give you land Abraham=>God Will worship you Will circumcise men to symbolize the covenant Male circumcision is the surgical removal of some or all of the foreskin from the penis; religious requirement for Jews and also widely practices in Islam; 30% of males are circumcised. Supposed to have health benefits.

10 Left Ur for “Promised Land”

11 Tested by God – and passed
Abraham God tests Abraham by telling him to bring Isaac to a hill top and sacrifice him Abrahams follows command but is stopped at the last moment Isaac

12 Jacob – Wrestled with Angel
Isaac’s son = Jacob Wrestles with a man who turns out to be an angel of God Renamed Israel Fathers 12 sons – become the 12 tribes of Israel

13 Jacob – Twelve Tribes Tribes populate Canaan

14 Joseph Sold to Slavery

15 Joseph – High Office in Egypt
Hammurabi: c BC Joseph: c BC Egypt’s Middle Kingdom ends: c BC

16 Moses – Birth Story Jews in Egypt about 500 yrs.
Story of Moses’ birth similar to Sargon of Akkad Hatshepsut: c BC Akhenaten: c BC Moses: c BC Egypt’s New Kingdom ends: c BC

17 Moses: Chosen By God to Lead Jews

18 Moses – Frees Jews from Captivity in Egypt
Red Sea vs. Sea of Reeds “Yam Suph” (יַם-סוּף) => Sea of Reeds (not the Red Sea)

19 Moses – Second Covenant
God=>Moses: will love you and protect you; give you land of Isreal Moses=>God: will worship only you; follow commandments

20 Joshua – Destroys Jericho
Joshua was one of the general under Moses Led first battle of the Israelites during their conquest of Canaan; according to story, the walls of Jericho fell after Joshua's Israelite army marched around the city blowing their trumpets God to Joshua - "You shall not leave alive anything that breathes."

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