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The Victorian Era 19th Century Britain.

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Presentation on theme: "The Victorian Era 19th Century Britain."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Victorian Era 19th Century Britain

2 SUBSEARCH Ch. 1-16 for after Thanksgiving Break Character List
Marginal notes (connections/personal reactions/themes) Underline key points Ch for after Thanksgiving Break

3 Background Industrial Revolution changed England from agricultural nation to industry (replacing hand labor) Steam engines Spinning Jenny Power loom Factory system introduced Raw sewage, slums lining the Thames, child labor

4 Literary Movement No longer romanticizing the upper class
Written for the people Magazines became popular Allowed writers to write novels in month to month sections Pressure of social problems created new awareness and interest in human beings Characterization becomes dominant quality

5 Themes Alienation and Loneliness Identity: Search for self
Victim/Victimization Guilt and Innocence Ambition Crime & Responsibility Parenthood/childhood

6 Works you May Recognize
The Adventures of Oliver Twist Great Expectations A Christmas Carol Hard Times A Tale of Two Cities David Copperfield

7 The Man Himself Born Feb. 7, 1812 in Portsmouth, England
Sickly child, so parents filled him with exciting stories Forced to work in factory at 12, while sister studied at Royal Academy of Music (Misery) Married Kate Hogarth in 1836, 10 children, separated in 1858 Mistress Ellen Ternan (actress 27 years younger), daughter made public after his death

8 Style Often reflects his own life and people around him Picturesque
Profuse linguistic creativity Satire (British aristocratic snobbery) Compares orphans to stocks and shares, dinner party guests to furniture Mixture of fantasy and realism

9 Essential Questions What do I need to know about individuals in order to understand them? What do others think of me? Why do people need to belong? How do differences affect individuals and their relationships? What factors create character, values, and personality? Why do these factors have an impact? How is social class depicted through characters and plot? How do individuals prioritize these factors?

10 Learning objectives What is the historical context and cultural context in which Dickens wrote? How is Victorian England reflected in the novel? How is social class depicted through characters and plot? What commentary does Dickens provide concerning the 19th century English Education system? What family structures are portrayed?

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