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Maintenance and Transportation Tommy Woodson August 4-5, 2009 Transportation/Maintenance.

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Presentation on theme: "Maintenance and Transportation Tommy Woodson August 4-5, 2009 Transportation/Maintenance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maintenance and Transportation Tommy Woodson August 4-5, 2009 Transportation/Maintenance

2 Preventative Maintenance Conduct walk-abouts regularly with custodians –Identify needed repairs and hazards

3 Schedule Crisis Drill Regularly Fire, tornado, bomb, intruder Maps, guidelines posted

4 Accident Reports Injured student (no matter how minor) –Complete report Send copy of complete report to Dodie Clarkston –Attempt to contact parent –Administer first aid if required Band-aids Ice Water to clean wound 911 if severe Dont forget school-based health clinic

5 Work Orders FAX, email, pony –Emergency call –Follow with a work order –Complete a separate work order for each item –Clearly describe problem –Include room numbers, directions, and description –Sometimes, drawings or sketches would clarify information Emergency Clear descriptions Air Conditioners –Monitor thermostat settings Cooling: 74 and above Heat: 68 and below Windows/doors should be closed when systems are on –Check filters Change at least 3 times per year Check night lighting –Make sure all security lights on poles are working Energy management –Lights off in unoccupied Use only light needed in gyms Partial lighting reduces cost and heat –Air conditioners set at 74 degrees or above No doors or windows open when AC is on Classrooms and buildings

6 Transportation Assist bus drivers with student behavior while riding the bus Communicate morning and afternoon unloading and loading schedule to bus drivers and send copy to Dodie Clarkston –Be patient the first week or two as adjustments are being made –We need to work together and remain calm Assist with loading students on time-especially at the beginning of school –Elementary –Junior High –High School

7 Bus Evacuation Drills Fall and Spring Send report to Dodie Clarkston

8 Field Trips Expense of fuel is a serious problem –Field trips should be kept to a minimum –Limit number of buses for athletic trips Cheerleaders and drill team need to ride together Personal cars to transport students are not allowed

9 Who can ride bus? Sponsors and chaperones (reasonable number) Activity students only

10 Field Trip Plan RPSB driver will only go to pre-identified locations End of year field trips are difficult to manage due to spring sports-daily requirements have priority over any other request All buses should have RPSB employee chaperone

11 Emergency Dismissal Central Office needs assistance in notifying bus drivers Keep working batteries in weather radio Monitor closely during potential severe weather If you have parent messengeruse to notify parents RPSB puts notice on radio and televisions

12 Appreciation Thank you for working with me to make the learning climate better for our employees and our students.

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