Nat. Rev. Mater. doi: /natrevmats

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1 Nat. Rev. Mater. doi:10.1038/natrevmats.2016.2
Figure 3 Tuning the structure of the anchor, electrode and bridge to modulate charge-transport properties in single-molecule junctions Panel a adapted with permission from Danilov, A. et al. Electronic transport in single molecule junctions: control of the molecule–elec­trode coupling through intramolecular tunneling barriers. Nano Lett. 8, 1–5 (2008), American Chemical Society Panel b from Su, T. A., Li, H., Steigerwald, M. L., Venkataraman, L. & Nuckolls, C. Stereoelectronic switching in single-molecule junc­tions. Nat. Chem. 7, 215–220 (2015), Nature Publishing Group Panel c adapted with permission from Adak, O., Korytár, R., Joe, A. Y., Evers, F. & Venkataraman, L. Impact of electrode density of states on transport through pyridine-linked single molecule junc­tions. Nano Lett. 15, 3716–3722 (2015), American Chemical Society Panel d reproduced with permission from Venkataraman, L. et al. Electronics and chemistry: varying single-molecule junction con­ductance using chemical substituents. Nano Lett. 7, 502–506 (2007)., American Chemical Society Panel e from Venkataraman, L., Klare, J. E., Nuckolls, C., Hybert­sen, M. S. & Steigerwald, M. L. Dependence of single-molecule junc­tion conductance on molecular conformation. Nature 442, 904–907 (2006), Nature Publishing Group Steigerwald, M. L. et al. (2016) Chemical principles of single-molecule electronics Nat. Rev. Mater. doi: /natrevmats

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