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What is Irony?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Irony?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Irony?

2 Irony A Surprise! It is the difference between what we expect to happen, and what actually does happen. It is often used to add suspense and interest.

3 The Big Picture

4 Verbal Irony When someone says one thing
but really means something else. All sarcasm is verbal irony, but not all verbal irony is sarcastic. Sarcasm is always mean-spirited and mocking, but sometimes verbal irony is just funny. Tone can help you identify verbal irony.

5 Situational Irony When you expect one thing to happen, but the unexpected (or opposite) happens instead. Coincidences are NOT situational irony. If something happens by chance, it is not ironic. Reasonable expectations about a situation are not met.

6 Dramatic Irony When the reader/audience knows
something that the characters do not. Used to engage the reader/audience and keep them actively involved in the story. Setting and perspective help create dramatic irony.

7 Video Explanations Verbal Irony Situational Irony Dramatic Irony

8 Summer! (click picture to view video)

9 Review! Irony is a kind of a surprise. It is the
difference between what is expected to happen, and what actually does happen. Irony is like a glitch, a twist, or a last minute switch in the game. It is an interruption of events that causes an unexpected outcome. There are three types of irony: Verbal – when you say one thing but mean another Situational – when the opposite of what’s expected happens Dramatic – when the reader/audience knows something the characters don’t

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