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Presentation on theme: "CCLV Report SERRA RALLY 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 CCLV Report SERRA RALLY 2018
Rev. Ralph O’Donnell Executive Director Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations

2 The Serra rally phoenix, Arizona January 13, 2018
Making Vocations Awareness a Priority

3 Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations (CCLV)
Committee Archbishop Joseph Tobin, C.Ss.R., Chairman Archbishop Samuel Aquila Archbishop John Wester Archbishop Charles Thompson Bishop Earl Boyea Bishop Arturo Cepeda Bishop James F. Checchio Bishop Thomas Daly Bishop Michael F. Olson Secretariat Fr. Ralph O’Donnell, Executive Director Fr. Luke Ballman, Associate Director

4 The CCLV Committee Mandate

5 CCLV Consulting Organizations
Clergy NADD NFPC NOCERCC ANSH Vicars for Clergy Vocations NCDVD NRVC SERRA Priestly Formation NACS NACTS Consecrated Life CMSM/CMSWR/LCWR US Association of Consecrated Virgins US Conference of Secular Institutes Vicars for Religious

6 CCLV Collaborative Organizations
Clergy Treatment Facilities St. Luke Institute St. John Vianney Center Guest House Ongoing Formation Institutes Priestly Formation IPF CMSM Formation Committee Consecrated life Commission on Religious Life and Ministry

7 CCLV Annual PROJECTS Vocations Events NVAW (November 4-10, 2018)
World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life (February 2 celebrated Feb 3&4, 2018) World Day of Prayer for Vocations (4th Sunday of Easter) April 22, 2018 Annual Surveys Ordination Class of 2018 Post-Ordination Survey of Deacons Profession Class of 2017

8 Seminary Enrollment 2016-2017 College: 1,395 1,248 (2004-2005)*
1,460 ( )** Theology: 3,405 3,114 ( )* 3,723 ( )** Pre-Theology: * = Lowest ** = Most recent higher enrollment

9 Seminary Enrollment Trends

10 Ordination Class of 2017 590 potential candidates
70% Caucasian, 14% Hispanic; 10%Asian; 30% foreign-born (Colombia, Mexico, Philippines, Nigeria, Poland, Vietnam Average age: 34/ Median age: 32 Between 40 and 50 percent of all responding ordinands attended Catholic education on the K-12 and/or college level.

11 Ordination Class of 2017 Entered seminary
High School (2%) College (44%) Pre-Theology (46%) Theology (7%) 70% encouraged by parish priest College debt is a factor About 29% of all Diocesan and Religious Entrance Average: $28,318 (Of those responding)

12 Encouraging Trends for Vocation Awarenes
49% of those ordained in 2016 were active in a parish youth group. 25% were active in College Campus Ministry or Newman Center activities. 70% Encouraged by a parish priest. 14% Encouraged by a campus minister. 54% active as a Lector 26% Campus Ministry/Newman Center 22% (16%) Participated in World Youth Day 67% (35%) Come and See Weekend

Parish Priest (58/50%) Friend (46/44%) Mother (23/31%) Parishioner (24%) Father (15/20%) Other Relative (15/23%) Campus Minister (19/23%) Teacher/Cat. (18/21%) Youth Minister (11/7%) ORDINATION CLASS 2017 Parish Priest (70%) Friend (45%) Parishioner (44%) Mother (42%) Father (34%) Teacher/Cat. (28%) Grandparent (23%) Other Relative (16%) Religious Sister (16%) Campus Minister (30%)

14 Walking with Young People

15 Who?

16 Preparatory Document Parents and Family: the irreplaceable educational role played by parents and other family members needs to be acknowledged in every Christian community. In the first place, parents in families express each day God’s care for every human being through a love which binds them to each other and to their children. Shepherds of Souls: meetings with clergy, who have the ability of a genuine involvement with youth by dedicating their time and resources, and consecrated women and men through their unselfish witness, are decisive in the growth of new generations.

17 Preparatory Document Teachers and other Persons in Education: many Catholic teachers are involved as witnesses in universities and schools in every grade and level. Many are also ardently and competently involved in the workplace. Still other believers are engaged in civil life, attempting to be the leaven for a more just society. Many engaged in volunteer work in society devote their time for the common good and the care of creation. A great many are enthusiastically and generously involved in free-time activities and sports. All of these people bear witness to the human and Christian vocation which is accepted and lived with faithfulness and dedication, arousing in those who see them a desire to do likewise. Consequently, responding generously to one’s proper vocation is the primary way of performing pastoral vocational work.

18 Preparatory Document “…the focus in the case of the synod is on vocational discernment, that is, the process by which a person makes fundamental choices, in dialogue with the Lord and listening to the voice of the Spirit, starting with the choice of one’s state in life.” Pope Francis WWYP “For the believer, the question becomes even more intense and profound, namely, how does a person live the good news of the Gospel and respond to the call which the Lord addresses to all those he encounters, whether through marriage, the ordained ministry or the consecrated life?” Pope Francis WWYP

19 HOW? Pope Francis’ Statement Announcing the 55th World Day of Prayer for VocationsVocations

20 “Listen, Discern and Live”
“In the diversity and the uniqueness of each and every vocation, personal and ecclesial, there is a need to listen, discern and live this word that calls to us from on high and, while enabling us to develop our talents, makes us instruments of salvation in the world and guides us to full happiness.” Pope Francis

21 Listening The Lord’s call is not as “clear-cut” as those things we can hear, see or touch in our daily life. God’s word is discreet, without imposing on our freedom. This makes it challenging at times to “hear” his voice. It can get drowned out. - Intentional Listening / Priority

22 Listening Attentive first to Christ, His word, His story
Step outside of our comfort zone Attentive in turn to the details of our own daily life Through this learning how to view things through the eyes of faith. Staying alert to the working of the Holy Spirit /Grace - Step outside of our comfort zone. We must not “remain enclosed in ourselves”

23 Discerning “The process by which a person makes fundamental choices, in dialogue with the Lord and listening to the voice of the Spirit, starting with the choice of one’s state in life.” Pope Francis YFVD Through listening more intently one develops the ability to discern The prophetic dimension Prophets went out in the midst of struggles and crisis Discerning events in light of God’s Promise.

24 Discernment “Today too we have great need of discernment and of prophecy. We have to resist the temptations of ideology and negativity and to discover, in our relationship with the Lord, the places, the means and situations through which he calls us. Every Christian ought to grow in the ability to ‘read within’ his or her life, and to understand where and to what he or she is being called by the Lord, in order to carry on his mission.” Pope Francis YFVD

25 WHEN?

26 Living Vocation is Today! The Christian Mission is Now!
“This ‘today’ that Jesus proclaimed assures us that God continues to ‘come down’ to save our human family and to make us sharers in his mission. “ Pope Francis YFVD We should not wait to be perfect to give our generous “yes”, nor be fearful of our limitations and sins, but instead open our hearts to the voice of the Lord Pope Francis YFVD

27 WHY?

28 Missionary Discipleship
To listen to that voice, to discern our personal mission in the Church and the world, and at last to live it in the ‘today’ that God gives us. “The gatekeeper opens it for him, and the sheep hear his voice, as he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has driven out all his own, he walks ahead of them, and the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice. But they will not follow a stranger; they will run away from him, because they do not recognize the voice of strangers.” John 10:3-5 To dedicate ourselves totally to his Kingdom Living out the call of our baptism in service to our brothers and sisters.


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