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What is a religion?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a religion?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a religion?

2 Characterizing a religion
A religion can be characterized as a system of beliefs that connect humans to the supernatural Religious beliefs and practices are generally considered sacred because practitioners believe theses rules, rituals, and beliefs were conceived by a supernatural power or god(s) Many religious beliefs are a product of natural and social environments and in turn affect these very things

3 Many forms of religion Proselytic Faith vs Ethnic Religion
Proselytic Faiths actively seek people to join their church and try to convert members (Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc…) Ethnic Religions are religions people are generally born into and do not ask others to join (Judaism, Hindu, etc…) Monotheistic vs Polytheistic Religions Monotheistic religions worship only one diety or god (Christianity, Islam, etc…) Polytheistic religions believe there are several different deities each with their own individual responsibility (The religions of Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, etc…) Individual vs Congregation Congregation style religions tend to meet in large groups in places such as a temple or church Individual religions are not practiced in numbers and often take place in ones home

4 Denominations Many religions have multiple subdivisions which are known as denominations When many people follow denominations but interpret or understand the religion differently different dominions are created Example: Martin Luther and Protestantism When Christianity was created few people could read and believers heavily relied on priests to read and interpret the word of god to them With the creation of the printing press and spread of literacy people were finally able to read the bible themselves Martin Luther felt the church had abused their power and had become corrupt and would eventually create Lutheranism (a denomination of the Christian Church) Many people would follow his lead and create a number of churches including Calvinism, Anglicanism, etc…

5 Today in the Text Abrahmic vs Indian Religions
Religion around the world The Mormons Loss of God on the West Coast

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