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What Can We Learn from Hydrogen Safety Event Databases?

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Presentation on theme: "What Can We Learn from Hydrogen Safety Event Databases?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Can We Learn from Hydrogen Safety Event Databases?
Webinar Moderator: Jay Keller Consultant U.S. DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Office Safety, Codes and Standards September 10, 2013

2 Overview Fuel Cells – An Emerging Global Industry
Source: Clean Energy Patent Growth Index Top 10 companies for fuel cell patents: GM, Honda, Toyota, Samsung, UTC Power, Nissan, Ballard, Panasonic, Plug Power, Delphi Technologies Clean Energy Patent Growth Index[1] shows growth in all clean energy technology patents More than 1,000 fuel cell patents issued in 2012 [1]

3 Worldwide Commitment to FCEVs
Interest in fuel cells and hydrogen is global, with more than $1 billion in public investment in RD&D annually. The world’s leading automakers have committed to develop FCEVs. Major Auto Manufacturers’ Activities and Plans for FCEVs Market Growth & Potential Fuel cell markets continue to grow ~30,000 units shipped in 2012 (~35% increase) 48% increase in global MWs shipped Independent analyses show global markets could mature in the next 10–20 years, producing revenues of: $14 – $31 billion/year for stationary power $11 billion/year for portable power $18 – $97 billion/year for transportation General Motors >120 vehicles deployed since 2007 in Project Driveway 2012: Technology readiness goal for FC powertrain : U.S. demo fleet of 100 vehicles “FCHV-adv” can achieve 431-mile range &68 mpgge 2015: Commercialize cars at <$100K Toyota Clarity FCX named “World Green Car of the Year”; EPA certified 72mpgge; leasing up to 200 vehicles 2015: Launch all-new fuel cell electric model sequentially in Japan, U.S. and Europe. Honda Plans for tens of thousands of FCEVs/year in 2015 – 2017 and hundreds of thousands a few years after Partnership with Linde to develop fueling stations. Moved up commercialization plans to 2014 Daimler : FCEVs/year 2015: 10,000 FCEVs/year “Borrego” FCEV has achieved >340-mile range. Hyundai-Kia GM: Reaffirmed commitment despite management changes and financial troubles. GM’s goal is to have powertrain ready for production by “Technology leadership is one of the pillars of the company. That is going to remain, and it will probably be emphasized as part of the brand of GM,” says Alan Taub, exec director of GM R&D. Taub also noted substantial progress in FC cost and size reduction. HONDA: FCX Clarity named “World Green Car of the NY auto show, and received EPA-certified fuel economy of 72mpgge. Honda’s head of environmental planning claimed “A conventional battery-powered car would require a battery weighing two tons to match the range and performance of the Clarity and it would take hours to charge fully. TOYOTA: Toyota said auto industry will be “shocked” by the low price of its first production FCEV. Toyota’s “Highlander Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle – Advanced (FCHV-adv) achieved about 431 miles range on compressed H2 tank, with average fuel economy of 68.3mpgge. Data was monitored and confirmed by NREL. HYUNDAI: Company plans to invest $1.7B in advanced vehicle technologies, including FCs by 2013. VOLVO: Subsidiary Volvo Technology Transfer is to receive $25M from Swedish Energy Agency and two international investors for FC research (not necessarily vehicle-focused) VW: Not a visible FC advocate until recently, confirmed that it is committed to building FCs for its H2-powered vehicles. 16 vehicles originally tested in china have joined 8 others operating in CA. SAIC: Chinese car manufacturer Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp (largest auto in China) has a $50 million, joint venture with GM called the Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center (PATAC), which provides automotive engineering services, including design, development, testing, and validation of components and vehicles for automotive companies in China and the Asia Pacific region.  SAIC and GM are planning to build 10 fuel cell vehicles in 2010 using the same propulsion system used in the Project Driveway Equinoxes inside an SAIC vehicle body.  ( JAPAN Infrastructure: GERMANY infrastructure: H2Mobility reference: UNITED KINGDOM: UKH2Mobility reference: LETTER of UNDERSTANDING: Expanded demo fleet to 24 FCEVs in CA Recently reconfirmed commitment to FCEVs Volkswagen SAIC Motor Company is planning prototypes in 2013 and >1,000 FCEVs in 2015. SAIC (China) Nissan Commercial FCEVs planned for FCEVs are key part of “Nissan Green Program.” Announced strategic partnership with Daimler on FCEVs. BMW Fielding a fleet of “F-Cell” vehicles in the U.S. 40 currently leased with another 20 on the way. Based on publicly available information during 2011 – Ford involved through Ballard-Daimler partnership (AFCC). Sources: Navigant Research, DOE Fuel Cells Market Report

4 IPHE1 - Proposed Hydrogen Safety Information Portal & Webinar
Information Portal will serve as a central point for access to the hydrogen safety lessons learned and best practices information. IPHE will consolidate information into a single, global, open-source, searchable information resource. Webinars Regular IPHE webinars will serve as another pathway to share information while utilizing the resources, knowledge and experience of IPHE members and partners. Webinars will cover topics of interest to the global hydrogen and fuel cell community. Safety information sharing H2 resource availability analysis (IEA HIA2 Task 30) results Status of infrastructure deployments Policy Examples to Promote H2 and FCs Two webinars per year 1IPHE – International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy 2IEA HIA – International Energy Agency Hydrogen Implementing Agreement US DOE H2 Webinar Series Highlighting Safety ICHS2013 International Presentation International Audience Highlighting HIAD EU / JRC H2Incidence US / DOE -- Can we frame this more positively – IPHE is implementing --- go public after the Nov SC meeting … IPHE will consolidate information into a single, global, searchable ….

5 Webinar Webinar Objective: To Share U.S. and E.U. information as it pertains to Hydrogen Safety and Best Practices, Lessons Learned and Available Databases Each speaker up to 15 minutes for formal remarks We will entertain panel discussion questions at the end of the formal presentations for 20 minutes Webinar is being recorded and will be posted approximately 10 days after the webinar. This will be through the U.S. DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Office homepage.

6 Equipment Safety Information helps guide R&D.
Example – H2 Information Sharing Safety Information helps guide R&D. It is critical to collect and disseminate relevant information. Equipment Total Incidents Piping/Fitting/Valves 102 Hydrogen Storage 49 Vehicle & Fueling System 40 Safety Systems 25 Ventilation System 22 Laboratory Equipment 19 Pressure Relief Devices 16 Motive Power Systems 15 Heating Equipment 14 Electrical Equipment Process Equipment Batteries and Related Equipment 13 Database web address – Examples: Piping (36) Valve (36) Flexible Tubing (8) Gasket (6) Bolts (6) Delete – competition Cross–Search Categories : Settings Damage and Injuries Probable Causes Contributing Factors

7 Hydrogen Safety Event Databases?
PNNL-SA-97884 What Can We Learn from Hydrogen Safety Event Databases? From wherever you may be participating in this webinar, a welcome to all of you with a good afternoon from Brussels. I want to talk to you about the Hydrogen Incident Reporting and Lessons Learned Database, “” The context for our work was simply stated in a fairly recent report by the US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board commonly known as the CSB: “Near-misses and previous incidents provide opportunities for education and improvement only if they are documented, tracked, and communicated to drive safety change.” That report contained the following citation: “For an example of an online near-miss database, view the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Hydrogen Program website, which facilitates the sharing of lessons learned while working with hydrogen….” It all sounds straightforward, but it’s not! today I want to talk to you about one approach (, the experience and progress, and where we see taking safety knowledge tools, such as this one, in the future. STEVEN C.WEINER Battelle Washington Office Washington, DC

8 The Premise “Hydrogen and fuel cell safety event information can serve as a rich and valuable resource if it is systematically collected, analyzed and used to enhance hydrogen safety knowledge. The sharing of lessons learned from safety events can serve to help prevent similar events from happening in the future…” I take this premise for our work on hydrogen safety event databases from the Hydrogen Safety Panel which supports the US Department of Energy program on hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, systems and applications: “Hydrogen and fuel cell safety event information can serve as a rich and valuable resource if it is systematically collected, analyzed and used to enhance hydrogen safety knowledge. The sharing of lessons learned from safety events can serve to help prevent similar events from happening in the future…” That second sentence helps one identify the purpose and user audience for the safety event information being collected. Ref: Learning from Safety Events, A Statement from the Hydrogen Safety Panel, January 17, 2012. October 13, 2018

9 What is Database-driven website to facilitate the sharing of lessons learned and other relevant information gained from actual experiences using and working with hydrogen. Focus on characterization of hydrogen-related incidents and near-misses, and ensuing lessons learned from those events. October 13, 2018

10 History
Launched in 2006 to store information and analysis of hydrogen-related safety events including describing the event, its setting and equipment, its characteristics, causes and contributing factors 210 Safety event records to date Voluntary reporting tool for capturing records of events involving hydrogen or hydrogen-related technologies. The road to “” began in Pisa…. Key Attributes Search Incidents Enter Incidents New Lessons Learned It is most appropriate that this webinar is being presented on location at ICHS V. At the first ICHS in Pisa in 2005, numerous presentations, discussions and informal conversations recognized the importance of information-sharing regarding safety events and the challenges facing organizations, collaborations and partnerships in doing so. At that time, in a presentation I gave on the work of the Hydrogen Safety Panel, I noted that “any system to receive, process, record, analyze and act on a safety event requires a great deal of information sharing as openly and thoroughly as possible, some degree of confidentiality and anonymity to prevent the punishment of personnel and encourage a commitment to creating a higher learning value.” This principle was based, in large measure, on the industrial safety event reporting experience of our Hydrogen Safety Panel members. So let’s look at “” October 13, 2018

11 Capturing the Event Focusing on Lessons Learned
Each safety event record contains Description Severity (Was hydrogen released? Was there ignition?) Setting Equipment Characteristics (High pressure? Low temperature?) Damage and Injuries Probable Cause(s) Contributing Factors Lessons Learned/Suggestions for Avoidance/Mitigation Steps Taken Lessons learned content enhanced by links to “H2best” Tube Trailer Rollover “” is a database-driven website that was launched in 2006 to store information and analysis of hydrogen-related safety events with emphasis on these parameters, describing the event, its setting and equipment, its characteristics, causes and contributing factors……all leading to the sharing of the lessons learned and the avoidance and mitigation steps taken. In other words, actual experiences with hydrogen in order to prevent similar events from happening in the future. The principle is that safety event records are voluntarily submitted and posted without attribution. There are now 210 safety event records in the database of which ¾ are incidents and the balance are near-misses and non-events. We are pleased that nearly 20% come from outside the United States, thanks in part to (1) specific international collaborations such as those through the IEA Hydrogen Implementing Agreement, IA HySafe and the HIAD team at the JRC, as well as (2) growing interest world-wide in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and applications. To further emphasize the lessons learned focus, database content is linked to our companion safety knowledge tool, Hydrogen Safety Best Practices ( More on that in a minute! Gas Chromatograph Piping Leak and Explosion October 13, 2018

12 Two Looks at
Settings Equipment I wanted to give you a couple of looks at the database…the setting for the safety event as well as the equipment involved. The setting for a safety event could be a laboratory or an oil refinery or a hydrogen fueling station, etc. Equipment runs the gamut from vehicles and fueling systems to hydrogen storage equipment to piping, fittings and valves, etc. Please note that there is some double counting of safety events here, particularly for equipment as we attempt to make sure we fully capture the various equipment that may have been involved in one way or another in the safety event. The user can search within these categories as well within Damage and Injuries, Probable Causes, and Contributing Factors. Keywords and phrases may also be entered in an advanced search function that scans safety event titles, descriptions and lessons learned text. Search capabilities allow the user to seek information of interest. October 13, 2018

13 Developing Safety Event Records
Both incidents and near-miss records are sought Encourage self-submittal through an easy-to use online form Identify potential records through other means, e.g. media reports and other databases Work with “incident owners” and other submitters Discuss, encourage and reach agreement for the submittal of a safety event record Discuss, clarify and edit description, information and lessons learned. Ensure anonymity in the safety event record itself Obtain organizational approval for posting Provide expert review of safety event records by the Hydrogen Safety Panel and other subject matter experts. We provide an easy-to-use online form for self-submittal of safety event records, only about 10% of the records we have were self-submitted. We encourage this approach and hope more records will come to us in this manner. And we are committed to work with “incident owners” and other submitters in the manner noted here that will result in a posted safety event of value to our database users. The fact is that everyone here who works with hydrogen and hydrogen-related technologies and systems can be a collaborator…either as a user or contributor to the database or both! October 13, 2018

14 Emphasizing Lessons Learned
The Lessons Learned Corner feature in “” helps focus attention on key safety themes and what has been learned from safety event records already in the database. You will note the topics that have been covered in this thematic approach to capturing lessons learned. When a new safety event record is added to the database (or any other change, update, etc. to our safety knowledge tools), we send notices to an international distribution list of interested people. You can be added to that list through the contact information provided at the end of this talk. Hydrogen leak detection Hydrogen use in anaerobic chambers Ventilation of facilities where hydrogen is used The importance of purging hydrogen piping and equipment Hydrogen compatibility of materials Working with reactive metal-hydride materials in the laboratory Learning from burst disk failures Adequate ventilation of battery charging facilities Management of change

15 Linking H2incidents. org and H2bestpractices
Linking and Enhancing the Value of Both Safety event links illustrate what can go wrong if best practices are not followed. Although I won’t be talking much about another tool, Hydrogen Safety Best Practices, it’s an important context for discussing safety events. To enhance the value of both resources, we provide links for the user as illustrated. For example, in, we provide links from the lessons learned section of many safety event records to specific best practices that should have been used and might have prevented the safety event from occurring in the first place. As one example, for a near-miss involving the rupture of a small glass vial of an aluminum hydride compound in a glove box: In the lessons learned portion of the record, links are provided to both the LLC and the best practices on working with reactive metal hydrides. In, well over 100 links are provided to relevant safety event records that illustrate things that can go wrong if best practices are not followed when working with or around hydrogen. For example, there is a section on Active Ventilation that provides links to three incident records in which ventilation problems led to incidents or near-misses. Safety event lessons learned content enhanced by links to best practices and/or LLC content.

16 Just one example…. A recent event that is relevant to the focus on deployment of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies Root causes for PRD failure Incompatible materials Improper assembly Over-hardening of inner assembly materials But there is usually something else one can learn from the incident Timely communication during emergency events Training of personnel focused on improving response time Effective communication between employees, first responders and suppliers I wanted to provide you with a recent example, Pressure Relief Device Fails at Fueling Station, to make a specific point about how such resources can be of broader value. In this case, the root causes of the PRD failure…..incompatible materials, improper assembly, over-hardening of materials and the deficiencies in various quality assurance/quality control procedures…..were corrected before fueling station re-start. But there is usually something else one can learn from a safety event that to the “outsider” may not be so apparent, especially if it’s the result of a media report or second-hand information. In this case, those learnings deal with timely communications and training of personnel. So where do we go from here regarding safety knowledge tools such as “”? October 13, 2018

17 HYDROGEN TOOLS …available now for your mobile devices!
First mobile app targeted for AHJs, end-users and other stakeholders Integrates, and other resources into a single, searchable iPad and iPhone application Features include safety planning guidance and checklists For safety knowledge tools such as “” and others, it is important to always be looking for ways to share such knowledge more effectively and efficiently, while always keeping in mind the target audience and user of that information. So we are particularly proud to have developed what we believe to be the first hydrogen safety-related mobile app targeted for authorities having jurisdiction, end-users and other stakeholders. It’s called Hydrogen Tools, Focusing on Safety Knowledge….and it’s available now at the App Store! Our familiar resources are included but we have also included what I would characterize as “working resources” such as checklists and separation distances calculations. We welcome your feedback on the PLAN, CALCULATE AND DISCOVER design in whatever order you wish to use these tools. Announced by the U.S. Department of Energy September 2013

18 What More Can We Learn? “…Informed analysis of leaks, fires and explosions, and equipment failure and ignition data derived from these safety events can facilitate the development of risk assessment models and help technical experts identify gaps in applicable codes and standards that can be addressed by a variety of means.” Let’s go to the second-half of the premise from the Hydrogen Safety Panel that I started out with….. “Informed analysis of leaks, fires and explosions, and equipment failure and ignition data derived from these safety events can facilitate the development of risk assessment models and help technical experts identify gaps in applicable codes and standards that can be addressed by a variety of means.” Certainly, it’s beyond the scope and intention of “” and certainly not a trivial endeavor. It will require a more concerted effort to capture, share and analyze safety event information beyond what we’ve been able to accomplish to date. I believe it to be worthy of our attention. Ref: Learning from Safety Events, A Statement from the Hydrogen Safety Panel, January 17, 2012. October 13, 2018

19 Concluding Thoughts Safety knowledge tools such as “” provide a powerful resource for conveying data, information and knowledge Content must be current, relevant to the community being served and valuable to the user Prompt and timely responses to user feedback and inquiries to are important Progress is being made but there is more to be done! Let me close with a few additional thoughts…. Tools like “” can be very powerful resources, but the challenge is to ensure that content is current, relevant and valuable to the user. We get lots of feedback and inquiries, and timely response is important. I think we are making great strides in providing the kind of information and knowledge resources that are valuable to our intended audience, but as the pyramid suggests, data is really the foundation for knowledge….so the challenge is to address what more we can learn from safety events. August 29, 2013

20 Acknowledging…. Fuel Cell Technologies Office (Sunita Satyapal, Director) and Staff, U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy All those who have contributed safety event information, knowledge and lessons learned to our database International Conference on Hydrogen Safety Our thanks to the staff in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fuel Cell Technologies Office for their financial and program support and that early vision regarding the value and importance of such a public database…. All those “incident owners” and other contributors, users and stakeholders…. And to the ICHS for providing this forum for this webinar. October 13, 2018

21 Contacts
Nick Barilo, P.E. Hydrogen Safety Program Manager Pacific Northwest National Laboratory or Dr. Steven C. Weiner Hydrogen Safety Panel I have included our contact information for those who wish to follow-up with both PNNL and the Hydrogen Safety Panel……and…. October 13, 2018

22 Related References Weiner, S.C., Kinzey, B.R., Dean, J., Davis, P.B. and Ruiz, A., “Incident Reporting: Learning from Experience,“ PNNL-SA-56185, International Conference on Hydrogen Safety, San Sebastian, Spain, September 11-13, 2007. Weiner, S.C. and Blake, C.W., “Safety Knowledge Tools Enhanced by International Collaboration,” A White Paper of the International Energy Agency Hydrogen Implementing Agreement Task 19 – Hydrogen Safety, PNNL-19901, October 18, 2010. Weiner, S.C., Fassbender, L.L. and Quick, K.A., “Using Hydrogen Safety Best Practices and Learning from Safety Events,” PNNL-SA-70148, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 36, Issue 3, February 2011, pp Weiner, S.C., Fassbender, L.L., Blake, C., Aceves, S., Somerday, B.P. and Ruiz, A., “Web-Based Resources Enhance Hydrogen Safety Knowledge,” PNNL-SA-82812, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 38 (2013), pp Weiner, S.C., “Advancing the Hydrogen Safety Knowledge Base,” PNNL-SA-91531, International Conference on Hydrogen Safety, Brussels, Belgium, September 9, 2013. I’ve included a few related references for your information. October 13, 2018

Goal of this presentation is to give a brief description of the goals and functionalities of the HIAD database, and to make the point on the path still to go in this field. P. Moretto & D. Baraldi Joint Research Centre - European Commission, Institute for Energy and Transport &

24 Typical (vehicle) safety research cycle
Review accident data: To identify problems To assess success of implemented changes Introduce procedures into legislative and / or consumer testing Perform research to understand problem: 1.Detailed accident analysis 2.Laboratory experiments Develop test procedures to implement changes Modified from TRL presentation

25 Safety research cycle for low carbon vehicles
HIAD ambition is filling this gap for hydrogen technologies Review accident data: To identify problems To assess success of implemented changes Limited accident data Introduce procedures into legislative and / or consumer testing Perform research to understand problem: 1.Detailed accident analysis 2.Laboratory experiments Few vehicles available for research Develop test procedures to implement changes Modified from TRL presentation

26 What is HIAD? HIAD aims to be an repository of any accidental even related to hydrogen technology Originally designed to be a multi-task tool: Fully operational with about 250 events published Open platform for lessons learned and risk communication Data source of information to assist risk assessment approaches

27 HIAD history HIAD was originally developed in the European Network of Excellence for Hydrogen Safety (HySafe ). After the end of HySafe, the International Association for Hydrogen Safety IA-HySafe became the focal point for all hydrogen safety related issues. HIAD was further developed with an analysis module. HIAD is maintained, updated and funded by the Joint Research Centre, and is available at

28 HIAD Structure – 4 modules
EVENTS DATABASE DEM DRM DAM HIAD MAP DEM – Data Entry Module: Users can register as “event provider” and insert/update events directly on the database DRM – Data Retrieval Module: Allows the user to access hydrogen events recorded on HIAD DAM – Data Analysis Module: Is a tool for conducting online simple analyses of the data recorded into the database MAP: a GIF based tool which links events to their geographical distribution

29 Event structure Pre-event conditions: Date/time of event, Weather conditions, Geographical location, applications, Operation phase or mode. Nature of event: Systems and components affected or involved, Chain of events, Causal relations, Relevant safety systems and emergency response, Release, fire and explosion specifications/details. Consequences of event: Fatalities and injuries, Property, environment and economical loss and damage. Post-event actions: Clean-up and restoration, Legal/legislation initiatives, Lessons learned, Investments made. References: Hyperlinks/references to files and documents, web-sites, etc., Specification of attachments, e.g. maps, drawings, photos, etc.

30 DEM = Data Entry Module Inputs
Users can enter events into HIAD in two ways: Users can the event to JRC who can insert it on behalf of the users Alternatively users can register as “event provider” and insert/update events directly on the database, using the DEM. Only fields describing the dynamics of the event are mandatory. All other fields are not mandatory and the event can be introduce as a completely anonymous event without any information on location, company, etc.

31 Quality Assurance Process
Event provider can comfortably send the event description to JRC, or input it directly. In both cases the event will be ‘published’ i.e. will be publicly available only after the quality assurance procedd. Each event undergoes a QA process. An event is published (visible) in HIAD only after QA process.

32 DAM = Data Analysis Module
Online analysis of the events

33 Data Analysis example: total number of involved people
Events : total number of involved people.

34 MAPS module The screen shows you the HIAD events as they are scattered over the globe. Only events where the city or town is known are displayed. Events where only the country/continent is known are not displayed. impression.

35 Lesson learned and improvement actions
A database such as HIAD is an essential reference and qualitative/quantitative tool for  A structured dissemination of information  An optimisation of safety for an emerging technology. It will increase importance and expand usage with increasing technology deployment. To this purpose, the experience with HIAD of the past years has generated improvement needs...

36 Lesson learned Requirement 1 - commitment to reporting:
First responders or facility owners do not have as a duty a HIAD input. Therefore a commitment to reporting also to HIAD should be required by licensing bodies. A 'distributed', European- wide network of data providers should be in place. Requirement 2 - availability of accurate event reports: Event description providers tend to input a minimal number of information, and many fields remain empty.  Local journal articles almost never provide data with the required quality and resolution. Therefore final internal accident reports should be made available for HIAD input (a very good example: the Emeryville accident report). Since the end of the network, no general European-wide commitment has been available for data provision, input and quality assurance The Quality Assurance group has often to be active in chasing for detailed and quality data. The QA process requires volunteering experts, a globally scarce resource!

37 Improvement actions so far
Since 2013 all the European FCH JU projects, and especially the Demo projects are committed to report safety related events in HIAD Since the end of the network, no general European-wide commitment has been available for data provision, input and quality assurance The Quality Assurance group has often to be active in chasing for detailed and quality data. The QA process requires volunteering experts, a globally scarce resource! A similar commitment is wished also from commercial installations The US and the European databases ‘speak’ to each others, and a small exchange of events has started

38 Improvement actions to come
Improve end-user usefullness HIAD has been written for expert operators, not for end users; the level of details of the data expected/required must take into account the average availability of data. Solution: restructuring of HIAD interface is planned for the coming 2 years If the number of details is too high, the available data is placed/distributed in too many fields with high level of randomness. Improve quality assurance service A broader and permanently available, quality assurance group is required, also for the interaction with the event provider. Solution: not available at the moment; joining forces between databases could be a way forward.

39 References 1. Cristina Galassi, M., Papanikolaou, E., Baraldi, D., Funnemark, E., Håland, E., Engebo, A., Haugom, G.P., Jordan, T., Tchouvelev, A.V. HIAD - Hydrogen incident and accident database (2012) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 (22), pp 2. Jordan, T., Adams, P., Azkarate, I., Baraldi, D., Barthelemy, H., Bauwens, L., Bengaouer, A., Brennan, S., Carcassi, M., Dahoe, A., Eisenreich, N., Engebo, A., Funnemark, E., Gallego, E., Gavrikov, A., Haland, E., Hansen, A.M., Haugom, G.P., Hawksworth, S., Jedicke, O., Kessler, A., Kotchourko, A., Kumar, S., Langer, G., Ledin, S., Lelyakin, A., Makarov, D., Marangon, A., Markert, F., Middha, P., Molkov, V., Nilsen, S., Papanikolaou, E., Perrette, L., Reinecke, E-A., Schmidtchen, U., Serre-Combe, P., Stöcklin, M., Sully, A., Teodorczyk, A., Tigreat, D., Venetsanos, A., Verfondern, K., Versloot, N., Vetere, A., Wilms, M., Zaretskiy, N. Achievements of the EC network of excellence HySafe (2011) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (3), pp 3. Kirchsteiger, C., Vetere Arellano, A.L., Funnemark, E. Towards establishing an International Hydrogen Incidents and Accidents Database (HIAD) (2007) Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 20 (1), pp

40 Thank You

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