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Gladiators & Games UFC is for wimps.

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Presentation on theme: "Gladiators & Games UFC is for wimps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gladiators & Games UFC is for wimps

2 Origins Etruscans Funeral “games”
216 BC – first Roman ones – 3 days of games Often during military campaigns or wars to raise morale Eventually accompanied by a feast “Given” by everyone from local politicians to the emperor

3 Gladiators Often slaves & POWs Volunteers allowed
Trained in a school (ludus) Lanistae “Nos morituri te salutamus” Usually kinda chubby… Wooden sword – rudis

4 Kinds of Gladiators Several variations Romans vs. non-Romans

5 The Colosseum Flavian Amphitheatre; 80 A.D.
Colossus of Nero nearby -> Colosseum Seated 50,000 –1/2 of Neyland Stadium Besides gladiatorial games: Venationes Naumachiae Public Executions

6 Architectural Features
80 entrances; 3 levels = 240 arches All 3 kinds of ancient columns Velarium – awning Hypogeum – underground; trapdoors

7 Pollice VerSo Defeated gladiator could be killed or spared
Victor asks crowd Emperor/giver of the games has the final say Pollice verso = “with thumb turned” Victories and times spared recorded like a modern athlete’s stats Reported on gravestone Popular and successful gladiators would be more likely to be spared

8 Panem & Circenses “Bread and games”
Appeasement of the masses through food and entertainment Abandonment of civic duty by the masses Moral and political decline “Panem” is from what? What are some other similarities?

9 Are we any different?

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