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IST 733 Enthusiastic Study/

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1 IST 733 Enthusiastic Study/

2 IST 733 Week 3 Individual 3E IT Leadership For more classes visit Based on your research and the corporation you selected in Week Two, write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper including the following: Identify the corporate structure, including the location and divisions along with the IT governance. Discuss a 3D IT leadership model.

3 IST 733 Enthusiastic Study/ IST 733 Week 4 Individual Assignment Issue Analysis For more classes visit Utilizing best business practices for problem analyses, analyze your selected corporation’s IT needs for the expansion of its development.

4 IST 733 Enthusiastic Study/ IST 733 Week 5 Individual Assignment Report Outline to the CEO For more classes visit Create an OUTLINE of a report evaluating the issue you identified in Week Four. Include the following: A problem statement for the issue you identified in Week Four. An evaluation of the problem to identify its scope, scale, effect, and so forth, considering the following levels:

5 IST 733 Enthusiastic Study/ IST 733 Week 3 Individual 3E IT Leadership For more classes visit Based on your research and the corporation you selected in Week Two, write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper including the following: Identify the corporate structure, including the location and divisions along with the IT governance. Discuss a 3D IT leadership model.

6 IST 733 Enthusiastic Study/ IST 733 Week 6 Individual Assignment Critical IT Issue For more classes visit From the outline of your findings in Week Five, write a 1400 - to 1,750 word paper, analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing the best solution for the selected issue.

7 IST 733 Enthusiastic Study/ IST 733 Week 7 Individual Assignment IT Strategic Plan, Part I For more classes visit Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word 5-year, IT strategic plan for the implementation of a solution to the critical issue you selected. Include an implication of the solution to the IT issue selected for this project.

8 IST 733 Enthusiastic Study/ IST 733 Week 8 Individual Assignment IT Strategic Plan, Part II For more classes visit Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper providing and defining a detailed plan for the leadership-level implementation of your strategic plan. While you do not need an actual project plan, include at least a detailed narrative of the different stages of your strategic plan over five years.

9 IST 733 Enthusiastic Study/

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