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Lice Clinic: Helping Kids Avoid Head Lice

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1 Lice clinics are growing at an exponential rate and to avail the best lice removal service, one need to choose the best lice removal salon to effectively and efficiently treat head-lice infestations. However, there can be a huge number of sketchy and shady Lice clinics claiming to provide the best lice treatment. But one should understand to distinguish between fake ones and the real ones. LTC (Lice treatment center) is one of the few reputed clinics which seem to offer the best treatments regarding head-lice infestation.Lice clinics

2 Causes Of Head Lice: touching your head to an infected person’s head sharing the personal items (e.g., comb) of someone with head lice using a fabric item after an infected person In order to reduce the risk of side effects: Do not use more than one medication. Do not use any medication more often than directed. Symptoms of head lice include: extreme scalp itchiness feeling like something is crawling on your scalp sores and scabs on your scalp from scratching

3 LTC (Lice treatment center), is among the few reputed lice clinics which operate effectively and address head-lice infestations with the help of best anti-lice products devised using only the best natural anti-lice agents like tea-tree oil, lavender, aloe-Vera extracts and many more. Therefore, LTC can be termed as the best lice removal service in the industry.

4 You or your healthcare provider can diagnose head lice by:  checking your hair, close to the scalp, for lice  checking your hair, close to the scalp, for nits  running a fine-toothed lice comb through your hair, starting from the scalp, to catch lice and nits Treating Your Home:  wash clothes and bedding in hot water (130 degrees Fahrenheit or above) and dry on high heat in the dryer  dry-clean clothes and bedding  seal clothes, bedding, and plush toys in a plastic bag for two weeks  soak hair brushes, combs, barrettes, and other hair accessories in hot water (130 degrees Fahrenheit) for five to 10 minutes  vacuum floors and upholstered furniture

5 Contact Detail LTC Main Office: Address: 200 Main Street 1D Monroe, CT 06468 (888) LICE-AWAY Phone: +1-888-542-3292 Visit Us:

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