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What are the Summer Maintenance tips for your Car?

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Presentation on theme: "What are the Summer Maintenance tips for your Car?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the Summer Maintenance tips for your Car?

2 As you know that like our health, our cars also typically need more repair and maintenance during the seasonal changes.

3 When the weather shifts from the cold to hot temperature your car can face many difficulties while adjusting.

4 In order to prevent the unnecessary breakdowns of your car, it's essential for your car to service it by a qualified mechanic.

5 But if you want to maintain the car in the summer heat, then you need to perform the summer maintenance of your car on time.

6 Here are the common maintenance tips you need to perform in your car in summer seasons.

7 Oil Change

8 You need to change your oil, especially in the summertime according to the specifications of your car's user manual.

9 Regularly oil change in the summer days can ensure that your car has a clean oil that would be lubricating in its engine.

10 Due to the summer heat the temperature of the engine gets warmer and blazing under the hood of the engine.

11 So regular oil change in summer can keep your engine lubricated and cooled to move your car smoothly throughout the road.

12 Coolant system

13 The coolant system in your car are used to circulate the mixture of water and keep your engine and radiator cool.

14 If the coolant system is not working properly that may cause the overheat of the engine.

15 When your engine is overheating, try to turn your car off right away and take the help of an automotive technician.

16 If you don't want to stick on the side of the road, then don't neglect to service your coolant system.

17 Check the battery

18 The battery of your car always need changes according to the hot to cold weather conditions.

19 Thus, the battery contains the liquid that evaporates in the hot weather can shorten the battery life.

20 Generally, the average life of the battery is 5-7 years, but the intense summer temperature diminishes the life of the battery.

21 So, it's very important to check your batteries in time to avoid the dead battery on the way of your summer vacation.

22 Air conditioning

23 Like the humans, your car also doesn't want to beat the heat of the summer, especially in the 90-degree summer temperature.

24 Make sure that your car has enough coolant to keep your air conditioner functioning to it's fullest capacity.

25 The best way to check the coolness of your car is to check it by a certified technician to find the best performance of your air conditioning system.

26 Conclusion

27 So, you need to maintain your car properly for making it more stronger to beat the summer heat.

28 Summer check ups can ensure that your car is in tip-top condition to take it on the summer vacations.

29 183189221124/ MonacoMotors Thank You!

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