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How The Failed Brake System of Your Car Damage Its Other Parts.

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Presentation on theme: "How The Failed Brake System of Your Car Damage Its Other Parts."— Presentation transcript:

1 How The Failed Brake System of Your Car Damage Its Other Parts

2 Driving your car in a proper way can keep its part safe, save your money and keep you safer on the road.

3 By changing your driving habits can extend the life of your brakes and preserve their performances for a longer time.

4 With the healthier brakes, you can control your car in an efficient way and feel safe on the road.

5 A failed brake system can start to break down other components of your car and costing you thousands of dollars in repair.

6 Tires

7 The failed brakes will stop the cars much harder and hit the tires each time can eventually damage the tires.

8 Due to this, the rubbers of your tire will wear down faster and it can increase the risk of tire failure and tread.

9 The failed brakes also set off a cascade issue in your tires and make your tires unbalanced or to fall out of alignment.

10 The performance of your car will be compromised and ruin other components of your car to give a huge hit to your wallet.

11 Suspension

12 The suspension system plays a big role to keep your ride smooth when you are driving over a gravel or other bumpy roads.

13 When the suspension system of your car is damaged or unbalanced, then it will make your ride to become a lot rockier.

14 The failed brake system can throw off the suspension by causing out of alignment or damaging few of its components.

15 If you change the brakes, then the damaged suspension system still cause the car to lurch forward when you press the brake.

16 Rotors

17 The brake rotors are the first component damaged when the brake system is failed.

18 The brakes are the first point of stopping the car when they are wearing down, the pressure then directly applied to the rotors.

19 Overtime, the rotors can become warped, cracked or even ground down and require expensive replacement.

20 These failed brakes can also cause wheels to run hotter and cause the rotors to warp, so change the brakes without any delay.

21 Calipers

22 Another part of the brake system are the calipers like the clamps that can fit over the rotor and connected to the brakes.

23 When you press your brakes, the caliper apply the pressure to the rotor to stop the wheel from moving or tuning.

24 When the brake system is failed, then the calipers and the rotors are just grinding against each other.

25 It is the important component of the braking system if it will be damaged then create serious consequences and cost a lot of money.

26 Protect the brakes

27 You can protect your brakes by carefully observing the reasons and ensure that you get the best performance of your car out of them.

28 Inspect your brake system and ensure that no other components of your car affected by it.

29 By maintaining the brake system you can improve the health and safety of your car while minimizing the costs.


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