4/20 Learning Target I can explain the culture of the 1950’s and give 3 examples.

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1 4/20 Learning Target I can explain the culture of the 1950’s and give 3 examples.

2 Quiz Take the Quiz, when you are done work on the new vocab.

3 Unit 10 US10 Vocabulary #2 DUE Tuesday 4/26
“American Dream” (p. 847) Baby Boomers (p.849) Beat Movement (p. 861) Conglomerates (p. 848) Consumerism (p. 854) Dr. Jonas Salk (p. 850) Franchise (p. 848) G.I. Bill (p. 841) Harry Truman (p ) Planned Obsolescence (p.854) Suburbs (p. 841) Television (p )

4 Book Work Get in a group of 3 or 4 everyone writes this down in their notes

5 Read P. 828-829 Stop at The Cold War Spreads Around The World
1. Describe the policy of brinkmanship. 2. What did the American civilians do in response to their fear of a nuclear attack? 2a. Do you think American civilians should have been afraid of a nuclear attack from the Soviet Union?

6 Move Two people in your group need to get up and find SEPARATE groups
Everyone writes this down in their notes

7 Start Reading at p.829 to p.832 “The Cold War Takes to the Skies”
3. What was the purpose for the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)? List specific actions they did around the world. 4. Do you think the CIA should have been involved in the overthrowing other governments? Why/Why Not. 5. Why did the Soviet Union form the Warsaw Pact?

8 Move If you haven’t moved yet you need to get up and move to be with people you HAVEN”T already been with Everyone writes this down in their notes

9 Read P. 832 to the end of the section
6. Why do you think Sputnik was an important event during the Cold War? 7. What is U-2 plane? 8. How might the Cold War have progressed if the U-2 incident never happened? 9. Which of the two superpowers do you think contributed the most to the Cold War during the 1950s?

10 Move Go back to your seats and answer the following questions on the half sheet I’m passing out.

11 Make a T-Chart and list 3 Countries from both NATO and the Warsaw Pact
List and explain the 2 events of the cold war that took place in our skies. List 1 reason why you think it was important that the U.S. did not help Hungary during it’s revolution. Define the following: Eisenhower Doctrine, Brinkmanship, and the Suez War.


13 Largest generation in the nation’s history.
Baby Boomers It seems to me that every other young housewife I see is pregnant British visitor to America, 1958 Largest generation in the nation’s history.

14 The vast majority of homes in the 1950’s were built in suburbs.
Suburban Living Promoted: “The American Dream” 1949  William Levitt produced houses per week. The vast majority of homes in the 1950’s were built in suburbs.

15 The Ozzie & Harriet Show 1952-1966
Suburban Living: The Typical TV Suburban Families represented the “American Dream” The Donna Reed Show Leave It to Beaver Father Knows Best The Ozzie & Harriet Show

16 1950  Introduction of the Credit Card
Consumerism 1950  Introduction of the Credit Card People had more money to spend and increased number of products to buy Life Magazine (May, 1958)

17 Consumerism

18 A Changing Marketing Strategy
Automation:  factory workers decreased by %, eliminating 1.5 million blue-collar jobs. By 1956  more white-collar than blue-collar jobs in the U. S. Planned Obsolescence: To encourage consumers to purchase more goods, manufacturers designed products to become obsolete. WHY?? People would buy more products

19 The Culture of the Car Car registrations:  25,000,  60,000,000 2-family cars doubles from 1958 Pink Cadillac 1959 Chevy Corvette 1956  Interstate Highway Act  largest public works project in American history! Cost $32 billion. 41,000 miles of new highways built.

20 The Culture of the Car America became a more homogeneous nation because of the automobile. First McDonald’s (1955) Drive-In Movies Howard Johnson’s

21 Television Truth, Justice, and the American way!
1946  7,000 TV sets in the U. S  50,000,000 TV sets in the U. S. Television is a vast wasteland.  Newton Minnow, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, 1961 Mass Audience  TV celebrated traditional American values. Truth, Justice, and the American way!

22 Commercials 1950’s Commercials.

23 Teen Culture The “Beat” Generation Nonconformity and Rebellion
“ROCK ‘N ROLL” The “Beat” Generation Nonconformity and Rebellion Marlon Brando in The Wild One (1953) James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause (1955)

24 Well-Defined Gender Roles
The ideal modern woman married, cooked and cared for her family, and kept herself busy by joining the local PTA and leading a troop of Campfire Girls. She entertained guests in her family’s suburban house and worked out on the trampoline to keep her size 12 figure Life magazine, 1956 Marilyn Monroe The ideal 1950s man was the provider, protector, and the boss of the house Life magazine, 1955 1956  William H. Whyte, Jr.  The Organization Man a middle-class, white suburban male is the ideal.

25 Progress Through Science
Atomic Anxieties: “Duck-and-Cover Generation” Atomic Testing:  U. S. exploded nuclear weapons over the Pacific and in Nevada.

26 Bomb Shelter You are going to build your own bomb shelter
You need to make it as realistic as possible You should include food, water, supplies, people. You need to draw out how you would deal with different issues, where people would sleep, where you would store your food. You may work with a partner or on you own. These are due Wednesday at the beginning of class.

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