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Chapter 4: Spain Builds an Empire

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4: Spain Builds an Empire"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4: Spain Builds an Empire
Lesson 1: The Voyages of Columbus

2 The voyages of columbus
Places Bahama islands West Indies

3 The voyages of columbus
People Christopher Columbus King Ferdinand Queen Isabella Amerigo Vespucci Vasco Nunez de Balboa Ferdinand Magellan

4 The voyages of columbus
Vocabulary Expedition Colony Columbian Exchange

5 The voyages of columbus
Columbus and the Taino Columbus first landed in at an island called Guanashani in the West Indies The group of people there were called the Taino Columbus was looking for a better and faster way to get to the Indies

6 The voyages of columbus
Columbus and the Taino The Indies was a part of Asia rich with gold, spices, and other resources The only way to get to the Indies during this time was by way of the difficult land route - Silk Road

7 The voyages of columbus
Columbus and the Taino Columbus decided to try a route across the Atlantic Ocean King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella decided to fund the expedition Expedition: a journey made for a special purpose

8 The voyages of columbus
Columbus and the Taino On August 3, 1492, Columbus set sail with three ships – the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria On October 12, 1492, land was sighted from the Pinta “At two hours after midnight, the Pinta fired a cannon, my prearranged signal for the sighting of land.” Columbus claimed the land for the Spanish king and queen

9 The voyages of columbus
Columbus and the Taino Historians believe that Columbus may have reached one of the Bahama Islands Columbus thought he was in Indies so he called the people “Indians” The islands of this region have become known as the West Indies

10 The voyages of columbus
The Columbian Exchange Columbus led three more expeditions to the Americas The second trip, in 1493, he took 17 ships loaded with settlers, animals, and other supplies Spain also decided to start a colony on this second trip

11 The voyages of columbus
The Columbian Exchange Colony: a settlement far from the country that rules it Before long, thousands of European settlers were living in colonies throughout the West Indies

12 The voyages of columbus
The Columbian Exchange This was the beginning of the Columbian Exchange. Columbian Exchange: a movement of people, animals, plants, diseases, and ways of life between the Eastern and Western Hemisphere See page 136 in the book for a diagram of the Exchange

13 The voyages of columbus
The Columbian Exchange The changes helped the people of Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas The Europeans brought diseases that killed many of the Native Americans Small Pox Measles

14 The voyages of columbus
The Columbian Exchange As the European colonies prospered, the Native peoples’ way of life began to change Natives were forced to work on large farms growing sugarcane and other crops Sugarcane was used to make sugar – made huge profits

15 The voyages of columbus
The Columbian Exchange The Spanish want to bring Christianity to the native people The natives were forced to give up their own beliefs The native people lost most of their ways of life

16 The voyages of columbus
Fact File By the 1500’s , the Spanish realized that the islands weren’t a part of Asia This was a new world waiting to explored and settled But millions were already calling the land home

17 The voyages of columbus
Fact File Christopher Columbus ( ) Born in Italy Led four voyages between 1492 and 1504 Amerigo Vespucci ( ) Sailed to the eastern coast of South America in 1501

18 The voyages of columbus
Fact File Vasco Nunez de Balboa ( ) Born in Spain In 1513 crossed the Isthmus of Panama and reached the Pacific Ocean Ferdinand Magellan (about ) Born in Portugal Led the first expedition around the world, which began in 1519 and ended without him in 1522 He was killed during the voyage

19 The voyages of columbus
The Impact of Columbus Columbus showed Europeans the way to the Americas The land was named after explorer, Amerigo Vespucci Vespucci was the first to call the Americas the “new world” Many more explorers follow Columbus and Vespucci

20 The voyages of columbus
The Impact of Columbus Some explorers came for the land and riches They conquered mighty native tribe to get the land and riches Explorers came from Spain, Portugal, England, France, Sweden, and the Netherlands by early 1600’s

21 The voyages of columbus
The Impact of Columbus Some of these countries fought among themselves and against natives for control of the land in the Western Hemisphere

22 The voyages of columbus
European Exploration Even the most educated knew very little about the world outside of Europe in the 1400’s They had no idea of how wide the Atlantic Ocean was

23 The voyages of columbus
European Exploration Astrolabe: used to measure latitude on a voyage Vespucci was the first to realize that America was a separate continent and not a part of Asia

24 The voyages of columbus
European Exploration Columbus promised to bring back gold to Spain. The gold Columbus returned to Spain was used to make coins Columbus originally traveled on the Santa Maria until it was wrecked – then he traveled on the Nina

25 The voyages of columbus

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