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WFM 6202: Remote Sensing and GIS in Water Management

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1 WFM 6202: Remote Sensing and GIS in Water Management
Geographic Information System (GIS) Syllabus and course outline Dr. Akm Saiful Islam Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM) Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) November, 2015

2 Instructor Instructor: Dr. A.K.M Saiful Islam
Professor, IWFM, BUET Gmail: Phone: Ext web: Class Hours:  Tuesday 5:00p.m. - 7:30p.m.  (Class Room-1, 4th Floor of the Institute Building)

3 Grading Policy Grading Policy (subject to change): Final Exam = 50%
Mid-term Exam = 30%      Mini project = 20% Softwares: ArcGIS 10.2 ILWIS 3.8

4 Text Book Introduction To Geographic Information Systems
by Kang-Tsung Chang (Fifth Edition)

5 ILWIS Application Guide
ILWIS 3.0 User Guide ILWIS Application Guide

6 Syllabus Concepts of GIS;
Introduction to remote sensing; Principles of remote sensing; Remote sensing systems; Digital image processing; Concepts of GIS; Spatial data: sources, acquisition and entry; Database; Vector and raster data; Data analysis; GIS output; Integration of remote sensing and GIS; Application of remote sensing and GIS in water resources modeling and management.

7 Lecture Topics Introduction to Geographic Information System
Geospatial data Model and Structure Sources and acquisition of geospatial Data Geospatial databases Geo-referencing: coordinate systems and map projections Geostatistics: Data Exploration and Interpolation Digital Terrain Analysis: DEM and DTM Spatial Analysis Hands on training on application of RS and GIS in water modeling and management

8 Hands on training Zonal statistics:
Hands on training on locating buildings vulnerable to flood damage Digital Terrain Analysis: Generation of rainfall contour map using spatial analysis of GIS Geostatistical Analysis: Developing ground water level map for Dinajpur district, Bangladesh using geo-statistical analyst Spatial Analysis: Application of GIS in Watershed Analysis Planform analysis Application of Satellite image for quantifying changes of planform of a river. ET Estimation ET and yield estimation of wheat crop for Dinajpur district using MODIS image

9 Additional / Guest Lectures
Applications of Geo-HEC-RAS for flow simulation of Meghna basin. Urban water modeling using SWMM. HEC-RAS modeling for the SW regions of Bangladesh. Flood Inundation modeling using MODIS images.

10 Mini Project Topic: Will be selected by the students
Group project: 3 to 4 persons in one group preferably from different background Report: should be at least 10 page. Report needs to submit at the end of the semester. Group presentation: in class; at the end of semester

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