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America Claims An Empire

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1 America Claims An Empire
Chapter 10 America Claims An Empire

2 Section One Imperialism and America
American Expansionism Imperialism Factors fueling American imperialism Desire for military strength Why? List an example: Thirst for new markets Belief in cultural superiority Alfred T. Mahan

3 The United States Acquires Alaska
William Seward 1867, $7.2 million 1959 The United States Takes Hawaii The Cry for Annexation McKinley Tariff: Why did this cause people to want Hawaii annexed? Pearl Harbor The End of Monarchy Sanford B. Dole William Seward

4 Section Two The Spanish American War
Cubans Rebel Against Spain American Interest in Cuba Cuban Revolt, Spain abolishes slavery The Second War for Independence José Martí, 1895 Marti attempts to get the U.S. involved “Cuba Libre!” José Martí

5 War Fever Escalates Valeriano Wyler Headline Wars The De Lôme Letter
Concentration Camps Headline Wars Yellow Journalism Pulitzer and Hearst The De Lôme Letter McKinley’s attempts to negotiate with Spain Enrique Dupuy de Lome, Spanish Minister to the U.S. De Lome Letter calls McKinley “weak”

6 War With Span Erupts The U.S.S Maine Explodes “Remember the Maine”
260 men killed Unknown who exploded the ship Possible Theories: War With Span Erupts “Remember the Maine” April 20, 1898 War in the Philippines Why attack the Philippines first? George Dewey U.S. Victory George Dewey

7 Rough Riders – volunteer army
War in the Caribbean Rough Riders – volunteer army Theodore Roosevelt San Juan Hill Invading Puerto Rico Treaty of Paris Cease-fire agreement Spain frees Cuba U.S. gains territories What areas of land? Do we still own them? Debate over the Treaty

8 Section Three Acquiring New Lands
Ruling Puerto Rico Military Rule During the Spanish-American War Return to Civil Government Strategic importance Foraker Act, 1900 New government Insular Cases

9 Cuba and the United States
Platt Amendment Constitution Platt Amendment, 1903 Protectorate Protecting American Business Interests Sugar, tobacco, and mining

10 Filipinos Rebel Emilio Aguinaldo Philippine-American War
Revolt, 1899 Concentration camps 1902, cost of war Textbook Biased? Aftermath of the War New government Independence Emilio Aguinaldo

11 Foreign Influence in China
John Hay’s Open Door Notes John Hay Open Door Notes The Boxer Rebellion in China Secret groups- Boxers Boxer Rebellion America’s Role John Hay

12 The Impact of U.S Territorial Gains
Protecting American Rights Open Door Notes (2) Foreign policy and economy The Impact of U.S Territorial Gains McKinley’s re-election Anti-Imperialist League

13 Section Four America As a World Power
Teddy Roosevelt and the World Roosevelt the Peacemaker 1904 – War Japan’s request Treaty of Portsmouth, 1905 Nobel Peace Prize, 1906 Roosevelt

14 Constructing the Canal
Panama Canal Need for a canal Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 1901 Panamanian rebellion U.S. involvement Panama’s independence Constructing the Canal Challenges August 15, 1914 Costs

15 Woodrow Wilson’s Missionary Diplomacy
The Roosevelt Corollary Monroe Doctrine Purpose Dollar Diplomacy Nicaragua Woodrow Wilson’s Missionary Diplomacy The United States’ moral responsibility The Mexican Revolution Porfiro Diaz 1911, Francisco Madero General Victoriano Huerta Intervention in Mexico April 1914 1915, withdrawl

16 Rebellion in Mexico Chasing Villa Rebels Francisco “Pancho” Villa
Emiliano Zapata Villa’s attacks on Americans Chasing Villa John J. Pershing U.S. Invasion and withdrawl Alvaro Obregon and an end to Civil War Foreign Policy Goals John J. Pershing

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