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Philosophes say... Scientists say… Culture French Revolution Wild Card

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1 Philosophes say... Scientists say… Culture French Revolution Wild Card 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

2 I first admired England’s government, but then I achieved fame by expressing my love of enlightened despotism.

3 Voltaire

4 I loved England’s government because of the separation of powers and sharing of power with the nobles and bourgeosie.

5 Montesquieu

6 I think popular sovereignty and consensus provide ideal government; and, let your children explore on their own.

7 Rousseau

8 I first served as a diplomat, then wrote a history of England after a scandal forced me to retire. I contributed to the development of the scientific method.

9 Bacon

10 “I think therefore I am.”

11 Descartes

12 I synthesized scientific ideas from Galileo, Copernicus, and Kepler.

13 Newton

14 I proposed the heliocentric theory just before I died because I didn’t want to get in trouble with the Church.

15 Copernicus

16 I proved the heliocentric theory using data from Tycho Brahe.

17 Kepler

18 I popularized the geocentric theory, later adopted by the Roman Catholic Church.

19 Aristotle

20 After 1630 we greatly supported scientific research and development although we had initially been its strongest opponents.

21 Protestants

22 Because you had to wait for your father to die to get your inheritance.

23 Why did people marry later before 1750

24 Common in Europe where family members worked together on the farm or in a shop in gender specific roles

25 Nuclear family

26 They required pregnant women to marry their baby’s daddy.

27 Community controls

28 His unethical tests on a child introduced a vaccination that helped eradicate smallpox.

29 Dr. Edward Jenner

30 The plague disappeared; the food supply increased; more people were born; and smallpox inoculation proved effective.

31 Why the population exploded after 1750.

32 Debt, Enlightenment ideas, agricultural crisis, social class system which kept wealth in the hands of a few

33 Causes of the French Revolution

34 Begun by the National Convention, Napoleon completed this organization of French laws.

35 Napoleonic Code

36 They angrily went to Versailles to find food and to punish Marie Antoinette.

37 March of the Parisian Women

38 After L’Ouverture’s arrest and death in a French prison, he led St
After L’Ouverture’s arrest and death in a French prison, he led St. Domingue to independence as Haiti.

39 Jean-Jacques Dessalines

40 Founded the Bank of France; Napoleonic Code; created a national education system; centralized government; readmitted emigrés; Concordat of 1801

41 Positive aspects of Napoleonic reign

42 William and Mary replace James II and no one died.

43 Glorious Revolution

44 This law pushed many peasants and Roman Catholic clergy to join the counterrevolution.

45 Civil Constitution of the Clergy

46 Motivated to become Lutheran so they could gain control of Church finances and land in their territories.

47 German princes

48 French Huguenots fought these, including the War of the Three Henries, to win freedom of religion and their survival.

49 French Religious Wars

50 Reasons why German peasants revolted during the 1500s.

51 Demands for economic change and Lutheranism

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