Empires of Mesopotamia

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1 Empires of Mesopotamia

2 2350 BC Sargon and the Akkadians Conquer Mesopotamia
1590 BC The Kassites took control from the Hittites and ruled Mesopotamia 612 BC The Chaldeans took over the Assyrians 900 BC The Assyrians loss power but regained it and started taking all of the region 7000 BC 1st farm settlements were formed in Mesopotamia 1792 BC Hammurabi became King of Babylon 1200 BC The Assyrians had their 1st campaign as rulers of the Fertile Crescent 3000 BC Several thousand Sumerians had settled in Mesopotamia 1800 BC The Babylonian Empire took control of Mesopotamia 652 BC A Series of wars broke out inside the Assyrian Empire and weakened their power. 1595 BC The Hittites conquered the powerful Babylon Empire with use of CHARIOTS 2000 BC The Strong Civilization of Ur loses power

3 1st Settlements World’s 1st Civilizations Began Farmers
No longer needed to hunt and gather City-States Started to form Strong central city and the country side around it World’s 1st Civilizations Began

4 Sumeria World’s 1st Civilizations Began
Empires began to spread throughout Mesopotamia land with different territories and people under a single rule. AKKADIAN EMPIRE Sargon ruled from BC 1st Permanent Army

5 Sumeria Religion Polytheism – the worship of many Gods
Priests – performed or led religious ceremonies Ziggurats – pyramid shaped temple to worship the Gods

6 Sumeria Social Heirarchy – Division of society by rank or class (Who is most important and who is least important) KINGS PRIESTS CRAFTSPEOPLE, MERCHANTS, and TRADERS FARMERS and LABORERS SLAVES

7 Sumeria Achievements Cuneiform – World’s 1st writing system Wheel Plow
Built Sewer Systems Bronze Tools and Weapons Great mathematicians Calendar 12 Month year Great Builders Awesome ART

8 Babylon Babylonian Empire Hammurabi 1800 BC – 1595 BC
Brilliant War Leader Increased Trade to Mesopotamia Hammurabi’s Code – set of 282 laws that dealt with almost every part of daily life inscribed on a tall basalt pillar.

9 BCE: Sumer & Babylon

10 The Hittites and Kassites
1595 BC – ruled for only a short time Strong Kingdom Used Chariots Mastered Ironworking Kassites Took over Mesopotamia while the Hittites were in tough times. 1600 – 1200 BC

11 Assyrians Assyrian Empire
1200 – 652 BC Long lasting empire but swayed until 900 BC when they started taking control of all of Mesopotamia. Strong Army Iron Weapons and Chariots Killed anyone in their way The King ruled his large empire through local leaders.

12 Chaldeans The Assyrian Empire had wars over who should be King and weakened their major empire. Chaldean Empire took advantage of the weakened state of the Assyrians and took control in 612 BC

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