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Mountain Building, Volcanoes, and Earthquakes
Bellwork – 3-17 What theory is the cartoon at right making fun of?
Name the type of plate boundary and what may form there: A B What is a subduction zone? What kind of boundary do they form at. What is the theory of sea floor spreading What is the theory of plate tectonics? What causes the plates to move
Notes Exit Quiz – answer on an index card
Why wasn’t the theory of continental drift widely accepted? What theory says that the lithosphere is divided into 7 plates that are moving? What is a plate boundary? What happens at a subduction zones? Draw a transform boundary and describe what might form there What do scientists call the area around the pacific ocean with a lot of volcanic and seismic activity?
Bellwork 3/18 List and draw the 3 kinds of plate boundaries
What type of plate boundary is shown Which types of lithosphere are colliding at this boundary? Which kinds of landforms are likely to form at this boundary How do scientists explain how the plates move?
EQ: How do mountains form?
SC.7.E.6.5 & 6.7 Describe what forces cause mountain building, and how it is related to plate tectonics.
How can plate tectonic motion cause deformation?
Plate movement causes stress on rock structures. Deformation – when a rock changes shape due to stress. – (great pressure and heat) Deformation occurs when rock layers bend or break under stress Rocks all start out as layers deposited on top of eachother over time. Bending Breaking forms folds Forms faults
What are 2 kinds of folds? Folds occur when rock layers bend under stress Folds are classified based on the age of the rock layers
1. Synclines Youngest layers are found at the core of a fold (center) and older layers are on the outside Appear arched inward like a bowl Youngest rocks oldest rocks
2. Anticlines The oldest layers are found at core (middle)
Youngest layers are found on the outside of the fold They appear arched upward. They are high in the middle oldest rocks Youngest rocks
Where are the synclines and anticlines?
What are faults? Fault – the crack that forms when large blocks of rock break and move past each other The blocks of rock on either side of the fault are called fault blocks Fault type depends on the type of stress and how the blocks move.
What are the 3 types of Moutains?
The movement of material and heat in Earth’s interior moves the plates that cause Moutain Building They can form through folding, volcanoes, and faulting. Uplifting – when the land rises or mountains form Plates are always in motion so mts are always forming.
What are the 3 types of mountains?
Type of mt Folded Volcanic Fault block How formed Type of boundary they form at Picture example
Exit: Name the kind of plate movement and the mountains it formed pictured below.
Bellwork – T/F Lava is inside earths crust and may contain trapped gases Volcanoes can form at divergent plate boundaries A subduction zone is formed at transform boundaries Dormant volcanoes will never erupt Volcanoes can only form at plate boundaries
Volcanoes EQ: How do volcanoes change the Earth’s Surface?
Describe formation of volcanoes, eruptions, and how they change the earth’s surface.
What is a volcano? Volcano: any place where gas, ash, or melted rock come out of the ground. Can be a mountain or a crack in the ground Can be on land or under water
What is a volcano? Volcanoes form as rock below the surface melts and becomes magma The warm magma rises to surface and becomes lava. Lava and clouds of gas erupt from an opening called a vent
Label the parts of the volcano
Magma, lava, vent, ash cloud
What are the kinds of volcanic landforms?
Fissures and lava plateaus – when lava flows form giant cracks in earth’s surface forming a long flattened layer called a lava plateau Craters – an opening or depression at the top of a volcano caused by eruptions Caldera – When the magma chamber empties below a volcano and it collapses leaving a basin shaped depression Volcanic Mountains - Classified based on eruption
Volcanic mountains Shield Cinder Cone Composite
Broad base and gently sloping sides – as layers of lava flow from the vent and build up Steep volcano made from bits of cinders and solidified lava that fall back to the ground around after an eruption Formed from alternating layers of lava and hot ash and bits of rock Form from mild eruptions Explosive eruptions Alternating mild eruptions and explosive eruptions
Shield Volcano ‘’ Broad base and gently sloping sides – as layers of lava flow from the vent and build up Mild non explosive lava eruptions It is usually many times larger than a composite cone or cinder cone volcano. Mauna Kea volcano picture from
Cinder Cone - Paracútin
Steep volcano made from bits of cinders and solidified lava that fall back to the ground around after an eruption smaller Explosive eruptions – also called pyroclastic On February 20, 1943, a Mexican farmer noticed that a hole in his cornfield that had been there for as long as he could remember was giving off smoke. Throughout the night, hot glowing cinders were thrown high into the air. In just a few days, a cinder cone several hundred meters high covered his cornfield.
Composite Volcano – Mount St. Helens
Formed from alternating layers of lava and hot ash and bits of rock Alternating mild eruptions and explosive eruptions Erupted in 1980 57 fatalities Over 7000 big game animals perished 4 billion board feet of timber (enough to build about 300,000 two- bedroom homes) destroyed Destroyed 27 bridges, nearly 200 homes. Blast and lahars destroyed more than 185 miles of highways and roads and 15 miles of railways.
Where do volcanoes form?
Volcanoes can form at Plate Boundaries or in the middle of a tectonic plate
Volcanoes at divergent boundaries
Plates move away from each other Create fissure eruptions and sheild volcanoes Ex/ mid ocean ridge and rift valleys
Volcanoes at convergent boundaries
Plates move toward each other at subduction zones Form composite volcanoes and calderas as magma rises and erupts Cascade Mt Range
Volcanoes at Hot Spots In the middle of a plate when a mantle plume rises to the lithosphere Forms chains of volcanic mountains Hawaiian islands
Exit: T/F Lava is inside earths crust and may contain trapped gases
The of volcano shown is a shield volcano Volcanoes can form at divergent plate boundaries Hot spots are located on tectonic plate boundaries. Composite volcanoes have alternating explosive and mild eruptions.
Bellwork The volcano pictured above is a composite volcano. How did it get it’s layered interior? What kind of volcano is pictured at the right? How do you know? What is a hot spot volcano?
Bellwork A bakery offers white, chocolate or yellow cake with white or chocolate frosting. There are also 24 different cake designs to choose from. How many different types of cakes can a customer order. What is the probability that a customer will order a chocolate cake? What kind of stress on rocks causes them to break? What kind of mountains are formed from this kind of stress?
Bellwork: Use the handout to complete the graphic organizer on Faults:
Earth quakes EQ: why do earthquakes happen
What are 3 kinds of faults?
Fault – the crack that forms when large blocks of rock break and move past each other The blocks of rock on either side of the fault are called fault blocks Fault type depends on the type of stress and how the blocks move. Fault plane – where 2 blocks meet Hanging wall – block above the fault plane Foot wall – block below the fault plane
Strike Slip Fault Fault blocks move past each other horizontally
Type of stress – Sheer – rock sliding in parallel opposite directions. Happen along transform boundaries Forms earthquakes
Normal faults Hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall
Type of stress = tension – stress that pulls rock apart Happens along divergent boundaries Forms basins
Reverse Fault Hanging wall moves up relative to the foot wall
Type of stress – compression - rocks are pushed together. Found at convergent boundaries Forms mountains
What is an earthquake Earthquakes are ground movements that occur when blocks of rock in earth move suddenly and release energy The energy released = seismic waves Most occur at plate boundaries – stress causes rocks to break (fault) –when the stress is released = earthquake
What are the parts of an earthquake
Focus – place in earth in which the first motion occurs Epicenter – on earth’s surface directly above the focus Seismic Waves come out from the focus Fault line – where the rock breaks
Bellwork List the 3 kinds of faults Label the diagram of an earthquake
What causes earthquakes?
Elastic rebound – this slide shows elastic rebound
Elastic rebound – this slide shows elastic rebound. Using your knowledge of faults, describe what you think is happening in this picture (use the words pressure, stress, deformation, fault rock to help in your explanation)
What is elastic rebound?
Rock moves back to its original shape Stress is released along fault Stress builds up Rock deforms (changes shape) Rock is put under pressure Rock is put under pressure
Types of faults video
As you watch be able to answer: What is a fault What are 3 kinds of faults What is formed at each of the 3 kinds of faults What kind of fault is the San Andreas Fault Could California fall into the ocean? Why or Why not
3 door Earthquake foldable directions: Fold a piece of notebook paper in half lengthwise (hot dog), then fold into thirds. Cut the front cover as shown Front: Cut out and paste the pictures of the types of faults AND their names . Label the footwall and hanging wall and draw arrows to show the kind of movement. Inside Left: Write the name of the type of plate boundary found at this type of fault and describe the plate movement (see word bank below) Inside Right: Describe the type of stress on the plates . Draw a set of arrows to indicate the direction of the stress/ forces (word choices below) FAULTS STRIKE-SLIP FAULT REVERSE FAULT NORMAL FAULT At transform plate boundaries At divergent plate boundaries At convergent plate boundaries Sheer stress slides the rocks past each other in opposite directions Tension forces pull blocks apart. One drops down relative to the other. Compression forces push the blocks together. One block moves up relative to the other
Where do earthquakes happen?
At divergent boundaries – plates pull apart Causes tension Shallow earthquakes Normal faults At convergent boundaries Plates collide Compression stress causes reverse faults Very strong earthquakes At Transform boundaries – slide past eachother Sheer stress Cause strike slip faults
Volcano formation website animation
7th period revised volcano project
Title slide: name of volcano, picture and your names Slide 2: where it is located including a map Slide 3: 5 interesting facts slide 4: last eruption/damages Slide 5: Short paragraph encouraging me to go to this volcano and explaining why I should
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