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Petrology Chapter 12 G. Sen.

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Presentation on theme: "Petrology Chapter 12 G. Sen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Petrology Chapter 12 G. Sen

2 Ages of Anorthosites

3 Archaean Anorthosite

4 REE of Anorthosites

5 Phinney Model

6 Stratigraphy of an Archaean Ophiolite: Ivaisaartoq Intrusion, Greenland

7 Polat’s Model of origin of the Ivaisaartoq Intrusion

8 Ashwal’s Model

9 Global belt of Proterozoic Anorthosites in the Gondwanaland

10 North American Anorthosite Belt

11 Nain Complex

12 Pyroxenes in Nain complex
Blue – anorthosites; gray – granitoids; green – ferrodiorites. (Emslie et al. 1994)

13 Composition of Nain Groups

14 Cross-section of Poe Mtn. anorthosite

15 Plagioclase-melt Densities

16 Phase relations at 1 GPa (Longhi et al. 1999)

17 Genesis of AMCG Suite

18 Spinifex Structures

19 Komatiite Flow

20 Ore Deposits in Komatiites
Huppert & Sparks (1985)

21 Komatiites & Komatiites

22 Phase diagram

23 MgO-SiO2 of Komatiite Types

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