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Reactions against abolitionism in the South

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1 Reactions against abolitionism in the South

2 Flipped Learning Due today: TASK: Compare answers with the person opposite you, and add anything you have missed in green pen. Read the immigration handout and answer the questions at the bottom of the handout.

3 Mark off in your planner

4 W.A.S.P Big Picture: Religion White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
2 German tribes that invaded England around B.C Comes out of the Reformation. Different types of Protestants (Anglican, Evangelical, Methodist, Baptist)

5 Second Great Awakening
Big Picture: Religion Second Great Awakening New religious movement Radically Protestant Role of Women Temperance (no alcohol)

6 2nd Party System Big Picture: Politics DEMOCRATS WHIGS
Party of the ordinary man Party of business and wealth No tariffs Tariffs to support industry States Rights Strong Federal government National party with votes in the north and the south

7 Tension: Politics Whigs Know Nothings Republicans

8 Mark off in your planner

9 Topic: Southern Political Leaders
KNOW About the election of Pierce and his Presidency EXPLAIN Reactions to Pierce’s actions as President EVALUATE Decide how successful Pierce was in his expansionist policies Based on the lesson topic, and what you have studied so far, discuss: What will be covered in today’s lesson? What will you need to know by the end of today’s lesson?

10 1852 Presidential Election
Imagine you are in 1852, using the first paragraph on p.57, create a poster for the Democrat election campaign. Consider: The candidate The audience The platform

11 1852 Presidential Election
Using the second paragraph on p.57, write a short speech bubble explaining what the Northern Whigs wanted, and another with what the Southern Whigs wanted. Then below, summarise who was picked as the Presidential candidate, and the platform Fillmore – Fugitive Slave Law Winifield Scott (not a slave owner)

12 1852 Presidential Election

13 President Pierce Using p.57, bullet point the four reasons Pierce was in a strong position in order of importance.

14 President Pierce Gadsden Purchase Cuba Ostend Manifesto

15 Slave Power Conspiracy
Based on the information on this slide, what do you think the Slave Power Conspiracy was? Pro-Southern Presidents James Polk Franklin Pierce Fugitive Slave Law 1850 Fugitive Slave Law New Territory Texas Mexican Secession Land Gadsden Purchase Cuba

16 To what extent did the policies of Pierce increase sectional tension
To what extent did the policies of Pierce increase sectional tension? Justify your judgement. Not at all Completely

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